Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

One Day

One Day She woke up blindfolded and just in time to feel her wrists being secured in a figure-eight loop knot. The wrist bonds left her hands about 6 inches apart, a little freedom, but not too much. It was Saturday morning, both their children were staying at their cousins for the weekend. She figured, given that, they had a little time to play this morning. He had other plans. "Good morning, dear" he says to her "I hope you're ready to be engaged, or should we say, tied-up, all day." He was fastening a collar to her neck, passing a rope attached to the wrist-bonds through a large metal ring. Now she could pull her hands only a foot or so from her body, severely restricting her range of motion. He helped her up from the bed and led her to the kitchen. "Sit down here and wait, I'll bring your breakfast," he says. She begins to reply; "Oh, come on honey, let me out to eat and have a coffee and smoke, then we can go play for a little....." CRACK.....She was silenced by the sharp crack of the riding crop being brought down over her thighs, first on the left side, then on the right, two hot welts growing on the outside of her legs. "I'm not toying with you today," he whispers, "I'm going to use you all day for whatever purpose I can find, feeding you is just a small courtesy so you have the strength to endure." He was sitting astride her legs, his hands massaging softly the outside of her thighs where he had just whipped her. "But any time you want me to stop, just use our 'safe' word, and I'll let you out." That sounded good enough, except she couldn't remember a 'safe' word that they had agreed upon. When she began to speak, only to ask what that word would be, he grabbed both her nipples in his fists, squeezed them hard, twisted, lifting her up from the chair and told her; "You seem to have forgotten Rule #1 No talking unless I ask you a question. Now try not to break anymore rules and the day will go to your liking, maybe." WHAT THE FUCK, she thought, safe words she didn't know, rules that had not been explained in advance. This could be a real bad idea, but she gave him the benefit of the doubt and waited for his next instruction. "Time to eat," he said, almost cheerily as he laid a couple of plates on the table. She could smell the pancakes and the coffee. He made noises on the table as he prepared her food. Then, piece by piece, fed her the pancakes, coated in thick maple syrup. She sipped her coffee from a straw, a little unorthodox, but still coffee. As breakfast went on he talked to her about all the things he loved to do with her and she sat silently. He explained how it got him excited to watch her touch herself, or watch herself, on those few occasions he moved his face far enough away from her pussy to let her have access. How he loved the feel of a stream of her piss as it flows from her pussy to land on his tongue. He was going on about how he loved to watch her struggling against tightly bound ropes as he froze her nipples with a cube of ice before coating them in wax. She could feel a familiar warmth build up between her legs. Then a sudden chill as he sprayed whipped cream over her nipples. Slowly he bends over to lick it off, sucking hard and pulling on her breast as he finished with each one. He sits on the floor and pulls her forward on the chair until her legs are over his shoulders. He covers her mound in cream then inserts a strawberry into her pussy, then another, and finally, with a little more force, a third. She is shivering, the cream and fruit cold against her warm pussy. Her head falls back when his mouth covers her mound, tongue sliding into her pussy from the base as he sucks the first berry from her cunt. She moans as he pulls her lips back, his tongue sliding over her clit then diving into her pussy to scoop the second berry. The she starts to contract her muscles and almost shoots the third berry into his mouth. He stands over her, one leg on either side of hers, his crotch leaning against her breasts, hands on the back of her neck, pulling at her hair. Sitting on her lap he kisses her deeply, tongue diving into her mouth, then sliding across her throat as he pulls her close to him. "Nice trick," he laughs, "but save some of those muscles for when I ask you to spray. For now, come on back to the bedroom." He leads her through her darkness to the four-post, cannonball pine bed he had bought them so many years ago. He'd bought it so long ago that they didn't even know what the posts were for. But they'd learned. She lies back on the bed, anticipating she was about to receive a good licking. He loops the noose around her ankles, attaching each end to one bedpost so she lay spread-eagled on her back. He asks her to raise her hips and slides a pillow under her ass so her pussy is about an inch off the bed. The next thing she hears is the hiss of the aerosol as he coats her mound in shaving