
Chang Guo Zi watched the guard in front of him processing the almost thirty women that they had saved from the mall. 


He got to spend the last week watching as his men and friends fell deeper and deeper under whatever spell they had placed on them to the point where he wondered why he was so special as to not be affected. 


'Your heart is full, and you have no doubts about your future.' The words Si Dong told him rang in his head every time he started to be tempted to surrender to one of the women. And they did try. He had to give them that. 


He couldn't put a finger on what exactly they were doing, but every time one of them got too close, all he could think of was Lai Dan Dan and the expression she would make every time he walked into the guild building. 


And then, when he looked at the woman in front of him again, he noticed that they were a little less enchanting, a little less sparkly.