Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Not Alone

Not Alone I can not believe my eyes. Your friend from earlier is the one. He's standing in the doorway stroking his cock. I'm actually speechless. As I turn to look back at you, you are sitting on the edge of the bed. "Oh now, you have misbehaved. Do you know what happens to girls that misbehave?" you ask me while pulling me closer. I shake my head no. You guide me up, with my hip against the bed. Then you place your hand on the small of my back and bend me over your lap. "Looks like I need to teach you a lesson." The next move surprised our company. As you proceed with the first slap of the hand, I look up at him with glazed eyes and a small devilish grin. You ask him how many spankings I deserve. He answers with ten, and says that he wants to hear me count them. The second spanking was a bit harder than the first. I let out a yelp as I count two, then three and four. Five, six, and seven are done quickly. When you take a break to rub the welts on my burning ass, I turn and ask you not to stop. "We aren't at ten. I deserve three more. I can take it, go ahead. Finish punishing me!" There's a pleading in my voice. Instantly you shove my legs apart, my pussy is gleaming with a new wetness. It's obvious how turned on by the "punishment" I am, so you stop. Putting your hand up into the back of my hair, you grab hold of me. With some pressure you pull my head up and say "Honey, show our friend the new trick you learned." Slowly I kiss my way off your lap, pausing to look at your eyes. Trying to see what you have planned, I keep the gaze for a few seconds. The excitement in my eyes thrills you, causing you to take my face in your hands and plant a kiss. A deep passionate, commanding kiss. Then motioning to your friend, I know it's time to obey. Walking up to this man that I teased so playfully earlier, I find myself a bit embarrassed. Knowing that he has witnessed the self inflicted bondage, that he has knowledge of my love for cock sucking, and that he has seen the ability that you have to command me. Wait! No wonder he's hard. I'm your sex slave and he knows it. Suddenly without shame I lay a kiss on him. With my right hand I take hold of his very hard member and with my left hand I reach for his balls. After a very hot kiss, I drop to my knees. Licking his shaft and all around his balls. In only a few moments his moans are getting deeper. Your friend likes the talent you are lending him. Making sure that my tongue stays touching his groin area, I rotate underneath him. Now I am positioned from the backside, taking a break to look up at you to see if I'm meeting your approval. Lying on the bed you have a great view of what I'm doing. A slight smile comes from your lips and I know that I'm on the right track. Licking his underside and tonguing his ass. When I feel him relax, I move in for the next step. Carefully I work around his brown hole. Inserting only a little at first then my entire finger. Standing up, I take control and bend him over the bed. A devious expression comes over my face, as I become the aggressor. This hot scene is causing your cock to stiffen up. As I finger fuck his ass I reach around to see the extent of his hardness. You ask if I plan on wasting such a ready and able piece of meat. My eyes light up as I look up to see if you are serious. Surprised, I ask, "May I?" Your answer is "It's your toy. Use it how you want." Quickly I roll this man over and climb on top. Our bodies are positioned so that I can watch you, watching us. Mounting his dick, I let out a soft moan. Then with a slow but steady pace I start to please myself. The rhythm is all mine. I start to go faster and down harder on him, keeping my eyes glued to yours. You can see it on my face that I'm about to climax. You tell me to touch myself, to rub my clit. I do so and it's all it takes to send me over the edge. Slowing down I watch you for clues on what the next move may be. Silently you sit on the bed, softly stroking yourself. Without warning I remove myself from our friend and stand facing the bed. I look at him, then at you. A smile comes across my face as I lean over your lap. Grabbing your hips, I coax you into turning and moving to the edge of the bed. Looking back over my shoulder I say, "Well are you going to just stand there? Put that thing back in my pussy." Ready to comply, he spreads my legs and enters me dogie style. Once he is fully in, I lean down to suck on my master's cock. My moans are muffled, but the vibrations on your cock feel great. It doesn't take long for our guest to reach orgasm. You quickly tell him not to cum inside me. A few more pumps and he pulls out, shooting his load onto my back. My mouth stays firmly planted between your legs. A few minutes go by and then I feel hands on my waist, guiding me up. He gives me a very soft sweet kiss and then leaves. This time he is truly gone. What a sight to see. Naked, I stand before you. Covered in cum, yours, his and mine. "Now what?" I ask with an oddly innocent look. You stand up, take me in your arms and kiss me. A very long, wet kiss. "You tell me." Is all you respond with. Thinking over the possibilities, I reach for your hand and walk you to the other bedroom and into the bath. While I get the tub full, I tell you what a wonderful night I've had. You whisper in my ear that it's not over. "I know, after you clean up, then you'll go." I say. Looking at that handsome face, I can tell that there's something I don't know. "What are you hiding from me?" I ask. "The tub is full, get in." you tell me. Shaking my head over the lack of an answer, I step in the hot water. Then you climb in, resting your body between my legs. I turn on the jets and sit back to let the warm water relax my body. My hands move their way over and around your chest. I kiss you on the neck, then your ear. Asking softly "When do you have to leave?" Your arm reaches up around my neck to bring me close enough to kiss you. "That's your reward for being a good girl…I don't have to leave." In disbelief I ask you again, and you have the same answer. Shocked, I'm speechless. Laughing you tell "If you don't want me to stay, I can go." I move from behind you to the front. Kissing your mouth, chest, nipples, and even going under the water to kiss your recuperating love muscle. Coming up for air I keep kissing your body. You can't keep from laughing "I take it that you want me to stay." "Yes (kiss), yes (kiss), yes." We finish the bath and discuss the evening in detail, from the sighting at the game to the moment he left. Drying off after the tub, you state that you did bring more toys to play with, not just the dildo. That thought alone gets me going again. Eager to start something I go down to my knees and take you in my mouth. After the break in the evening, you too are ready to go again. I do my magic to get you fully erect. Pulling me up, you bend me over the counter and place my legs apart. As you work your way inside, you tell me to look up in the mirror. The sight is incredible. Watching you take me from behind and watching the look on our faces. I'm mesmerized. "There's always a new twist with you!" I manage to say. You grab my hips and pull me hard back into you. "Oh! Don't worry, I have more tricks in my bag…literally." And the night goes on… -ever-ready