Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

beat me harder, master

beat me harder, master My Mistresses parted the curtains and we peeked into the sold-out theater. "I've never seen such a big crowd," one said. "Standing room only," said the other. "They have come just to see this slut whipped and raped. I can hardly wait to take a cat to that fine ass of hers." "DRAG THAT WHORE OUT HERE!" The gruff order came from one of the five Masters. The two Mistresses who held me captive roughly pulled me out onto the stage. The crowd roared when they saw how young and beautiful I was. The resistance I put up was nothing more than an act. I was eager for the fun to begin. I was the only cast member wearing clothes. My two handlers rectified that by ripping my garments from my body. I stood naked before everyone. The audience showed its approval with a standing ovation. Tiers of seats surrounded the stage on all four sides. I took a full turn to show everyone my body. Two hundred cocks sticking out through flies were pointing directly at me. Eighteen naked actors stood in a circle. When my Mistresses pushed me to the floor in front of one of them, I came face to face with the biggest cock that I had ever seen. The monster stuck a foot straight out from a hairy belly. A strand of pre-cum dangled from the piss-hole. "SUCK MY COCK, SLUT!" He roughly grabbed the braid on the side of my head with one hand and hoisted his cock with the other. He forced the plum-sized bulb into my mouth and plunged it into my throat. Sensitive microphones picked up the retching sounds that I made and broadcast them to the audience, who expressed their delight with resounding applause. Their cheers were music to my ears. I was well on my way to becoming the star of the most notorious BDSM sex show in the country, perhaps in the world. Before I continue, I must tell you how I came to be on my knees sucking a stranger in front of hundreds of strangers. I wanted to follow in my mother's footsteps by becoming a nurse, but when puberty struck, all of that changed. Eager to learn as much about sex as possible, I searched my father's room and found his pornographic magazine collection. Every day after my parents left for work, I took out the magazines and toyed with my clit as I studied the pictures. When I read an article about the porn industry and learned how much money the women earn, I decided it was the profession for me. Fucking in front of cameras was far more lucrative than changing bedpans. I wasn't much to look at as a child, but puberty changed all that. The ugly duckling was transformed into a swan overnight. The boys were suddenly panting after me like dogs after a bitch in heat. I studied my body in a mirror and compared it to the bodies in the porno pictures. I was just as hot as any of the porno models. I knew I would succeed, but I never imagined the path that I would take to get there. As soon as I turned eighteen, I answered an ad for adult film actresses and was interviewed by a good-looking man named John. "Do you know what BDSM is?" he asked. "Of course. It's bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism." "Yes, that's right. Whips and chains. Have you ever tried it? "No. I don't think I could bring myself to whip someone." "You don't understand. You will be the one getting whipped. My nineteen partners and I stage elaborate BDSM plays two nights a week. We always have a full house. Four hundred people pay one hundred dollars a head to watch whipping and simulated rape scenes. We lost our star - our Slave Princess - and I need to find a replacement. She made so much money that she decided to retire. It's probably just as well. The audience was getting bored with her. I'm looking for someone who is young, beautiful and innocent. You fill the bill very nicely." "Well, I don't know," I said. "I had my heart set on a movie career." "You can have that, too. We bring in professional cameramen one night a week to tape the show. The tapes sell for a hundred dollars a copy. We're making a fortune. And by the way, we split all of our profits equally." "How much would I make?" "The box office takes in at least $40,000 every show. Some of that goes toward our expenses. The rest is split equally among us, and it's usually close to two thousand apiece. You can make anywhere from five hundred to a thousand from tape sales. You could easily earn a quarter of a million a year." That certainly got my attention. Perhaps now you will understand why I submitted to the deviant acts that I am about to describe to you. "Well, I guess I could give it a try." "I'll have to audition you to see if you are cut out for it. NOW GET THOSE CLOTHES OFF, SLUT!" I was stunned by his sudden change in demeanor. I had never seen anyone change so quickly. I fell under his spell and began to remove my clothing. I trembled as I stood naked in front of him. "Well, you certainly are a beautiful slut," he said. "Nice long nipples just made for clamps." He reached for my perfect 36C breasts and pinched both nipples between thumbs and fingers until tears welled up in my eyes. "GET ON YOUR KNEES, SLUT!" He unzipped his fly, pulled out a thick cock and thrust it into my mouth. Grabbing two handfuls of hair to hold me in place, he pumped his cock in and out. Most of the strokes were shallow but some hit my throat and gagged me. He masturbated with my mouth for ten minutes and then pulled out and shot his load in my face. When he was finished, I had thick ropes of cum on my forehead, cheeks, chin, lips, and nose. "You made me cum too quick, bitch. Now bend over that desk and take your punishment." Feeling powerless to resist, I complied with his demand. He slipped his belt off, doubled it over, and cracked me hard across the ass. I almost backed out at that point, but I gritted my teeth and held on. Soon the blows stopped hurting and began giving me a perverse pleasure unlike anything I had known before. When John tired of beating my ass, he