Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Only Time Will Tell

Only Time Will Tell As I entered the house, I realized that things weren't quite right. The front room was dark, as was the rest of the house. I called out to my "mistress" But I got no answer. I moved around the house down the hall and looked in the door of the first room. There was nothing in there to catch my attention. As I moved down the hall I heard faint moaning noises. The kind of sounds you hear when someone is enjoying themselves. As I peeked in the door of the master bedroom I could see that it was illuminated by many candles. There in the middle of the bed was my mistress, my goddess. Naked, covered with a fine sheen of sweat, fingers dancing along her pussy, it was obvious that she had been at it a while. As I watched, she started to softly moan and convulse in orgasm. As her orgasm subsided, her eyes opened and they caught mine. Smiling she rolled up to her knees and held out her arms to me. I approached the bed, removing my clothes with as much grace as I could muster, with my eyes and cock riveted on her. I reached the bed and fell into her arms. Taking my face in her hands she kissed me deeply, lovingly. I melted at her touch, my lust flaring like a lighthouse torch. She was my "mistress", my woman on the side, but it was her that called the shots. I was hers to do with as she pleased. She was the most wonderful, talented, and creative lover, I had ever had. When she kissed me I would do anything she asked. When she held me my loins would burn with a desire so powerful that I would lose all control. I was hers to command. I could tell by the way she was so excited that tonight would be special. She started to whisper in my ear. "Touch my breasts!" I fondled them gently. "Slide your finger in me, feel how wet I am for you!" I gently eased my finger into her and was amazed by how damp she was. " I have been fingering my pussy for an hour waiting for you to get here." I loved it when she talked this way. " I have a surprise in store for you tonight, but first I want to feel your tongue on my cunt!" With that she slid down on the bed holding my head and pulling me to her wet, wet pussy! I started to lick her, sliding my tongue into her hot hole. Listening to her moans urged me on. I slid my tongue deeper into her and pulled it out, flicking her clit. She was bucking her pussy up to my face now. I latched on to her clit with my lips and proceeded to lash it with my tongue. She was in hysterics now! I love it when she is like this, it's almost a challenge to hang on. I Licked her furiously for another few seconds and then she was wailing, screaming, "I'm coming!" That was all I needed to hear, I bit down on her clit and held it in my teeth, holding on to her ass so that she couldn't get away. She was jumping and convulsing all over the bed and I finally had to let go. She rolled out from under me and told me to stay on my hands knees. She said it was time for my surprise! I looked back and she was wearing a strap on dildo! The head of it was glistening with lube in the candle light. It was an impressive fake cock. Long, slightly thick, dripping wet! I asked her what she thought she was up to? "I'm going to show you what it is like to be fucked! How it feels to have a huge hunk of man meat sliding in and out of your hole!" I was intrigued, but apprehensive. I had never been a part of such a scene. If it wasn't for my lust and her control of me I would have left! She crawled up on the bed, behind me. I felt the tip of the fake cock on my leg. As she slid up closer to me I felt it slide up my thigh. Her hand reached around and grasped my cock, her tits pushed into my back . She leaned forward and whispered, "get ready Bitch here it comes!" I was getting more and more turned on, and felt the tip of her cock pressing against a formerly un probed place. As it slid in I felt a moment of apprehension, almost of fear, but she knew what she was doing. She tugged on my cock and licked the back of my neck. I felt the cock go in deeper and then a warm , full sensation come over me. My ass slid open and the cock slid in to the hilt! I was surprised how it felt. I liked it. I wanted more. She said "Are you ready Bitch?" I wiggled my hips in answer. She started to ride me then. Slowly sliding the cock in and out. Deeper and deeper with each thrust. Soon she was slamming the thing in to my stretched out hole. I was grunting in pleasure. Yelping my love of being fucked. I was getting into it big time. "Move your hips Bitch! Show me that you love my cock!" She commanded me! I was rotating my hips now in time with her thrusts. Slamming back at her and her cock for all I was worth. Grunting and moaning "Fuck me, oh God Fuck me!" I was losing all control and she was liking it. Laughing and squealing she pounded me mercilessly! Then I heard a click and the cock started to vibrate deep inside my ass! The sensations were incredible! She must have felt them as well for she started to make her pre cum noises. "Yes" I hollered out. "Come in me! Come with ME!" She started to wail and pump her cock in me as fast as she could. My cock started spurting come all over the bed. There was so much yelling and screaming, both of us wailing! Slowing her strokes she fell forward on my back. Easing the cock out of my ass, we fell to the bed. I rolled to her and held her in my arms, thanking her for fucking me so wonderfully. I felt so well fucked and warm inside. A deeper feeling of lust than I have ever felt before. Holding her close to me, inhaling her scent, I wondered what would be next. What other avenues could we explore. Only time would tell. I'll be waiting to be sure!