Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


Bande I stretched out and took another deep breath. It felt good, and I had been doing a lot of it since my release. It was only a week since I finished up my sentence. I'd been slapped with a 5-7 stir in the pen for aggravated B & E. Shit, all that did was put me with a bunch of guys who taught me exactly what I'd done wrong, and how to avoid getting caught the next time. Which was what I was planning right now. I took another look around the neighborhood, cementing my plans. I'd spent the last 5 nights walking all the streets and alleys, studying how all the folks came and went, and seeing how much the cops came through here. I was crashing with my brother until I could find a new place to stay, and his bitch of a wife was already making noise about me paying rent. I needed a way to scare up some quick cash, and wasn't gonna be too awful picky about how I got it. I thought about selling drugs, but that was out. Too many crazy fuckers to justify the money. Nah, good old-fashioned burglary was just what the doctor ordered. I had finally settled on a small house a few blocks over. There were 2 good-looking babes living there, along with 3 kids. I knew that kids almost always went to bed and slept hard, as did their folks, who were usually tired from working and watching the kids. Plus, these 2 babes seemed to go and party quite a bit, so I had good ol' Brother Booze working in my favor. I figured I could pop the locks on a door or window, sneak in, grab a few of the choicer objects lying around, and be out in 15 minutes. Not too shabby. The best fence in town was a cousin of mine, so I knew I could unload whatever I got real fast, and get top dollar, as well. Yeah, I'd make my move around 3 a.m. tomorrow morning. Time to get some shut-eye. I took one last deep breath to calm my nerves. Wouldn't that just be the shit, to wind up back behind bars the same week I got out? Okay, the lights have been out for 2 hours now. The blonde came back with her kids, put them right to bed, and went straight to her own room. I was hiding in the back yard, waiting for the lights to go out. Now that the whole neighborhood was quiet, it was time to do this thing. The blonde had let her cat out the back door just before turning out the lights. It had gone about it's business without ever noticing me. "The kid's still got it", I thought to myself. I flexed my legs slowly to keep my knees from popping, and moved across the yard. No sticks or dead leaves crackled under my weight, so I got to the door fairly quickly. I tested the knob. Jackpot! It turned easily under my hand. I eased it back slowly, to avoid the latch popping. Finally, it swung inward quietly. Oh, DAMN. This was a bedroom. There was the blonde, lying on a fairly high bed, right in front of me. MOVE, man. Staying still was an invitation to getting caught, which meant an even longer party at the Many-Bar Inn. I slid the door shut, and moved to a dresser. Ah, good. Watch, rings, necklaces, and even some loose cash. Into the pocket. I moved out into the hallway, walking near the wall to avoid creaking any loose floorboards. In the living room, I found a purse. I rifled it, locating the wallet quickly. Not bad.about a hundred in cash, plus a couple of credit cards. I can spend the cash and use the cards tonight, then sell the cards to a druggie. He'll use them, and take the fall when they come back hot. I slipped a bunch of CD's into a small sack I carried, along with a nice camera, and a walkman. I wish I'd had time to case the place from the inside. There was a computer there which would have gotten me at LEAST $300. Okay, that's about all I can carry. All told, I should get about $200 for the merchandise, not to mention the cash, and cards. Not too bad a take for one night. I headed back towards the bedroom door, and my escape. That's when I heard the scariest noise of my life."Mommy? MOMMY!" Oh, shit. Oh fuck. Oh, doom on Dave. Just my luck, one of the kids had seen me, or heard me. The kid called again. "MOMMY! I'm THIRSTY!!" Shit, maybe I'm not dead, after all. I ducked behind a door, and bowed my head as a light came on in the bedroom. Damn, there goes my escape route. I heard footsteps as the blonde came out, headed for the kitchen. A few seconds later, she reappeared, and went into the kid's room with a glass. I heard her whisper a few words to the kid, then saw her go back to her room with the glass. Finally, I heard the click as she turned out the light. I was sure she'd hear the booming of my heart, as my pulse doubled. Finally, I exhaled. I gave myself a few minutes, then moved out of the shadows. Move NOW, while her vision isn't used to the dark, Dave! I moved as fast as I could, and just as I thought I was home-free, I heard the distinct SNAP! As my foot came down on and broke some small toy, lying on the floor. The blonde sat up in bed, looking around. She clutched a sheet to her ample chest, and for just a second, I remembered how long it had been since I'd had the pleasure of a woman squirming under me. Her eyes moved in my direction, and widened as she saw me. Her mouth opened, and I heard her sharp intake of breath. Dropping my sack, I jumped across her bed, tackling her, slapping my hand across her mouth, as I landed on her. For a few seconds, panic had her paralyzed, and I knew I had to move before she recovered, and started to struggle. I grabbed her hands, and gripped them above her head, while I ripped the sash from the loose robe she was sleeping in. I wound one end around her hands, tying it securely, while stuffing a sock in her mouth. For some reason, I found myself checking it before I put it to use, to see if it was clean. "Why do I care, as long as she doesn't scream?", I thought to myself. I straddled her and whispered harshly, "You don't make a noise, you and your kids get to wake up in the morning, get me?" Her fearful eyes never blinked, as she nodded quickly. I still had one hand on her bound wrists, and one on her mouth. Well, now that I had her under my firm control, I might as well take a few extra minutes to see if I'd missed anything I could carry easily. I grabbed a belt off the back of her bedroom door, and cinched it around her ankles, and used another to tie her bound hands to the headboard. