CHAPTER 117 A Place of Safety – Part 2 (7 Jan)

  If you like music while you read, try “I’m With You” by Corvyx. It’s Rig’s song for Cara, and what I was listening to while I was writing this scene!


  ~ RIG ~

  My pulse thumped in my ears as Cara’s eyes flew wide and her mouth dropped open. She froze and suddenly every fear, every last nerve, screamed at me.

  Was she going to say no?

  “What? Rig… how? Your dad… the pack—”

  I gripped her, pleading with her to see that I was telling her the truth. “I don’t ever want you to question if I’m really here, Cara. Not once. I see it in you every day—I smell it on you. You’re afraid. Afraid I’m leaving or that I have eyes for anyone else. You’re afraid that I’m… I don’t know… still a man-whore? That kills me. You’re everything to me now. I swear it. I want to bite something every time you doubt me because I’m over here just dying to be with you all the time. But…I get it to. Last night I realized how to show you, Cara.”