Something Was Rotten In The State Of Denmark

"It really was nothing. I was tired for two days and slept most of the time. The doctor told me that I had a fever for most of the time, but when it broke, they knew I would be okay. They even kept us for almost a week after, running more tests on us to make sure that we were completely fine."

Bai Long Qiang tried to pull me back down into his arms, but I held myself back. This was much too important to just dismiss like that.

As a doctor, I understood the amount of work that went into a vaccine. I understood how many trials and hoops a company had to go through to have their vaccine pass the stage for human trials.

And it was not done in this short of a time.

The fact that the military kept them in the barracks even after they no longer displayed any side effects was… not normal….

Not by any stretch of the imagination.