cream . "Spread the cream around," he tells her, and her hands move towards her crotch, fingers making small circles over her mound, then down between her legs, cream spreading over the insides of both her thighs. He draws the blade slowly over her mound, careful to shave around the little triangular patch he was letting grow. "You have such a lovely pussy," he tells her, "I could pay homage to it every day. You're lovely pink clit, so shiny and hard, and not so little that I can't stroke it with my tongue." She could feel her body flush as he continued to describe her cunt. "Your lips like wings of a butterfly, or petals of a flower, so delicately folded over the thicker full outer lips." He was dragging his finger along her slit, moving her thin inner lip to the side while the blade scraped the stubble from her thigh, then from her thick lips, already engorged. Then he moved to the other side, gently folding her petal back as the blade sheered her clean. Her pussy was soaked. Her hands were gently tweaking her nipples as he poured oil onto her pussy. With one hand he massaged her mound while the other slid under her ass. His fingers dived into her pussy from above, two fingers , then three. She tensed for a moment when he slid two more fingers into her ass. Then he starts to pound her, driving both hands into her crotch. "You like the hard fuck, I know you do," he tells her, "but that's for later, if you behave." Suddenly his hands are free of her crotch and he's standing at the side of the bed. "I've got to go out for a bit," he says, "you can stay her and fuck yourself until I get back, I'll take care of you later." He slides the 8" rubber dildo into her pussy. She moans. Then he sits her up, propping her up on four pillows so she's almost sitting in a chair with only a slight lean back. He brings he hands to the end of the dildo. "Fuck with this until I get back." She doesn't move as she hears the door close behind him. Relaxing on the pillows she waits for him to return. After 20 minutes she realizes he may be awhile. The dildo has slid from her pussy, only the head remaining inside. Sitting up a bit she fumbles for it and slides it easily back into her wet cunt. Squeezing her muscles she forces it out, then pushes it back. As she becomes wet, it becomes easier and she finds herself rotating her hips to meet the rubber monster as it slides into her pussy. Pulling on the dildo she bends it back so the vein is rubbing against her clit. To her amazement she responds well. As she nears orgasm she takes the dildo from her pussy and presses the head against her clit, rubbing hard as her hips gyrate and she comes. Leaning back she lets the dildo fall between her thighs and drifts off into a light sleep. Part 2 Ride 'em Cowgirl CRAAACK....She heard it first, then she felt it, the warm welt rising on the white soft flesh of her breasts. She had nodded off after her orgasm. "Rule #2: Don't stop fucking until I tell you. I hope you warmed yourself up good, because I'm going to take you for a ride now." He was loosening the bonds that held her feet spread, she was still trying to wake all the way up, a little shocked by the rudeness of his awakening. He turns her onto her back, hands still tied, she's almost on her side with both hands underneath her. He pours some lubricant onto her ass, smearing it into her cheeks, then pressing a finger deep into her butt. "I told you to fuck yourself until I got back, but no, you had to rest. He was laying on her back now, his tongue licking at her neck, his hand still pushing a finger into her ass. "Just for that I'm going to fuck your ass for a while. OK, wait until I get the head of my cock into your hole before you move, then I want you to push your ass back and take me all the way in." Slowly he presses his cock against her tight, greasy asshole, then pushing, the head of his cock pops into her butt. "Now fuck me," he tells her, and she responds, pushing her ass into the air, his cock disappearing into her hole. "Pump, you bitch, pump hard." He slaps her cheek with his palm as she pushes even harder, his cock sliding deep into her ass, then almost all the way out, only the head being held in by her tight, puckered, hole. He starts to push back. "Your ass is mine," he says, driving hard into her, "mine to fuck when I please, lick when I please, and bite when it suits me." His driving pace was picking up as he slammed his cock into her ass, pushing her into the mattress. "Now next time you fail to follow directions you're going to get a vicious ass-slamming." He rolls off of her, she exhales and relaxes, wondering if she wanted to get that serious pounding now, or save it for later. She decided to save it. He was in the bathroom washing his cock off. "Roll over onto your back, you slut, I'm gonna impale you on my cock." He returns and takes his place between her legs. She knew the drill, he'd slide his erect cock into her pussy, lean over and pick her