Who Gave You Permission?

"The Zhou Family and the Wang Family don't always get along. In fact, there were some rumors that suggested that now that Wang Chao had returned to the city, Zhou Jun Jie would be ousted," supplied Cheng Bo Jing with a smile on his face.

"After all, General Wang Chao is considered to be the Prince of City A," added Si Dong as he got up off the floor and went into the kitchen to find something to eat.

In front of everyone, he picked up the dish in front of him and tossed the whole thing in the garbage.

"Sorry, I would have washed it out, but I really didn't want to touch whatever was in it," he continued, wiping his hands.

Wu Bai Hee turned white at his actions, and she turned to look at Zhou Jun Jie. "All that food," she gasped, the tears coming to her eyes as she looked up at the man beside her. "It could have fed a whole family in the sums with leftovers for the next day."