threw me on the floor and raped me. It was the best fuck I had ever had. His sturdy prong sawing away at my clit gave me a string of orgasms, each one stronger than the one before. The pleasure became so unbearable that I fainted. John decided not to introduce me to the others because he thought my first performance would be more realistic among strangers. So that's how I happened to be on my knees among a group of sadistic strangers in front of four hundred cheering BDSM aficionados. Five Masters, five Mistresses, five slave girls, five slave boys and me - the Slave Princess - made up our group. We were the ingredients that went into the kinky dishes that our audience craved. But the Slave Princess was always the main course. My Master pulled his enormous cock from my mouth and slapped my face with it, then he stepped aside and another of my Masters took his place. They all pumped their cocks in and out of my mouth for a few seconds in a symbolic gesture meant to demonstrate their power over me. "We've given the whore enough pleasure," the man with the giant cock said. "Now it's time we gave her some pain. STRING THE SLUT UP!" As manacles were attached to my wrists, a rope descended from the darkness with a hook dangling from it. I soon found myself hanging with my legs dangling a foot above the floor. "Put weights on her cunt," Big Cock ordered. "Stretch the lips until they are long enough to tie around my cock when I fuck her." Two slave girls rushed forward and screwed weighted clamps on my labia. Pain shot down my legs as the tender flesh was crushed. When the weights were dropped, my lips stretched like rubber bands. Big Cock approached wearing an evil grin and waved a fiendish whip known as a Cat-of-Nine-Tails in my face. At the same time, one of my Mistresses came forward with a smaller version of the Cat known as a Tit Whip. As Big Cock delivered a merciless stroke to my beautiful round ass, his enormous cock swung across his body from hip to hip and flung pre-cum onto my ass. Nine red welts blossomed on the alabaster globes. An instant later, my tits received the same treatment. The crowd cheered, whistled and applauded. My agony was genuine at first. As I thrashed about in a futile attempt to escape the blows, the labia weights swinging in all directions stretched my pussy out of shape. The stimulation to my clitoris caused me to lubricate so copiously that my juices trickled down my thighs. When the blows began to give pleasure, I had to begin acting. "PLEASE, STOP, I CAN'T TAKE IT," I screamed even though I really wanted to shout "BEAT ME HARDER, MASTER!" While I was being whipped, various sex acts and tortures were being performed all around me. I knew that they were just window dressing and that everyone's eyes were on the Slave Princess. I looked out into the audience and was pleased to see that all of the men were openly masturbating. Many of the women had their hands stuffed down in their panties. As I watched a man in the front row ejaculate onto the floor, I had the first of many orgasms. The whipping stopped before I had had my fill. "RAPE THE BITCH!" a woman shouted from the audience. "SPREAD HER PUSSY FOR ME," Big Cock ordered. Two slave girls rushed forward and pulled my pussy-weights to the sides until my pussy looked like a red butterfly. The sadist came forward with his enormous cock in his hand. "Remember this big fucker, bitch? I'm going to drive it all the way up into your belly." While Big Cock was penetrating me, I noticed a slave girl greasing John's thick cock and knew what was coming next. I felt the feverish bulb press against my anus and an instant later it was buried in the warmth of my ass. The crowd cheered as the two men plunged their cocks into me. I sank onto the sturdy prongs until they would go no deeper. I was in ecstasy. I knew very well the joy of having one cock in me, but had never experienced the thrill of having two. I began to wail as my body was racked with an intense orgasm. "You're enjoying this far too much," John whispered in my ear. "These people want to believe that we are raping you. Help them believe. Resist, struggle, beg." "OH, GOD, PLEASE STOP RAPING ME! YOUR HUGE COCKS ARE SPLITTING ME IN HALF! SHOW ME SOME MERCY!" The fucking ended much too soon for me. Both men demonstrated flawless control and pulled free at the same instant. "TAKE THIS, BITCH," Big Cock said. Thick ropes of creamy jism shot all the way up to my tits. While he was soaking my front, John was showering my burning buttocks with a copious quantity of fuck juice. The audience howled with delight. Moans and groans were mixed in with the applause as some of the voyeurs, either intentionally or accidentally shot their loads onto the floor. I was lowered to the floor after John and Big Cock raped me. Two of my Mistresses attached clamps to my nipples and tightened them until I gasped and my eyes teared. One of the sadistic sluts grabbed the chain connecting the clamps and pulled me toward a fiendish-looking device that was being rolled onto the stage. The crowd cheered as they saw my beautiful tits distended in front of me. I was soon strapped in place on the Horse, so named because I was in a position similar to that of a jockey on a horse. Every orifice in my body was at cock height and available to anyone who wanted to make use of them. The three Masters who had not yet raped me came forward to take their turns. Before they penetrated, they delivered five stinging blows to my ass with a riding crop. The shrieks that came from my mouth were the real thing. The first Master roughly drove his cock into my pussy, fucked me hard for awhile, then pulled out and raised his aim. Coated with my slippery juices, his knob slid smoothly into my rump. Much too soon for me, he pulled out and sprayed my tingling ass. The first Master failed to make me cum, but the second one did not. I was no longer able to pretend that I was suffering. The audience had caught on to the fact that I was