CHAPTER 75 Learning the Lines – Part 2

  ~ RIG ~

  We were all in the living room, my brothers laughing and joking, emotions running high after the rush of becoming a true pack.

  On a normal night it would have been a rush for me as well, to suddenly feel even more connected, even more certain of them. As a pack, this was a milestone night.

  It was unfair to them that my attention was so completely divided. But as everyone relaxed and sprawled around the living room with their drinks or snacks, I had only half an ear on the conversation, and even less of my mind.

  Cara was here. She was touching me. Her heart was beating too quickly, and adrenaline continued to make her tense, but she was smiling and… her scent drew me. She wanted to be close. The matebond thrummed with our dual relief.

  And right alongside it hummed my Alpha power, increasing with every breath as the hearts and lives of the wolves around me twined with mine.