up by the shoulders, gently easing her onto his cock before he sat back to watch her finger her clit. Or , she thought she knew the drill. He slides a rope behind her head and down along her back, then over her chest, tight underneath her breasts, back around her back, over her breasts again in a 'cross_your_heart" shape, her tits bulging out. He loops the cord so when he pulls on the ends it tightens the hold on her breasts. He lies back and pulls, lifting her up by her breasts, with some support behind her back, until she was seated on his lap. She starts pumping immediately. "You like to fuck like this don't you," he laughs, as his head moves towards her distended nipples. "Is it deep enough inside your slut-pussy," he asks, as he pulls the rope tighter. She screams when he bites down on her nipple. "Fuck me hard now," he tells her when he releases her breast. She jumps up and down on his cock, he bites her other nipple as she pounds her ass on his lap. "you wan to touch yourself for me?" he asks, as he leans back to lay prone. "Finger your clit until you come." She's surprised how heightened her excitement is as her fingers find her clit. She's still jumping up and down on his cock, her clit now pinned between two fingers, the little shaft sliding back and forth. "Oh, god, yes," she moans as she presses harder into her crotch. He can feel her juice on his thighs, soaking the sheets underneath them. She falls back onto his upraised knees, momentarily satiated. He lifts her by the waist, releasing his cock, as her pussy wets his balls. Taking the ropes in hand he pulls tight again. "Stroke my cock," he orders, and she takes his cock in both hands and begins stroking. "Treat it like its yours, make me come." Her palm glides over the sensitive head of his penis, spreading his pre-cum. She begins bucking, his balls crushed under the weight of her ass. She looks like she's stroking her own cock, the base of his penis hidden in her pussy. As he starts to pulse she pumps harder, up and down his shaft, until he shoots his load onto his chest, the second spurt hitting him in the neck. She falls back and he pulls her up onto his belly. "Now clean that come up with your pee," he tells her, and she squeezes her muscles, letting a stream of piss fly onto his belly. He pulls her up farther, dragging her ass over her piss and his come. "Onto my face, show me you can reach." Her hands move to pull her lips back as a stream of warm water flies out onto his face, into his open mouth. More piss off his chest , mixing with his come. Pushing her back, he moves her between his legs then pulls her forward by the ropes still attached to her breasts until she is laying on her belly with her face on his stomach. "Now lick it up all the way to my neck." Her tongue comes out and runs over his stomach, lapping up the come and piss as he pulls her farther up his torso. She has a mouthfull and swallows, before she continues over his chest, to his neck, sucking and licking the salty and pungent juice from his body. He tilts his head forward and kisses her deeply, licking at her cheeks and face to taste the strange mix of fluids. "Let's get you to the shower, then have some lunch," he says, as he loosens the bonds from her wrists and takes the blindfold off her. "After lunch, we'll start again." Part 3: A Measure of Revenge After lunch he brought her back to the bedroom. There was a chair beside the bed and he had rigged up some rope tied around the base of the bed. He had chosen their clothes for the afternoon session. Slowly he wraps the PVC bra around her breasts, snapping it at the back. Her breasts bulged out from underneath, and a little from the top, it just barely held her in. Next he slid the black fishnet panty hose, sans panties , up her legs. His hands massaged her calves and thighs as he fixed the silky material. The band around her waist and the strands that ran down the front of her thighs and over her cheeks made her aware of how naked and exposed her ass and pussy were. He slid on his black satin thongs, cradling his balls in the pouch, drawing the string tight between the cheeks of his ass. Then he handed her a towel, directing her not to open it immediately. Turning around he slid his feet through the loops of the rope on the floor and pulled them tight. He bends over the bed. "I want you to make me come, which may be a challenge, but I have a fallback plan if you can't. Now open the towel, those are your tools." On her lap she found a bottle of lubricant, an anal plug, a small length of rope and the riding crop. She moves the towel to the side and leans forward, biting his ass as her hand moves between his legs to squeeze his balls. "You are pretty brave," she says, "leaving yourself helpless like this." "Well, I just thought...." CRACK, she brings the riding crop down hard over his cheeks. "It's not for you to think now," she says, "or to speak, just lie there and take it like a man." She