That Is Why The Zombies Come (The End)

I lost count of the number of orgasms that Fan Teng Fei, Ye Yao Zu, and Si Dong managed to wring out of me before I ultimately passed out.


Not that I was complaining in the least.


I woke up wonderfully satisfied, without a bone in my body and my brain blessedly silent for the first time in a long time.


Life was good.


"Good morning, Cuddles," smiled a very sleepy Si Dong as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. I think it was just the two of us in bed right now, but I wasn't willing to open my eyes to check.


"Morning," I croaked out, my voice more than a little hoarse. Si Dong smiled as he burrowed his face into my neck.


"What's on the docket for today?" asked someone from the entrance of the master bedroom. I cracked open one eye as I looked at Bin An Sha.


"Does there have to be anything on the docket for today?" I asked, completely happy to spend the rest of the day in bed.