The Zombies Were Here

Si Dong looked down the fixed front peep sight of his CSIG JS 9mm submachine gun as he swiped right to left to right again with each step forward. 

It didn't matter that the streets were utterly deserted; he was not going to take any chance of yet another zombie ambush. He ignored the puddle he had just stepped in, didn't even register it. Puddles of blood were too large to have dried even after all this time. 

His footsteps fell silently as he continued forward. He wasn't rushing, but there was no way he was going as slow as he was before. 

None of them were taking their time anymore. 

Not when it could be Wang Tian Mu's life or death. 

It took them thirty minutes to get to the hospital after they got off the highway. 

There were several different accidents in front of it, all in and around lighted intersections. They must have happened when the EMP hit, and everything turned off. The cars wouldn't have been able to function either.