whips him again, across the other cheek, leaving a small welt. Reaching under his crotch she pulls his cock back and drags the tip of the crop over it's head. "Let's just hope I won't be needing to whip this guy into shape." She taps the head of his cock, then leans forward, kissing his ass, her tongue running under the strap on his thong, pressing against his asshole. Moving the strap to the side she pours some lubricant into the crack of his ass, following it with her finger, then with the anal plug. "You want me to fuck you do you?" she taunts, "You have a fall-back plan, eh? You won't be doing any falling back after I'm through with you." She presses the plug into his ass, driving it in to its largest point, then holding it, letting it slide back out. Pushing again she opens his ass with the plug and buries it . Covering the plug with the thong she stands behind him. "How's that feel?" she asks, "Feeling a little full." She brings the crop down across his cheeks, then farther down his thighs, the shaft cracking against his balls. She leans over his back and brings the nipple clamps up. "Now stand up and put these on." Slowly he stands, then opening one clamp, attaches it to his nipple, then the other. When he's finished she hits him across the chest with the crop. His nipples ache, burn, then it subsides, into a dull, persistent kind of pain that he can tolerate. She's moved back behind him, taking a seat on the chair and pushing on his back to make him bend over the bed. Using her palm she pushes the plug deep into his ass. With her other hand she frees his cock and balls from the satin pouch. "Oh, you're little guy's getting hard again," she teases, as she squeezes his cock in her fist. She bends her face down, pulling his cock back, and takes the head into her mouth, biting down hard with her teeth, as her face presses against the plug. He groans, and she bites again, his balls squeezed between his cock and her face. "Come on," she says, "show me how he spits." She's stroking his cock and it feels delicious each time her palm rides over the shiny wet head. She stops and stands. "Not ready yet? Maybe I can help." CRACK the crop comes down on his ass, then again. She is hitting him hard, he can feel the welts growing on his cheeks. CRACK, again, the heat rising. Then suddenly she's down at his ankles, loosening the bonds. "Lie back on the bed," she tells him, and he complies. She lifts his legs onto her shoulder, leans forward and takes his cock into her mouth. His hands come to her head, pushing her into his crotch, but she stands abruptly. "Don't be touching my head, you're not in charge anymore. Put your hands over your head." She moves around to the other side of the bed, taking a long length of rope from the 'toy chest'. Looping it around his wrists she ties it to the bedframe, pulling tight so his hands cannot come back over his head. Then she moves back and ties one foot to each bedpost, not so tight, allowing him to raise and bend his legs, but not loose enough to allow him to move too far. One hand grabs his balls hard, pulling on them, making his cock stand up. She wraps her mouth again over the head, and once it's in place, she reaches down with her other hand to pull the plug from his ass. Then she starts to pump his ass, each thrust of the plug timed with each bob of her head as she fuck and sucks him in one motion. Then she removes the plug and leaves the room for a moment. When she returns she is wearing the PVC panty-with-dong outfit. Slowly she pours lubricant onto the rubber cock, not as large as their dildo, but formidable, nonetheless. "So you were worried you might not come, were you?" she taunts. "I don't care so much if you do either, but I'm gonna fuck you until you do." She places the head of the dildo against his ass and presses, slowly. When the head is firmly in place, though not yet through, she takes the crop in hand and brings it down over his chest, the chain rattling while his nipples burned. "I'm going to crawl inside you," she says as she leans forward, pressing the dildo into his ass. "I'm going to make you my bitch for awhile, I best take advantage while I can." Leaning over she covers one clamp with her mouth, pressing hard as she drives the dildo into his ass. Pulling out, she releases his nipple, and moves over to the other, biting again as she drives the dildo. "Oooh, this is fun," she says as she stands straight up, rocking her hips, the rubber cock sliding in and out of his ass. "I can see how you can come to like this," her pumping is getting harder and faster as she finds a rhythm. He begins stroking his cock, precum flowing from the head as she fucks him. His balls are being smashed each time she pushes into him, his cock pulsing as he starts to come. He unloads onto her breasts, come flowing down her belly. The second shot lands on the dildo, between his legs as she pumps his come into his ass. When he finishes she pulls out slowly and