Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Ultimate Gift

Ultimate Gift It is about 5 in the afternoon when I decide to take a shower, I know that you are coming over later tonight and I wish to be ready for you, So I climb into the shower. Relaxing as the water pounds over my Body, I Grab the soap and begin to wash up, rubbing my hands lightly over my body, I lean back aginst the wall and close my eyes. My hands continue to run across my body as I start to think about you. I imagine that iy is your hands running across my flesh instead of mine. My Hands creep down to my stomach as my thoughts go deeper and deeper into a realm that they have never been to before. I begin to think about our first meeting, How excited we had become that night as we explored one anothers body, How You had tied me to the bed and teased me until I had begged you to fuck me. One hand reaches to spread my lips as the other dips into my wetness, pushing two fingers into my Wet pussy quickly just as you would do if you were there with me. I continue to pump my fingers in and out, thinking back on it all. How you can excite me more than any man than I have ever known. After a few moments I begin to buck aginst my hand getting ready to cum, but just as I am about there, my eyes fly open because I sense another in the room with me. I Look at the shower Curtain and just listen, I can hear something in the room, But i am scared and not going to open the curtain to look. After a few seconds the curtain beins to slide open, I Just stand and stare as it is finishes opening. You are standing there. I Finally let out my breath and move towards you, noticing that You too are naked as if your intention wasonly to join me in the shower. I Come close to you and wrap my arms around your waist. Walking me back into the Shower you kiss me as you close the shower curtain behind us. We continue tokiss and out hands begin to wander, Your hands caressing my full breasts, pinching and pulling at my hard Nipples. My hands Caressing your strong shoulder muscles, lightly running my fingernails down your back, knowing that this excites you very much. You finally break the kiss and reach outto take the soap into your hand, soaping up my boyd, we take turns washing each other, touching each other in places that we have become to know very well, teasing each other, daring the other to do what has never been done before. Finally when the water has become cold enough that we cannot stand it anymore, I reach to turn off the water, then open the shower curtain, You watch as I step out and wrap a big fluffy towel around my body, I Turn back to look at you and you step out behind me. Wrapping another towel around your waist. I reach back to pull your head close to mine.. Kissing you softly, but not giving you enough time to capture me. I Turn and leave the bathroom and I hear you following me and know that you are watching my ass move as I walk to my bedroom. "Sit on the bed and watch" I say softly. You do as I have asked and watch as I walk to my dresser and open the top drawer, Ruffling through through it's contents I Finally decide on what I wish but I do not take it out just yet. I unwrap the towel and I hear you rise off the bed. "Sit down or the night will be over" I say softly, so once again you sit down. I finish toweling off and drop the towel tothe floor. I reach back into the drawer and pull somthin out. I sit in the chair next to the dresser and begin to roll a stocking up my leg, Looking up every once in a whyle to look at you. I finish the first and move tothe second, moving just as slowly as I had with the first. After I smooth those on, I rise to move back to the dresser, gathering a garter belt, I fasten it around my waist and lift my legs one by one to attach the stockings to the belt. Next comes a black bra, I watch your eyes as I pinch my nipple making them hard just before I snap the front closure. I notice that you are no longer covered, but that you have your cock in your hand massaging it. I stand and watch for a Momen befor I trun back to the dresser to pick up a bottle of a light musk, spraying just a touch between my breasts. I turn back to around and walk slowly closer to you, Standing so that I am straddling your legs i touch the back of your neck and pull it closer to me so your head is resting on my stomach. I Feel your breath father across my stomach and rustle through my hair. "Tom" I whisper "Yes Babe" You reply. "Do you know what I want you to do tongiht?" I ask you. "no I don't, What do you want me to do?" "I want you toshave my pussy tonight Tom, Totally. I hear a soft moan escape your lips and your arms tighten around me, I sink to sit in your lap. Your hard cock slippingbetween my very slippery pussy lips, I feel it nudging at the entrance and I reach down to guide it into my wetness. I feel you slowly filling me up and I settle down upon you. sitting for just a moment squeezing your cock and teasing you until you cannot take it anymore and begin to lift your hips in efforts to get deeper inside me With all the waiting and teasing that we have both gone through all night, it does not take long before I grab onto you and start to squeeze your cock and begin moaning into our ear "Oh god. you feel so wonderfull filling me up, I need to feel your cum splashing inside my hot cunt." My words and my cunt squeezing your cock makes your cock start to swell and shoot all of your cum straight into my belly. "oh god, Carole, Your pussy feels so good around my cock, itis so