CHAPTER 78 Something Different

  ~ CARA ~

  Rig blew out a breath like a balloon that had been deflated and he raked a hand through his hair. “You scared me,” he murmured, then took a deep breath, holding my gaze. “We do have a power… it’s called the Allure. But you need to know, Cara, I never used it on you after that first day. Even before I knew who you were… what you were going to be to me… I wasn’t using it. Mack was, the fucker. But I wasn’t. The draw… that tugging inside, I feel it too. It’s the matebond.” A shadow passed behind his eyes, but then he offered his hand, much like he had back in the forest, palm up. “I’m telling you the truth. Touch me. Feel me. Feel how our bodies pull for each other. That draw we’re feeling, it’s never going to go away. That’s not the Allure. That’s not something I’ve ever felt with anyone else at all. And… I don’t want to.”