CHAPTER 143 Death Knell

  ~ CARA ~

  Nerves fluttered in my stomach, outright fear shoved adrenaline through my veins.

  Rig sat with his elbows on the table and his head in his hands, snarling at himself. “…didn’t think it all through. I was so sure we had it… I was so sure…”

  I reached across the little table and put a hand on his arm—it was steel under my hand. He was in crisis and I hated that I had no idea what to do to help him.

  “Rig, there’s no point whipping yourself with it now, it’s done. We have to… to figure out what we’re going to do when we leave, right?”

  He nodded, but didn’t speak, his eyes open but fixed on nothing, his jaw to tight I was worried he was going to crack a tooth.

  He cursed and shoved out the table, pacing on the carpet. “If he doesn’t bond, Dad’s going to know that I did—and figure out pretty fast that it wasn’t to Natalie. And if he does, Dad’s coming for both of you, because that’s prohibited. Most wolves don’t even think it’s possible. Shit… shit.”