Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

a friendly foot job

a friendly foot job Korbin was meeting his best friends for the first time in four years. David and Leah had been Korbin's friends since high school. They were always hanging out at David's house. Like the three Musketeers they were one for all and all one. Nothing could split them apart. It was no surprise when David and Leah got married. It was also no surprise that Korbin was the best man. It was thought that those three would be together forever. However, as always, fate has different plans and springs them cruelly. David, who was in the Air Force, got transferred far away shortly after the wedding. Korbin was left all alone but still tried to keep in touch with them online. Now four years later David was on leave, and Leah and him were coming home. He had just got transferred back to a base close to home. The first thing David did when he got back in town was call Korbin. Then it was decided that David, Leah, and Korbin would go out to eat and catch up on old times. David and Korbin were wearing their best suits. David had classic black and white and Korbin with a black on blue suit. Leah had on a tight black dress that showed off all of her beautiful curves. She was also wearing a pair of sheer black stockings along with a lovely pair of black strapy sandals that showed off Leah's wonderful feet. As soon as Korbin met David and Leah met outside the restaurant his eyes immediately darted down to Leah's feet, but quickly looked away when he felt a stirring in his pants. Korbin had always had a major foot fetish, and Leah's feet had always been the sweetest he had ever seen. Back when they would hang out at David's house, Leah would soon be bear foot; Korbin always had his eyes glued to them. He had always wanted so bad just to touch them, to rub them, and lick them. He would have sold his soul to be a pair of her socks for just one day. He remembered all the times she had showed her feet off without even knowing and all the times he had cross his legs and painfully pushed down a raging hard on. The friends met with a warm greeting and went inside the restaurant. They were seated at a table in a back corner with nobody around. They all ordered their food and made small talk. David and Korbin were sipping their wine while Leah was drinking hers down. By the time Korbin had finished his first glass Leah was halfway though her third. Korbin noticed that Leah looked troubled but he didn't feel comfortable asking if something was wrong. He wondered if Leah had noticed one of the many times he was staring at her feet during the night, or if she could see the erection he'd had ever since one of her sandals started dangling from her foot. He was just about to say something when David's pager went off. David grabbed it off his belt and checked the number. "I am really sorry guys but it's the base and I have to call them back. I will probably have to leave." "No, you can't leave. We're having dinner with Korbin. We haven't seen him for four years! You tell them that you can't come." "Come on Leah. You know I can't do that. Listen, I may not even have to go. I got to call, Korbin I am real sorry about." "No, don't worry about it. I understand completely." David left to use the phone and Leah's eyes started to water. "Leah, are you all right? You have looked troubled all night. What's wrong? Here take this and tell me about it." Korbin hands Leah a tissue and she dries her eye. "It's nothing, I was just hopping this didn't happen tonight but it did. It's been happening a lot lately." A waiter comes to the table and informs them that the bill has been taken care of and that David had left. Leah started to look sad again but then perks up and gives Korbin a sly grin. "Well I am not going to let this get me down. We're still here together. So what's new? I know you still got the foot fetish." Korbin's face was a mix of shock and terror. "W-Wh-What do you mean?" "Come on, you had to know I would notice you staring at my feet all night. And that huge hard on you got there. Do you like my stockings and sandals? I wore them just for you. Don't they turn you on?" "Yes they do, I love them… wait what are you doing?" "Just having a little fun." "But what about David?" "What about him? He's gone." "I don't think… oh god." "Oh I know you love this. Doesn't the silk feel good? I got these just for you." Leah's foot had made its way into Korbin's lap and was rubbing up and down his hard shaft. "Leah please…" "Don't fight it, sit back and enjoy. Now don't you just love the way this feels." "Yes." "Are you turned on by my sweet stroking your hard cock?" "Very." "Do you know what would feel even better?" "What?" "If you let that monster in your pants come out to play. Will you do that for me?" "Yes." "Good… Oh he's a big one. Umm, I don't think just one foot can handle him. Do you want me to bring the other one up to help out?" "Please do." "Sure thing honey… there we go… oh yes, now I can get that prick between my feet. Oh I love the way it feels though my stockings. It's so big and hard. How do my feet feel on that dick of yours." "Wo-wonderful." "I am going to tell you what to do now and you are going to do it. Do you understand?" "Y-y-yes" "Great now sit back and relax while I fuck you with my feet. You'll like that won't you." "Yes." Korbin did as he was told and Leah masterfully stroked him off with her feet. Starting off slow at first and then going faster and faster. "Oh god I love doing this for you. Doesn't it feel so good?" "GOD YES!" "You love it. I can tell you do. You remember when I used to run around bare foot in front of you all the time?" All Korbin could do was nod. "That must have been so hard on you. Being so turned on by me and me not even knowing. Don't you wish I would have done this too you back then?" Korbin nodded again and started breathing hard and fast. "I do too. It's very fun and arousing. You sound like your going to cum, are you?" "OH… GOD… YES… I… AM" "Good I want you to cum all over my feet." Korbin let Leah stroke him off a bit more before he grabbed her ankles in one hand and his dick in the which promptly exploded all over Leah's feet. Korbin let out a groan and Leah took her feet out of Korbin's lap and removed the cum soaked stockings. "Here, these are for you to remember this by." Korbin took the stocking from her and put himself back into his pants. "TH-Thank you." "You know I could really use a ride back to my hotel could you help me out." "Anything you say." "Well now, that sounds promising."