Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

White Wash

White Wash I went over to Rachel's to help paint her house - I didn't expect to white-wash her too. A hot summer's day and I was up a ladder painting the front of my friend Rachel's house. She was just a friend, but a pretty one and single. She had a bubbly personality with a dirty laugh. Her body was appealing too, with large firm breasts but a slim waist and tight buns. Always slightly tanned her hair was dark brown bleached a little blonde by the sun. As I finished off the painting I looked thru. her front bedroom window at her double bed with trendy iron head and foot boards. As I gazed in I noticed something unusual, four large hand-cuffs were by the bedside table. "The kinky bitch" I thought, I'd have never have guessed it of her. Looking closer I then noticed a Police womans uniform hanging in one corner and remembered Rachel mentioning a fancy-dress part she was going to in a few days time, it all fitted in to place, maybe I had been too quick off the mark in judging her? So with my job complete I went indoors where Rachel was fixing us both a long cold stiff drink. She was hot too having been working in the garden, I noticed she was bra-less under her t-shirt and I feasted my eyes on the tightness of her cut-off jeans. When she turned around to put the ice back in the freezer I had a fantastic view of her tight ass thru the cut-offs, was it me or did she hold that bending over pose for just a little longer than was necessary? Thoughts ran thru my mind.... Rachel offered me use of the shower but I said she could go first, laughingly she suggested that we take one together to save water, I was sure she was joking but there was a glint in her eye... She went up stairs and I heard the water start to run, and Rachel getting undressed in her bedroom. "Sure you don't want to share?!" she shouted down as she dissapeared in to the bathroom. No time for indecision. I bound up the stairs, threw off all my clothes on the floor outside and boldly opened the bathroom door. Rachel was waiting for me, stark naked, beautifully tanned with faint swimming costume marks around her breasts, her pussy covered with a small tuft of brown hair leaving her lips partially exposed. My cock was rock hard before we started kissing! Our tongues explored each others mouths while our hands felt each others asses. We stumbled in to the shower, her breasts looked great as the water made them glisten and her nipples hardened turning a brownish pink color. We liberally soaped each other, her hands running up and down my cock and squeezing my balls while I rubbed her ass crack and soaped her ass hole. Letting the water run over my cock to rinse it Rachel squatted down and took it in her mouth, her head bobbed up and down while her tongue flicked over my helmet. I gripped her soaking wet hair pulling at it to make her work harder! "It's no good, I've GOTTA have a pee!" she said breaking off from her expert cock sucking and making to step out of the shower. I grabbed her "do it here" I said - she needed no further encouragement, she placed one foot on the side of the shower unit the other on the shower floor and let her piss flow. I jerked myself as I watched her, she aimed her jet over my hand and cock. I was close to cumming so held-off jerking just let her piss. Her eyes twinkled and she massaged her tits as the last few drops fell from her pussy. "C'mon let's clean up" I said lathering my hands and soaping her pussy for the last time, my hands ran round to her ass and I soaped her ass hole slipping first one then two fingers up her ass with no protest "better be clean inside as well as out" I added. She gripped me groaning as my fingers worked in and out of her then her fingers did the same to me, pushing in to my anus an inch or two and slowly working back and forth. "You like that?" I asked. She could only answer with another groan..."It's great...". I was so close to cumming it was dangerous, so I suggested we take a break and get out of the shower. We toweled each other dry then rubbed a small amount of oil over each others bodies but avoiding my cock and her clit. I stared to rub her anus but she stopped me saying we could do all that stuff in the comfort of the bed room. We walked thru Rachel carrying the curiously flavoured oil she'd got from some healthfood shop and placed it next to the hand-cuffs. She sat on the edge of the bed then held back, her legs hanging off the end of the bed, her breasts jutting skyward, slowly she parted her pussy lips with both hands and slipped in a finger. I fell to by knees and began to suck and lick for all I was worth, tasting her sweet pussy and faintly a minty oil taste! Soon she was moaning and writhing her eyes tightly closed. I remembered the cuffs - chance for some fun I thought. I slowly and gently manoeuvred her round on the bed still eating her pussy, occasionally flicking my tongue over her ass hole. Instinctivly she eventually grabbed hold of