CHAPTER 182 All the Ripples

  ~ CARA ~

  “Where are we going?” I asked breathlessly.

  The trees were thick on this side of the driveway, but rather than answer, Rig only turned his head to meet my eyes, smiled, and suddenly took a step off the gravel driveway and towards those looming shadows along the road.

  A few feet later my eyes adjusted and I could make out straight lines in the dark shadows under the tall pines, and soon a strange little building was revealed.

  At first it just looked like a weird out-building. An octagonal room with a low, cone roof, hidden from the view of the house by thick trees and bushes.

  I looked up at Rig.

  “You know, when I was younger and this was just a place to play, I used to complain to my dad about how he had this built so far from the house—but now I think I get it,” he said gruffly. “That was back when he was still into my mom.”