Picking Sides

Bai Long Qiang watched as Liao Gang Bo opened the door to one of the buildings and gestured for them to go inside. It looked like one of the typical buildings found in every military base in the country, and he was willing to bet that the layout would be the same. 


He snorted as he walked up the flights of stairs until he got to the floor he knew held the conference rooms. 


"You know where you are going," smiled Liao Gang Bo, and Bai Long Qiang nodded.


"It seems like if you have been in one of these, you have been in all of them," he laughed. 


"I guess it is cheaper to use only one base plan than to make each one unique," replied Liao Gang Bo as he once again opened the door to the level. "The meeting is being held in Conference Room B."


Not bothering to reply, Bai Long Qiang strolled through the hallway and into the room, trusting his men to have his back.