The Realm Of Possibilities

"Before we start, I want to know what you are expecting in return," said the old man as he sat up in his wheelchair. 


Bin An Sha snorted but didn't say anything. There was nothing we wanted, but most didn't understand that. Being a doctor was a lot like having a calling. You didn't help people to get all sorts of riches. In fact, while we were paid well, it wasn't nearly as much as what it could have been. 


"Glassware, vases, and 500-count sheets," I said, knowing that he wouldn't believe my honest answer. He had nothing that I wanted… nor could he really do anything for us.


"What?" he asked, sputtering as he looked between me and Bin An Sha as if he was expecting the other man to protest at such a request. "That's what you want? Not food or protection, but cups and sheets?"