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Be a good girl, and keep quiet, you hear?" Just to make sure she knew I meant it, I flicked open my switchblade right in front of her eyes. She went rigid when she saw it, but didn't even squeak. I went back and rifled her purse again, finding her secret stash. About $40 more. Just out of curiosity, I glanced at her driver's license. Shanna. Hmmm.pretty name, for a damn fine-looking woman. Back to work. In the living room, I unplugged the boombox, and VCR. Might as well take everything I can get, after all. Back in the bedroom, I could see she'd been struggling against her bonds. I put down my haul, and approached her. "Shanna, you've been naughty. Were you trying to get loose?" Panic welled up in her eyes again, as she shook her head from side to side. Her movements caused those big tits to sway back and forth. I felt my cock stir at the sight. "I think you were, Shanna. That was something I told you not to do, wasn't it?" As I whispered to her, my gloved hands slowly parted her robe. I felt my breath quicken as I viewed her tits. Smooth, creamy white skin, and her nipples were hard. I couldn't resist. I cupped one tit in my hand, and squeezed the nipple. Her eyes closed, and I could hear her sigh behind her gag. I slid my hand down her belly, to her panties.which she wasn't wearing! Now, I was fully hard, and my cock was extremely uncomfortable in my tight black pants. "I think you need to be punished for disobeying me, Shanna." I saw her eyes go wide again, as I slipped one leather-clad finger into her pussy. It was drenched, and my finger easily parted her lips, stabbing deep. I felt her warmth right through the thin leather. I was getting light-headed with desire. This was the closest I had been to a woman in 6 years, and I desperately needed to get some pussy. I felt her start to shudder, and looked back up at her.her eyes were tightly shut, and her breathing was ragged. She was coming! I could smell the musky odor of her cunt, permeating the room, and knew I was just going to have to sample her. I drew my finger out of her, and said, "I want you to lay really still now, Shanna. I'm not going to hurt you, but dammit, I need some sex. You're here, so you're going to provide it. I'm going to undo your ankles, but remember I have my blade. Relax, and I'll be gone before you know it." I climbed on the bed, and tugged the belt off her ankles. She moved her ankles apart, and waited for me to make my move. "Good, you're going to be sensible about this." I whispered, "I'm glad to hear that." She nodded slowly. I undid the buckle of my pants, and pulled down the zipper. As I slid my pants down, my throbbing cock sprang free. There was already a drop of pre-cum glistening at the tip. She looked down at my cock, and one eyebrow raised inquisitively. It looked like she was interested in my size! Well, at 7", I'm not exactly a porn star, but I can hold my own. I moved between her thighs, and touched her pussy again. She was wetter than before. I lifted my gloved finger to the mouth hole in my ski mask, and tasted it. DAMN, it's been too long! I spread her legs further apart, and lowered myself onto her. My cock slipped around her saturated opening, as I realized, she was bare between her legs. Oh, how I love a shaved pussy! This was lucky, indeed. I took my cock in hand, and moved it until it slid into her a little. She gasped a little, and I positioned myself above her. At long last, I slid deep into that silky moist smoothness. Oh, SHIT, she felt good. Part of me wanted to just pound her fast, until I blew my load, so I could hurry up and leave. Better sense didn't win, however, as I sank my length into her again and again, slowly. I felt her move, and her legs wound around my waist. Well, I'll be damned, she's enjoying this! Oh, well I don't have a problem with that. I started a smooth pistoning motion with my hips, slowly building the electric feeling in my balls. I knew I wasn't going to last long. I bent, and took her hard nipple into my mouth, sucking and biting at it. As I did, I felt her breathing go erratic again, and knew she was really getting off on what I was doing. My balls began to snug up to me, and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. Her hips suddenly bucked, and her pussy tightened on my shaft. That's all it took, as I arched my back and shot off a massive load into her slick channel. My arms locked up, and I shuddered as I felt her muscles milk every last drop from my cock. As my breathing slowly returned to normal, I felt her moving under me, and looked down at her. She was bucking her crotch against my cock, trying to keep it hard! DAMN, she WAS getting off on this. Okay, let's keep going. Her face turned red, and I realized she was having trouble breathing. "If I loosen that gag, are you