Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

After Work

After Work I stand quietly, motionless, watching you intently as you exit the lobby of your office. The sky is slightly overcast, and there is a slight chill in the air, and it causes you to clench your jacket together in your delicate hands. You head to the parking lot, seeking the refuge of your automobile, unaware of my presence. But I am painfully aware of you. It has been two weeks since our last encounter, and memories of the sweat-filled, impassioned, raw session has not left my thoughts. I need my fill of you again. I step out from the alcove in long, powerful strides, reaching you in seconds. I spin you to face me, your face momentarily expressing the shock and fear you feel. You relax seeing my face, and smile, lips seeking my own. The are so full and delicious and I relent, bending slightly so that you may kiss me. As you do, and your eyes close as we intertwine, I step into you, sandwiching you between my body and the door panel of the car. Before you realize what I have done, I have my handcuffs on you, and your wrists restrained behind your back, captured within the cool metal grip. You stare up at me with those stunning eyes, questioning my intent without words. I kiss your forehead gently, and lean into your left ear, whispering "You are to be mine tonight, totally and without reservation, do you understand?" You nod, and without further words I take your keys from behind your back, unlock your trunk, and toss in all the small items you are carrying, including your purse. I close and lock it, and lead you around to the passenger seat of your car. I sit you down, still restrained, and enter on the driver's side. I pull off, exiting the lot and entering the street, and head north, to the industrial section of town. I watch you sit there, your spirit strong and willful, scanning our progress intently, curious and excited and perhaps a little scared. But my intent is not to harm you, but rather, to provide the metered release of overcoming pleasure. I wish to heighten your anxiety, and as we wait at a light, I reach across producing a small, black, satin blindfold, and secure it across your eyes. You squirm slightly, but do not vocalize any displeasure. I smile, inwardly, and continue driving, and soon we arrive at the intended destination, a looming warehouse-looking structure that is dark, save for a small dim light from a side entrance. I lead you from the car, into the side door, inside and down steps, into a medium-sized, candlelight room. You remain blindfolded, and cling to my arm, for safety as much as guidance. You feel me lead you to what feels like a small wooden table, its sooth varnished surface warm underneath your hands. I release on side of the handcuffs, freeing your right wrist momentarily, until it is once again secured, this time to a heavy leather device that is bolted to the tabletop. Your other wrist is secured in similar fashion, and I slide you onto the table, face up, still blindfolded. You are still completely dressed, and I set upon the task of dismantling your wardrobe, working through the layers until reaching your undergarments, which I leave in place. They are a wonderful shade of deep, rich burgundy, and the satiny material shimmers in the pale, dim light of the candle flame. Your breath is quick now, uncertainty evident in your deep cycling of inhales and exhales, causing your wonderful chest to rise and fall there upon the table. Suddenly, your heart races even faster, as you hear the unmistakable sound of a third person in the room. You struggle within your restrains, unsure and anxious, wishing your blindfold was removed. Your struggles are rewarded with nothing but a touch, coming not from me, but my cohort, who runs a slow moving hand the length of your body, from the very tip of your toe, up your calf, over your knee, your thigh, hesitating slightly near your crotch, over your stomach, between your breasts, up to your neck, and ending the grazing at your ear. You gasp, writhing at the touch of this stranger, unable to deny the passion and excitement that is growing within you. You feel the familiar moistness between your legs that comes all to often around me, and you squirm, still held tightly within the restraints, small moans escaping your tender, parted lips. It is with shock you react, when you feel a tongue, tender and wet, probing your crotch, pushing past your dampening panties, penetrating those tender and full nether lips, until it reaches your core, and begins lapping at your juices. You cry out in ecstasy, your voice echoing in the room, until my lips meet yours, and my tongue probes your mouth. Small, flowing tears run from the corner of each eye, not of pain but of the overcoming pleasure, washing over you in two waves, one from me, kissing your upper lips, and one from your crotch, caused by the stranger. You climax as the unknown tongue continues to probe, now penetrating you in small strokes, working in and