I Really Am Not

In my head, I had it all worked out. She was the one using her power to take from me, so I would use my power to take from her. 


Only she had used up a lot of her life force using her power in the first place. Combined with Cheng Bo Jing's toxin inside of her… she no longer had enough energy to heal me. In fact, I was pretty sure that she was standing through sheer strength of will. 


Oops. I don't think the guys are going to be too impressed with me. 


Shrugging my shoulders, knowing that there wasn't a lot I could do at this point. I grabbed all of the energy left inside of Wei Li Qin and pulled it into my body. 


It was nowhere near enough. 


I watched impassively as the woman blinked at me, a look of disbelief on her face as her eyes rolled back into her head, and she collapsed to the floor. Dead.