Can You Say The Same?

"No!" he insisted, becoming more and more worried about his plan to keep the child. If Wang Tian Mu weren't interested in the child, he would have to keep one of the women alive to be able to look after him… and he really didn't want to take that chance. 


He was worried that the abuse and neglect that he saw now would just continue if the child weren't taken out of harm's way. 


But it was the middle of the zombie apocalypse; there was no longer a safe place to raise a child.


"I see," replied Wang Tian Mu, nodding her head. "Then, of course, he can stay with us."


That was one of the things that Cheng Bo Jing loved about the woman in front of him. He didn't have to ask; she already knew what was on his mind.


"Sorry," she continued, shrugging. "I was a little stressed when you weren't where you were supposed to be, and no one could find you."