CHAPTER 94.   Don’t Trust – Part 3

  ~ RIG ~

  Shit. Shit shit shit. Shit.

  Cara was staring at me like I’d grown a second head—but I could feel her anger rising too.

  Shit. She didn’t understand.

  We both took a second to breath and calm down, but my head was racing.

  I didn’t want to kill Meg. Of course not. It wasn’t even the first thing I’d thought. But I couldn’t deny it was more than possible. She hadn’t just come to believe the wolves were real, she’d connected them with me. With us. That wasn’t something we could just ignore.


  “You said I’ll be female Alpha.” Her voice was shaky—with anger or fear?

  “You already are.”

  “So that means I have some say, right?”

  “Yes, of course! But, you have to understand—”

  “No, Rig. You have to understand. I’m here. I’m your mate. I’m female Alpha. I’m… whatever. And I say, we don’t kill people for figuring out the truth.”