Giving Him An Idea

"I take it things didn't get better?" I asked. I was now sitting beside Wu Ying Tai on the bed, my body no longer able to support my weight. But I couldn't give up. This woman has had the shit end of the stick all of her life. She needed something to make her happy.


"No," she chuckled, still weak. However, now that I knew I was looking for poison and not a hole, I redirected my power into the walls and cells that made up her body instead of just trying to fix things one organ at a time. "I got incredibly sick. Dad blamed Huang Xiao Wen since he was the one looking after me at that time, but he and I knew what was really going on."


"You weren't taking the suppressant anymore," I nodded, understanding. They were doing the right thing, but instead of it being a cure, it was a curse.