going to make me cut you?", I whispered. A quick shake of her head told me she wouldn't, so I grudgingly pulled a little of the sock out of her mouth. Her breathing became deeper and easier, and I shifted my weight to give her more space. I saw her looking up at me, and she arched her eyebrow again, inquisitively. I pulled the sock all the way out of her mouth, keeping my arm cocked to jam it back in again. She whispered softly, "Will you give me a drink of that water? I always get thirsty after I come." I kept my weight on her As I reached for the glass, then I held it to her lips. She thirstily drank it down. When she finished, I put the glass back on her headboard, and made a startling discovery.all this moving around had gotten me worked up all over again! My bone was as hard as an eighteen year-old's. She could tell that much, as well, and rolled her hips under me. "That feels good," she whispered, "Want some more of me?" I was stunned. Here I was thinking I was going to go down for rape, and she was offering me MORE. I slid myself into her, experimentally, and she gasped. "Put the sock back in, please.I get kind of loud, and don't want to wake my kids." I obliged, and the sensations in my cock took over once again. I let my hips fall into that old smooth rhythm, and she matched me. I couldn't believe how wet her slit was. It was like satin, and so slippery I had a little trouble staying in. Since I had had one big one, I knew it'd take some extra effort and time before I got off again, so I decided to concentrate on making her come again. It didn't take me long before I felt the muscles inside her clench around me. I started pushing each thrust deeper and deeper, trying to hit the back walls of her pussy. Hey eyes flew open, and I saw them almost roll completely back in her head. I backed almost all the way out, and slammed home with every inch and every ounce of strength I had available. Her back arched, and her spasms almost threw me off. She shuddered for almost a full minute, then collapsed under me. Her chest was heaving, but she was out like a light. "Holy SHIT, she passed out!", I thought to myself. Now HERE was some territory I had never explored before. I lay there, my bone still throbbing in our combined juices, as she slowly came around. Her whole body was trembling beneath me, and I took a second to let her come around completely. Then, to her shock, I started pistoning once again. I could see her jaws as they locked on the sock, and the red flush rising into her cheeks again. I paused long enough to pull her legs up over my shoulders. I hunched over her, and began a rapid pace of strokes. I had read about a trick years ago, and it came suddenly to mind. I started a rhythm of 5 shallow strokes, and 3 deep. Concentrating on the counting distracted me from coming too quickly, and the pacing was driving her wild with lust. Her hands were straining against the robe sash I had tied around her wrists. She was thrashing her head back and forth, and making little grunting sounds. That's when I heard the sound of cloth tearing, and looked up in shock to see her shred the sash, and pull her hands free. She immediately grabbed me by the ass, spit out the sock, and snarled, "Fuck me hard.I want to come again, and this time, I want you to come with me. FUCK ME NOW!!!" Okay, I can take an order as well as the next guy! I began pounding myself into her, really swinging for the bleachers. Her grunts had dissolved into a high-pitched whimpering whine. I could tell I was getting the job done when I started bottoming out, hitting the very back wall of her slippery twat. Her warmth washed over me again, and I felt that familiar rumble start in my balls. "Oh, no.not yet, I'm not!", I thought. At least that's what I thought before I felt her long nails dig into the flesh of my back, and start gouging. Damn, why did she have to do THAT? My strokes became faster, and my rhythm started to falter. My balls started to tighten up, and I could feel the swelling of my rigid cock. Apparently, so could she, and I heard her whisper, "Give me that stuff right here in my mouth, you horny bastard.I want to taste it!" That's all I had time to hear, I started blasting my cream as soon as she said it. I withdrew my shaft from her dripping hole, and a streamer of my come shot toward her face, landing across her cheek. I laid back, and she curled up, cramming her mouth around my cock, and milking it for every drop of my come. That started a whole new set of tremors in me, and I started to come all over again! My back arched, my toes curled, and my whole body shook convulsively. Her soft tongue laved my entire cock, as it continued to pump out it's massive load. Her hands milked my balls, trying to coax out every last tiny drop of my juice. Finally, totally spent, my cock started to soften, even under her expert actions. She switched to gently licking my swollen ball sack, and that got the last few shocking sensations out of me. She lay back, slowly licking her fingers, and using them to capture all the come from her face. My mind slowly came back to me, and I remembered that I had come here to rob her after all. I stood up, clumsily fastened my pants, and grabbed the sack of loot. As I was staggering out the door, I heard her whisper, "I never lock that door. Come back again, and I'll let you meet my roommate." I heard her giggle one last time as I stumbled through the back yard, and over the fence. I'll cash this stuff in tomorrow.I need some damn SLEEP. Who knows, though? Maybe I'll decide I missed something over there.