enjoying myself, so Big Cock had no choice but to grant me permission to cum. I fainted while the third Master was fucking me and woke to the cheers of the crowd as a bucket of cold water was thrown in my face to revive me. "PUT THE WHORE ON THE FUCKING MACHINE!" Big Cock bellowed. "IT WILL MAKE A WOMAN OUT OF HER." My eyes widened when another diabolical device was rolled onto the stage. The Mistresses placed the machine in front of me to show me how it worked. Two long steel rods protruded from holes in a large, wooden box. A dildo about a foot in length was attached to the end of the bottom rod and one about half its size was attached to the top rod. "Have you ever been raped by a machine, slut?" one of them asked. She flipped a switch and the dildos began to move in opposite directions, the top one moving away from the box and the bottom one moving toward it. The Mistress rotated a dial and the dildos moved faster. The machine was moved into place behind me and the dildos were lined up with my orifices. Then they began moving in and out of me, the small one into my ass and the large one into my cunt. To the delight of the audience, I was soon howling like a she-wolf in heat. No man had ever fucked me so good. While the Fucking Machine was driving me to the brink of insanity, the others put on a whipping show. All ten slaves were whipped on the ass using synchronized blows. For variety, various kinds of whips were used. There were cats, riding crops, canes, switches and paddles. After each blow, the instruments were passed around so the slaves would get a taste of all of them. When the whipping show was over, the slaves lined up with their backs to the audience and bent forward so the audience could see their marks. Their asses were striped with angry red blotches and welts. The audience applauded loud enough to rattle the chandeliers. "DEGRADE THE SLUT!" Big Cock shouted. The sadists returned to me and roughly removed me from the Fucking Machine and the Horse. I was forced to my knees and two Masters on each side of me took a tight grip on my braids to prevent me from moving my head. The male slaves were ordered forward to jack off in my face. Big Cock ordered me to keep my eyes and mouth open. I had never seen a man masturbate before and watched with fascination as the first slave pumped his thick cock. He made a growling noise as he shot his load. The first shot sailed into my gaping mouth and down my throat. The second shot blinded me. It took me several minutes to blink away the spunk that clouded my vision. The crowd applauded each wet volley. By the time the fifth and last slave had shot his load, my face was covered with creamy splooge. My ordeal was far from over. I soon found myself suspended by my ankles with my head just above the floor and my hands shackled behind my back. My Mistresses and Masters formed a circle around me, some with cats dangling from their hands. Someone gave me a hard push, and then I was swinging wildly with gobs of cum flying off of my face. Whenever I came close to someone with a whip, I received a blow. Finally, a Mistress grabbed one of the braids dangling from the side of my head and pulled me roughly to her. Holding me tightly by the braids, she ground her hairy pussy in my face. "EAT MY CUNT, BITCH!" she screamed. After a few seconds of tonguing her slit, she gave me a hard push and I spun wildly until one of the men grabbed the flying braids. He held tightly to them as he pumped his cock into my mouth. This continued until I had performed oral sex on everyone. Meanwhile, the slaves had been given permission to have sex with each other and five couples were fucking in five different positions on the outside of the circle. The cum-shots had been planned as meticulously as everything else. When one of the Masters announced that he was cumming, the two Mistresses on either side grabbed my braids to free his hands and to hold me in place. He grinned as he jacked a sloppy load into my face. I was given a fresh spin and fresh cum flew off of my face to speckle the legs of my tormentors. After the last Master came in my face, all five of them came forward and gave me a golden shower with my cunt as a target. Their amber streams hitting my clit triggered my final orgasm. The Masters and Mistresses lined up to receive a standing ovation while we slaves went to our knees and bowed down to the audience. As I took my subservient bow, cum dripped off of my face onto the floor. We drifted backstage in silence. John rushed out into the theater and wandered up and down the aisles grinning down at the floor. He was ecstatic when he returned. "My, God, the floors are covered with cum. I have never seen so much. They all must have gotten their rocks off two or three times each. This may have been our best performance yet, thanks to our new Slave Princess." John introduced me to my new partners. Men and women who had been whipping me just moments before now hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. What a transformation! Those who had wielded the whips were now rubbing soothing cream into the asses of those they had whipped. I learned that Big Cock's name was Charles. He was a very nice man who seemed much to gentle to play the part of a sadist. However, he played the part very well. To keep our audience coming back for more, we made small changes to the play each week and presented a new one each month. Because of his enormous cock, Charles always played the part of Headmaster. I always played the role of the Slave Princess. All of the others switched roles. Mistresses became slave girls and Masters became slave boys. I made a small fortune during my three years as the star of John's play. I had enough money to live on for the rest of my life. I left my sordid life behind and retired to a comfortable mansion in the country. But every few months, the itch in my pussy becomes unbearable and I return to the stage for the whippings that I have become addicted to.