Right Or Wrong

"Trap?" asked Bai Long Qiang, looking at the man in front of him. It was clear just how stressed he was by the look on his face. But what Bai Long Qiang didn't like was the leader of the other teams coming over and joining in on the conversation.


"What's going on?" asked one of the men he had only just met. Fang Ting Guang had introduced himself as the leader of Oath of the Honest. He looked and acted as if he was still in the military, but his slight limp clued the others into why he had joined the Wang family guard.


"I am going to assume that Chang Gup Zi's Spidey senses are tingling… just like the rest of ours are," joked the head of Vengeance of the Promise. Unlike Fang Ting Guang, Jia Yu Sheng had let his hair grow past regulation length, but that was really the only difference between the two leaders.