If you like music while you read, try “Just Pretend” by Bad Omens. It’s perfect for Rig’s state of mind in the following scenes!
~ RIG ~
The days following the party were some of the hardest, and most frustrating of my life. And the nights were some of the simplest pleasures I’d ever experienced.
Whatever was happening to Cara, she was giving over to the change. She’d clearly stopped resisting—or maybe the urges had just become too strong for her. I wasn’t sure. All I knew was, every night I waited in the woods as Ralf, and every night she came out and we spent hours searching the woods.
I kept the guys on call and nearby, ready to shift, in case we crossed paths with the Night Walker—because it became clear very early on that that was who she searched for so diligently. And that worked for me. It was a relief to hunt and watch over Cara at the same time. And it gave me a chance to watch her blossom.