CHAPTER 47 The Apple and the Tree

  ~ CARA ~

  Something was wrong. Something was really, really wrong.

  As Charlie silently ushered me out of the hotel and into the parking lot, towards the massive, extended-cab truck that he drove, my entire body shook. And not just with tears.

  Oh, I was crying. But it was rage that shoved the tears over my lashes and down my cheeks, and fury that made my hands sweat.

  My head spun with it, and my chest was tight. I panted short, shallow breaths and my jaw was clenched so tight I was afraid I’d crack my teeth.

  I was furious.

  And heartbroken.

  And my body seemed to be channeling everything I felt into tension that twisted in my guts and threatened to spill out if I was bumped too hard.

  When Charlie grabbed my elbow to pull me to a stop next to Mack’s car so he could get my bag out of it, I almost slapped him.

  When he called for me to follow him to his truck, I wanted to swear.