CHAPTER 45 Fool Me Once

  ~ RIG ~

  “You bastard!”

  Forgetting Natalie completely, I launched myself across the room, towards Mack, only the tiniest voice in the back of my head screaming that Cara was there and I couldn’t show my wolf!

  A guttural snarl tore out of my throat and my hands clawed as I went for my oldest friend, who smirked.

  But Cara shoved Mack aside and stepped between us just as I reached for him and every instinct in my body yanked me to a halt. I couldn’t hurt my mate. Couldn’t touch her in anger.

  My chest heaved and rasped, “Get out of the way, Cara.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do you lying fucking cheater!” she shrilled.

  I snapped my head to look at her, my entire body buzzing with rage. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I was there, Rig. I saw the kiss—all this bullshit you’ve been feeding me about waiting for it to be special and—fuck! I can’t believe I fell for it, you asshole!”