CHAPTER 51 Turning Hearts

  If you like music while you read, try “FREE” by Tommy Proffitt + SVRCINA. It’s what I listened to while writing this scene!

  ~ CARA ~

  Half an hour after barricading myself in my room, I had wiped my eyes and gotten myself together. I didn’t have much time. My father was passed out, but I could hear my mother crying and fussing downstairs. If he didn’t wake soon, she’d cave and start trying to revive him. That meant I had to get out of there.

  So I took a deep breath and pushed to my feet, pulling my bag up onto the bed and opening it. This might be the last time I stepped foot in this room. I had to make certain I didn’t leave anything important.

  The truth was, there wasn’t much for me to take. A few books. My old journals. And the quilt my late grandmother had made for me.

  I didn’t want any of the things that smelled like this place, or reminded me of my years in this house.