You Want To Know, Kitten?

Ye Yao Zu narrowed his eyes, studying Fan Teng Fei. The man had been standing still for a few seconds, just staring at the empty space in front of him. 


"You good, man?" he asked, putting his hand on his friend's shoulder.


"Yeah, I'm good," replied Yan Teng Fei, blinking rapidly a few times. "I think I got a superpower."


Cheng Bo Jing and Bai Long Qiang approached him and looked him over. "What are you talking about?" demanded Bai Long Qiang. 


"I think I have a place to put stuff in," muttered Fan Teng Fei, seeming out of it as he spoke to the others. "I was trying to think of a way I could take everything, and they disappeared. I closed my eyes, and they were in an empty room inside my mind."