Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


Bonding You walk into the house and scan the room, finding that there are candles burning all over the room, that is the only light in the house it seems. You look around and see the table, there is a Pair of candles burning on the table, there is a single white rose sitting in between the two candlesticks. You turn from the table and look around the room again, finally finding me standing aginst the wall, I am wearing a blue lace teddy that we had picked out together, but i had not worn yet. You look at me and I see something in your eyes, I see that it is approval and my eyes suddenly drop to the floor. "Come here" I hear you whisper in my direction, I walk slowly towards you, looking at the floor the entire time, I come to stand in front of you and stand there for not more than about a second before I drop to my knees in front of you. I feel your hand caressing my hair and a smile comes to my face, Knowing that I have pleased the most important man in my life, My Master. I feel your finger on my chin and I slowly look up to you. You bend to kiss me and I hear your voice once agian "Are you ready?" "Yes Sir, I am ready to serve you completely" As I look to the floor once more, i feel you move away from me and i hear the chair at the table move out as you sit, I have not moved, for I have not be told too. "Come, sit and eat" I hear from where you are sitting. I slowly rise and move to the table, where I sit and begin eating with you. We speak of our days at work and out coming night together, we both know that it is going to be a speacial night. I finish eating before you and I push my chair out from the table, picking up my dishes I take them to the sink and come back to kneel beside your legs, I wait for you to finish eating. You finish eating a few moments later and you signal to me that you have finished, knowing what is expected of me, i once agian rise slowly and reach for the dishes on the table, You stop me as i am about to reach the last dish and I turn my head towards you. You touch the back of my head and I lean toward you, kissing you softly for a few moments, I then break away and finish taking the dishes to the sink. "Leave them there and return to me" I hear you say, so i gently lay the dishes into the sink and walk toward you, I notiece tat you have turned in your chair, I kneel in front of your knees again and wait for your next command. You arise out of your Chair and reach for my hand, I place my hand in yours and i arise to stand in front of you, You kiss me once and let go of my hand, moving past me, You turn only once to look at me and i know that I need to follow. So I walk behind you looking at the floor the whole time. We enter the bedroom and you stop in the middle of the room and I stop at the same moment, I wonder what is to happen next. " I want you in your position Now!" almost instantly, I am on my knees, my arms behind me so that my breasts are pushing out towards you. I continue to sit in that position whyle you do your inspection. You begin in front of me, running your fingertips across my nipples, squeezing the flesh of my titties, you bend down to run your fingers across my thighs, you hear the almost inaudiable Moan come from my lips, I feel your fingertips brush across the bare lips of my Cunt, pushing gently between them, I know that I am very wet for you, i know it will please you that I am this way just for you. I feel not one, but two fingers enter my wet cunt, and I feel them begin to move in and out of me, fucking me softly, bringing me almost to the point of cumming, but knowing that i cannot, i hold myself back. You seem pleased with me and i feel a slight breeze as you pull away from me. You walk behind and around me, coming to stand infront of me, You look down upon me and reach for my hand once again, i take your hand in mine and you pul slightly, letting me know that I need to rise. I stand and you let go of my hand, i place my arms back behind me, pushing out my chest once agian, you once again walk behind me, I jump slightly as I feel your hand hit my ass, I moan lightly. You take my hands and lead me over to the wall. You place me so that I am about a foot from the wall "place your hands on the wall and spread your legs" i hear yo whisper into my ear, i spread my legs so that they are about 2 feet apart and then reach to touch the wall. opening myself up completely to you. I feel your hands moving aginst my skin, I can hear jingling and I know what is happening before it happens, I feel the clamps bite down on my nipples and you hear yer another low moan come from my lips, You pull down on the chain that is hanging between my nipples a few times and I continue to moan. I can feel all of your body touching mine, your hard cock pressing against my ass, Your stiff nipples pressing aginst my back. I feel your hands running down my thighs, I feel your presence leave me, but it is only for a few momens. I Once again feel your hands on the back of my legs, caressing my thighs, feeling your breath softly caressing my ass, I feel your fingers sliding up the inside of my leg, brushing my pussy lips, Softly i feel your fingers slip between my lips, feeling how excited i am. Your finger brushes agisnt my clit and you see my body jerk. I feel your hands leave me again, to be quickly replaced by my dong. slowly parting my pussy lips, entering and filling my cunt completely. I feel it start fucking me slowly and i begin to move to meet it as it enters me, "Stay still or I will not continue" you say sternly to me. I instantly stop moving and you continue to move the dong slowly in and out of my cunt, matching my moans. Suddenly you push the dong completely inside of my clasping cunt and it stops, i know that it is supposed to be kept where it is left, so I continue to squeeze it with my cunt, not allowing it to move, keeping it in place. i feel your hand upon my arm, a little pressure tells me that i am supposed to turn towards you. So I turn, dropping my eyes to the floor and in only seconds, i feel your hand beneath my chin.. lifting it up, I raise my eyes to yours, Scanning your face for emotion, I see the smile and brightness in your eyes, i know that I have pleased you. You put your arms around me and I grab onto you, holding you close to me for the few moments that i am allowed to. In only a few moments you pull away from me, You kiss me only once and i watch your face as your eyes turn tothe bed, i look to the bed and slowly move to it, climbing upon it, turning over to lie down. You watch as i do all of this.. I lie on my back and you can still see the dong showing within me. You walk to my side and reach down between my legs, sliding it slowly out of my wet pussy. Bringing it up to my lips, I take the dong into my mouth and clean it off. You smile at me as I am licking all of my juice off. When it is clean you lie it down on the bedside table and lie next to me, caressing my body. I am still so excited, I reach and take your throbbing shaft into my hands, stroking it gently, feeling the soft skin in my hands, You reach for me and pull my body atop of yours. We fit perfectly together and it is only moments until we are moving together in unison It is only seconds before we are both reaching the peak that we have both been striving for, we begin to cum together holding on tightly to one another. we quit moving slowly and I let myself lie on top of you, snuggling into your chest, I turn my head to look at your face, your eyes are closed. I move lightly trying to move off you without disturbing you. but as i lift myself a little, i feel your arms tighten, telling me that you want me where I am. So I lower myself back down and close my eyes, feeling so secure next to you. I begin to slip off to sleep, just as I am about to slip off into an Oblivion, I hear one last whisper from you " I Love You" I smile as sleep engulfs me.