
I had to laugh at myself right now. 


Just yesterday, I was shaking my head at the fact that Fan Teng Fei gravitated to the window in whatever room we were in. I never could figure out why, but I knew that if I needed to find him, that was where he would be. 


Beside the window. 


And yet, here I was, leaning against his body, looking out of the window with him.


Time seemed to be moving both much too slowly and much too fast. I wavered between wanting the zombies to just hurry up and get here and wishing that they would never come at all. 


Of course, it didn't help that my brain was shooting out random things and random times or that the ants that loved to give me advanced warnings were wavering as much as I was. 


Some moments, my arms were on fire. The next, they were ice cold. But there was no happy medium where the ants just left me alone.