I've Heard A Lot About You

"Do you remember what I said?" asked Hu Wen Cheng as he, Bai Long Qiang, and Cheng Bo Jing waited in one of the upper lounges of his fight club.

"Keep our mouths shut?" snipped Bai Long Qiang. It was earlier than what Wang Chao's woman said, but he wanted to be there for Wang Tian Mu sooner rather than later. He could survive any form of Hell as long as his woman was waiting for him on the other side.


"Reavers are a higher evolution than the zombies," started Hu Wen Cheng with a sigh. If there wasn't something inside of Camp Hell that he wanted, he would not be going through this shit with a sulky teenager… even if the man was in his 30s.


Cheng Bo Jing nodded his head as he listened to what the other man had said. One thing he had learned early on was the fact that Hu Wen Cheng's sources were as good, if not better than his own.