out, sucking at your liquid excitement. We withdraw from you, still twitching in the throes of orgasm, upon the wooden table. As you come down, perspiration forming in little beads at your temples, you feel my hands remove you from your restraints, and stand you up. You instantly reach for your blindfold, eager to see who the stranger is that so skillfully brought you to orgasm with their tongue. But my strong hands prevent you from completing your desire, and raise your hands above your head, to secure them to hanging chains. You are helpless, hanging blindfolded, completely at my whim. You feel two tongues begin to eat at you, one buried in your crotch again, another pushing forth into your tight anus. It probes the orifice slowly, working past the tight, firm outer ring, seeking out that sensitive inner ring, until it finds and begins to massage it, and you gasp at the overwhelming pleasure that radiates outward from your cheeks. You struggle between the two tongues, attempting to drive them further into you, enraptured by the sensation, moaning into the darkness. Then, suddenly, they cease their movement, exiting you, leaving you dripping and throbbing, still hanging, and whimpering for more. Your thighs are soaked with saliva and your juices, which run down in wide trails. Then, without warning, you are simultaneously penetrated, two thick members pushing into you, delving into you with exacting and metered precision, inching further slowly. You cry out, shrill and passion-filled, your voice echoing around the room. You feel every vein upon there hard length, ever crease upon the shaft, the entire shape of the bulbous heads. The inch into you, evenly, the heads pushing in to your rectum and vagina at the same pace, separated by the thin flesh inside you, filling you completely. You shudder in pleasure as they reach the hilt and begin alternating strokes, one pushing in while the other is withdrawing, working you skillfully, until you are racked with multiple orgasms. Tears of ecstasy stream from your face, as your two lovers climax and withdraw, spewing seed over your crotch and your full cheeks. You murmur for more, seeking additional attention, eager for more penetration. In doing so, you have disobeyed my first statement to you this evening, that you are mine, and your pleasure is at my whim. The next thing you feel is not me pushing into your hot, wet tightness, but rather a soft horsehair whip glide across your bottom, spanking you. You cry out in surprise again, and I continue, undaunted, until your cheeks grow flustered. You stammer your intention to remain obedient, and after a few more strokes I stop, only to affix small, black metal nipple clamps to each breast. They pinch and grab deliciously, biting into the tender flesh firmly but not overly painfully. Again you gasp, and squirm, awash in sensation. I remove your blindfold, and you blink rapidly, eyes trying to adjust to the dim light. You see my conspirator, silent, tall and handsome, leaning against a far wall, recovering. You see me to your right, watching you closely, mulling over ideas. You call to me, wanting me to untie you. I do not go to your side, but, to your shock, another person does, emerging from the shadows. She is a small Asian woman, dressed in black leather, carrying what appears to be a large ebony dildo in her small hands. She is expressionless, and remains so as she reaches up to untie and lower you, but not before licking you clean of the semen and saliva, her delicate tongue darting to and fro, until you glisten with her moisture. After you are released, and standing, I draw near, lead you to your knees. I take your hands, place them around my member, still slick from you, and enter your mouth. I shake at the feeling, so warm and wet and suckling, feeling myself grow within you. You work me, progressively sucking faster, your cheeks concave around me, breathing hard through your nose, hair askew. You are surprised but do not resist as you feel the woman make you rise, and my hands still keep your head on me. She makes you bend over, legs straight beneath you, until you are between us, cocked over. You then realize that it was a strap-on, not a simple dildo, and soon feel it moving inside you, as she takes you from behind, penetrating deeply, pushing with a force you are amazed her little petite frame is capable of. With every thrust from her more of me is shoved into your mouth, and soon my member nudges the top of your throat. You again feel the throes of orgasm building, and are blinded by feeling, overcome by climax once more, sweating exhausted, and collapse between us. I lift you, limp, into my arms, and release the clamps from your chest. I carry you into another small room, laying you into a small, antique bathtub. There I wash you, using a soft sponge and gentle strokes. When clean, I wrap you in a terrycloth robe, your own overcoat, and carry you to the car. I sped you home, into bedroom and we drift of into a deep and satisfying slumber.