CHAPTER 237 Time to Fight

  ~ CARA ~

  'Cara, are you okay? Are you hurt?' Rig sent for the third time since we’d backed out of his father’s driveway so fast the tires squealed on the cobblestones.

  Charlie drove and Rig sat in the back of his big truck with me, gripping my hand and staring in every direction like he was certain we'd be ambushed at any second, even in the moving vehicle. Mack was behind us in his car with Avery, and Jack drove ahead in the Jeep. 

  No one was talking. Even Charlie was pale.

  'I'm fine. I'm telling you, Troy is on our side, Rig. Or, at least, on mine. He wants a family. He wants his own pack. He's sick of your dad's control.'

  ‘He didn’t come with us,’ Rig sent back darkly. ‘I’m not prepared to bank on any help from him yet. And I don’t think you should either, Cara. He’s… a completely unknown quantity.’

  ‘He was helping me back there, Rig. When you all started fighting, he was pulling me clear.’