CHAPTER 64 Talk to the Hand

  ~ CARA ~

  I’d barely followed any of the discussion. My mind kept replaying that phone call and the tension in Rig’s voice, the edge of desperation.

  Was he really that good of an actor? And what did it mean if he wasn’t?

  Charlie’s words in the car came back to me. That little speech about Rig being different with me—and my conviction about that same thing. I’d seen the shift in him. Noticed it.

  I could feel myself wavering, and that scared the hell out of me.

  Natalie, I reminded myself. The sparks that flew between them whenever they were close—the way he touched her without even thinking about it. The way she was fearless around him and completely undisturbed by his touch. As if it were natural—

  “For fuck’s, sake, Cara. Wake up!”

  I blinked and looked around. Diana sat across the table from me, scowling, her golden hair waving around her shoulders, her perfectly made up face screwed tight with disapproval.

  “I… what? Sorry, I was distracted.”