the bed with her hands above her head making her amble tits look amazing. "Let me fuck those tits" I suggested positioning myself over her tits. She pushed them together and I squirted a little oil between them before I started to fuck them, all the time I was waiting for her to close her eyes again so that I could swiftly cuff her the thought of surprising her like that turned me on. She closed her eyes! Swiftly I made my move within seconds she was cuffed by the wrists to the bed head board. "You bastard!" Rachel shouted, but laughed at the same time. She asked what I intended to do!? "Well I'm gonna fuck you till you beg me to take the cuffs off" "I hope you intend to stay all night then" was her answer. I brushed my cock over her face letting a little pre-cum dribble on to Rachel's chin which she eagerly licked off. I moved down the bed to return to her pussy, her legs spread wide for me but I wanted then up so I could lick her ass too, with her hands tied Rachel couldn't get into that position. I decided to cuff her legs up too, over her head. She realised what I was going to do and started to plead no, she said she felt too vulnerable...exactly. Trussed up on that position her hairless ass hole and smooth cunt were perfectly exposed I gently massaged oil into her cunt with my thumb while my fingers explored her anus, Rachel gave up wriggling as pleasure took over, soon she was writhing about , thrusting against my fingers as the motion of me pussy and ass fucking her brought her to an orgasm. Her juices ran down from her pussy and over her anus. I positioned my cock between the two, I was close to cumming myself "Which hole is it gonna be Rachel?" I asked "Fuck my cunt!" she yelled, too loud! We didn't want the whole neighbourhood to hear! I reached over to where her disgarded panties lay on the floor, screwing them up I popped them into her mouth to silence her, her yells we now muffled. "So you want your pussy fucked?" I teased, her eyes grew and she attempted a smile "Then I'll just have to fuck your tight brown ass hole!" I said. Rachel's eyes said it all - she was frightened but turned on. I pressed my cock against her tight ring, one hand guided it the other massaged her dripping pussy. My cock was eased in no problem, she was so juiced up and I guess had probably had something big up there before. Soon I was 4 inches in and started to slowly rock in and out "Squeeze me bitch!" I commanded and with that she tightened her ass muscles around my shaft, like being gripped by a tiny hand. Slowly did it as I was SO close to shooting. Rachel managed to push her panty gag out of her mouth...I expected abuse but all I got was encouragement "C'mon Mark, fuck my ass so fuckin' hard, as deep as you can" she yelled. I felt my cum well-up from inside my balls and my first dollup of goo shot inside her we both yelled and gasped and I came more and more each time pushing harder and deeper till I was wasted. My cock slid out of Rachel's asshole with a plop and a trickle of cum flowed out of her on to the bed. I released her legs as her was in pain, letting my sticky cock rub against her face, smearing cum on her cheek. I went out of the bedroom to clean up leaving Rachel still bound by her wrists. When I came back she asked me if I would kindly release her, naturally I said no and went down stairs for and hour or so to have a beer and rest. Later on she started yellin' so I made my way back up into the bedroom. "Mark I really need to pee badly, now let me go!" she pleaded. My cock twitched at the thought of Rachel tied up and peeing...on me! Seeing her there-helpless-turned me on and as my cock grew I positioned myself over her face and ordered her to suck me if I was going to free her. Rachel's lips clamped on to my cock and I rocked back and forth till I was at full size in her mouth. I with drew and knelt infront of her sweet pussy and ass, gently rubbing my sticky cock with one hand then massaging oil into her cunt and asshole with the other. Again she pleaded with me to let her go saying she would pee then and there if I didn't release the cuffs. Then she realised "You kinky bastard - that's what you want isn't it, to see me piss the bed" she said. But I wanted a bit more than that, I wanted my cock up her ass again as she pissed! I positioned myself with the tip of my cock pressing against her anus then pushed into her, she let out a cry but I slipped in easily. This time it was slow strokes back and forth, balls deep till Rachel let out a cry: "I'm gonna piss all over you-you bastard!!" and with that a trickle then a gush of hot piss sprayed up and over our bodies. I was so turned on and could tell she was too, but this time I wanted to cum over her so I whipped my cock out of her as she finished pissing and finished myself off cumming in great globs on her ample tits and over her open mouth. Finally I released the cuffs and she sighed in relief rubbing at her sore wrists and moaning. That was some decorating job I can tell you! .Ok.