tight, OhYes!!! I am cummmminnnnngggg!!!!!! We sit for a moment, holding each other, reveling in the moment before You arise, taking me in your arms and lifing me with you. You walk around the bed and bend down to deposit me in the middle. You stand straight and look down at me for a moment, my eyes half closed, looking at you in wonderment. Wondering what will happen next. You suddenly turn away from me and I watch as you walk out of the room. just lying there and thinking of what you could be doing. Excited because I think that maybe you are getting Stuff for what I asked of you. Sure enough you walked back into the room a few moments later, holding a towel, a razor, a bowl of water and a can of Shaving cream that you had stored there for when you stayed with me for a night. You walk to the end of the bed and set everything down, Then leaning over me you tell me to lift my hips and as I do, you spread the towel under my ass so we dont get the bed wet whyle you are shaving my pussy. You move back to the end of the bed and bend down to look closly at my pussy lips, examning them. you reach out to run your finger lightly between my lips, teasing me. You feel my hips rise off the bed, and you whisper to me "Lie still, I will make you feel wonderfull" My hips move back the bed and lie still.. even though I want to move them with your hands and fingers, but I know if i do that, then you will stop. You continue to run your fingers between my Wet lips, spreading around my juice, making sure that my pussy is wet all over. As I watch you, your head finally comes closer to my cunt I watch as your tongue flicks out to touch my clit. I moan but i dont move. You tease my clit for a moment and back away. Looking at my face and seeing the passion there, But also knowing tht it will be much greater when you re through with me. You move your head away and turn towards the shaving stuff that you had brought in. Taking the shaving Cream into your hand and spraying a Dallop onto your hand, slowly reaching your hand out to rub it onto my mound, making sure that it is completely covered. You then Pick up your razor and with a feather touch, begin to take off the hair that I have spent the last years growing, Slowly, lightlym you tease me, knowing that this intmacy is more erotic and arousing for both of us than most anything else that we could be doing. You continue to shave my Mound and watch me with wondering eyes, every Chance that you are able to. You watch as I pinch my Nipples, Making them stand out, Making them ache for your mouth. Finally you look at me, "Lift and spread your legs" I know that it is time for the Lips of my very moist cunt to be hairless. So I lift my Knees toward my Chest and Grab onto my Knees, spreading my legs as far apart as i am able to. Making it so that my Lips are taut and you are able to shave them. You carefully start to shave the hair off, noticing that my Lips are becoing more and more wet as you shave. "Oh, babe, You are so Wet, does this make you want my cock?? " I moan and nod my head in answer to your question, Then you hear me whisper "Yes Sir, it does" You finish shaving my lips as fast as you can without cutting me and in the instant that you finish, you throw the razor back onto the bed and your head lunges to my Cunt, Taking my Lips into your mouth, Sucking on them, Making me moan even louder. With my legs aginst my chest, you have complete access to my pussy and ass, and you take full advantage of them, plunging your tongue into my Wet cunt, after wetting a finger so you can fuck my ass to make me ready for your cock that is now thobbing again. I Feel a finger enter my tight ass and I push back at it, you know that I am finally ready to have you in my ass. It does not take me more than 5 minutes to begin drenching your lips with my Juice as I begin to moan louder and louder "OHHHH Yes!!! I Love the way your tonuge feels on my Cunt, Lick my pretty cunt baby, Make me cum all over your face, Oh GOD! I am Cummmmminnnnnnngggg!!!!!! As i flood your face with my cum, you do not let go of my clit, you keep sucking on it and making me cum more and more, finally you release my clit from yur mouth and in an instand I am filled with your cock, Plunging into my wet cunt, But only for a few moments, you are leaning over so that my legs are wrapped around your waist and you are pounding into my cunt as fast as you can. I whisper into your ear "Fuck my ass, Shove that hot cock deep into my ass and fuck me as hard as you can." You pull your cock out of my ass, and I feel it pressing aginst my virgin ass, Gaining entry slowly, finally I pull your face close to mine and whisper to you "Fuck me!" and kiss you deeply, You cant handle it anymore and shove all of your cock deep inside my ass. kissing me hard as you begin to plunge your cock hard into my ass. I feel how full my ass is and i moan aginst your lips, loving the feel of being full, You break the kiss and lean back so you can watch my face, contort with the pleasure. You continue to pump your cock into my ass and as you watch me, you reach down to touch my clit, touching it lightly. I begin to cum again and the squeezin of my ass causes your cock to swell and you begin to moan with me as we begin to cum together. You collapse onto me and your cock leaves my ass with an Obscene pop, We roll over so that I am on top of You. I Kiss you deeply and we lie still for a moment, basking in what has just happened, you Look at me and Smile, "Thank You" "for what" I say "The Honor of having you for a Slave and lover.