CHAPTER 36 Feeling Squirmy

  ~ CARA ~

  A few days later, I woke up feeling odd. In truth, I’d been feeling odd for days. Walking with Ralf the night before I’d finally recognized the feeling—why when I kissed Rig I didn’t freeze up the way I always had in the past.

  I’d been walking through the dark, my hand trailing on Ralf’s fur—because he still showed up every night to walk with me—and I’d realized I was just strolling. Enjoying the night. I didn’t feel afraid. Because I knew if anything happened, Ralf would take care of it.

  That had made me remember the thing Rig had said in the pet store that day.

  He’d been staring down at me, and for the first time I’d felt like I was seeing Rig Landon without the mask of flirty mischief. He’d looked… intense. And his words had made my heart beat faster.

  “…I’d never hurt you, Cara. You don’t have to be scared of me, and you don’t have to be scared around me. I’m not a threat to you. And if something else comes up that is… I’ll handle it.”