I’m Leaving Now

"That's not my baby."

I could hear Wu Bai Hee hissing from inside of her own bedroom. And to say that I wasn't impressed was an understatement. 

My guys had moved her body over to her own place after I cleaned her up as best as I could, and she had been screaming ever since she woke up. 

Zhao Jun Jie, on the other hand, has refused to leave the chair in our condo. He was utterly convinced that if he let go of his daughter for even a moment, she was going to die. 

I had initially thought that he was suffering from postpartum depression, but that was generally attributed to the mothers. But now, listening to Wu Bai Hee for the past five minutes, I was more inclined to believe that he had a legitimate reason to fear for his daughter's life. 

Luckily for all of us, Hei, the kleptomaniac crow, had started bringing back random baby things, like clothes, formula, and bottles, so Zhao Jun Jie really didn't have to leave.