CHAPTER 13 The Human Condition

  ~ RIG ~

  “Yes, I’m certain. It was one guy. But he had… he had a dog or something with him.” I said the words carefully, avoiding Cara’s eyes, praying she didn’t hear me. There were lights in the clearing now. The Police Officer stood just a couple feet away, his notebook in his hand and a stern look on his face. Cara, the wound on her neck already cleaned and covered, was being strapped to the board so the ambulance officers could carry her out, but her knee was causing her a lot of pain.

  “We have had a couple of attacks recently. But no one has seen them except the victims. You’re absolutely sure—”

  “Did I stutter?” I snarled. My tension was growing, but they didn’t know that. The officer’s face tightened and I made myself take a breath. My frustration wasn’t for this human, but for the conversation going on in my head between my packmates who had followed the creature’s trail all the way to the main street just outside of Campus where it went cold.