One Step At A Time

To say that I was moving to the other side of the country was not wrong. City D was located to the southeast, while City Z was almost as far northwest as you could get.

I did some research on the area and its people when I first received the acceptance letter, but since beggars couldn't be choosers, I stuck mainly to the beautiful scenery that surrounded the city.

I knew it wouldn't be easy to live there, especially on my own. But the director of the hospital had offered to let me stay with him and his family while I got used to things. It was a nice offer, and at the end of the day, if I wasn't happy there, I knew I could always go back home.

But I wanted to be a doctor.

So, no matter how hard or how many obstacles popped up to try and trip me, I would continue forward on my path.

One step at a time. That was all I needed to do. Just take things one step at a time.