he relaxes, just in time for her to start again, rocking her hips, the dildo sliding in and out as she leans against him. "Take that you fucking slut," she says, as she pulls out one last time and repairs to the bathroom to disrobe. He closes his eyes and wonders what good fortune ever got them along this path. Part 4 A Gentle Diversion An hour later they find themselves in the bathroom, faint candlelight bouncing of the mirror, steam filling the room as the hot water flows. They are both naked, no leather, no ropes, no toys...well, almost no toys. He starts by running his hands over her throat and the back of her neck, gently massaging as he tells her how he loves to touch and tease her. Her nipples stand rock hard already, if there's one thing she likes more than being fucked, it seems to be being told she's going to be fucked. His hands press hard against her chest and her back, squeezing the air from her lungs, then down to her belly and lower back, one hand lightly trailing while the other massages the muscles around her spine and above her ass. Then he glides over her mound, cleanly shaven, warm, and wet as one finger drags through her slit. The other hands squeezes the cheeks of her ass, kneading them, before he makes a fist and pushes against her asshole. Reaching under her crotch from behind her strokes her pussy, from the top of her clit, one finger in her pussy, pulling her juice out to spread over her lips and asshole. Then he moves his head into her crotch from behind, mouth open covering her ass and pussy, sucking her juice. Then his tongue dives into her ass and she pushes back to meet his face. He loves to 'eat' her ass in this way, taking bites, licking, probing, sliding juice from her soaked pussy to cover her thighs. Then two fingers into her cunt, one in her ass, pushing, lifting her onto her toes. He moves her towards the wall, cold tile, wet with dew from the steam. From behind, his face firmly planted in the crack of her ass, his hands move up her back and around her chest, squeezing her breasts in a tight fist before he pushes her against the wall. She gasps when her nipples come in contact with the cold wall. As he stands up behind her he drags his cock along her thigh, still pressing her against the wall. "Wet my cock with your juice," he whispers into her ear as he glides back and forth along her slit. "Soak me before I fuck you." She bends a little , her lips spread over his shaft, moving back and forth. He directs his cock into her pussy and she sits back on his lap. He straightens up and drives her chest back into the wall as he fucks he with long, hard strokes. She grunts with each thrust but he can still feel her pushing back. He pulls out and turns her around, her ass against the wall, her breasts cold, nipples hard, as his mouth comes down to kiss them. He leaves the room for a moment and returns with a popsicle in hand. She groans before it even touches her, but pushes her chest out to meet it. He drags the cold, icy, treat across one nipple, then the other. They immediately get harder, larger, and her breathing picks up. He drags the popsicle along her belly and her hands move to her pussy, pulling her lips back to expose her clit. Kneeling in front of her he places the cold, dripping treat against her clit and she moans. She moves her pussy away, then closer , for another touch. He hands her the popsicle so he can concentrate on her pussy. Covering her cold mound with his mouth he sucks the juice from her cunt then sits between her legs. He laps at her pussy with long slow licks. Within minutes she is warm and wet with her own juice. He watches as she runs the popsicle back and forth over each rock hard nipple, shivering as the melted liquid trickles down her belly. "Freeze them up good, honey, 'cause her comes the wax." He stands back pouring the hot melted wax over her nipple. It hardens almost immediately, a goose-pimply cast of her erect nipple. Then he moves to the soft white fleshy part of her breast, the wax covering her skin in a cherry scented bra, of sorts. His cock is hard at the sight and he puts the candle down, taking a seat on the toilet, urging her to mount him. She steps over his thighs, some wax peeling off, some still clinging to her soft breasts. Sitting slowly she swallows his cock into her warm cunt and starts rocking back and forth. She puts her hands on his chest, the wax cracking and breaking off her breasts. With more leverage she starts bouncing on his lap, his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. "You going to come inside me?" she asks, still rocking. "Do you have anything left in there?" Her answer isn't long in coming as he grabs her ass, hard, groans, and shoots what he can into her pussy. When he's finished she stands up, still straddling his thighs, and lets the come ooze from her cunt onto his legs. "Not bad," she says, "for an old guy." Laughing, she bends over and licks the come from his legs.