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Doing Kim

Doing Kim I'll tell you how this all started. This whole idea of Joanna making me do disgusting things. It started before I even met her. She had many boyfriends over the years, but there was one named Jake that she liked to talk about. Her favorite story about Jake started on a drive through the city. I'll just tell you this story the way Joanna told it to me. Jake said he was horny and asked if Joanna wanted to stop someplace for a quickie. Well, you might as well ask what color a bluebird is. Jake drove into a residential area and said they were going to stop at the apartment of an old girlfriend, Kim. He said they could fuck on Kim's bed. He asked Joanna to just go along with it. Then he said "I don't know you all that well, but I have to ask this-you're not into women, are you? Like bisexual or anything? I mean, it's all right with me if you were, it's just that I don't want to go over to Kim's apartment if there's any chance that you're going to like fall in love with her or something and leave me standing the hall with my dick in my hand." "Don't be ridiculous, Jake. No, I'm not bisexual. Jesus, you worry about the strangest things." "Never made love with another woman, even once?" "No!" "Ok, good. Sorry, I just had to know. Kim's not into women, either, unless she picked it up all of a sudden in the last few months, which I doubt. She's kind of a stuck-up, I'm-a- college-graduate princess bitch. I shouldn't say that. We broke up in a friendly way, and I still talk to her now and again, but I guess I'm still mad at her." "Why, did she cheat on you?" "She killed my dog. Ran over him with her car. Said it was an accident, but she never liked him, either." "Jesus." (Joanna paused at this point in the story to tell me that Jake later admitted that he had made up the dog story to get sympathy and to make her feel angry at Kim before she even met her. Jake bragged that he had used the dog story about a hundred times, and it never failed with women. Never. He could sometimes get blowjobs from women he'd just met, merely because they felt so sorry for him, when he acted all sad because of his dog dying and his girlfriend being a heartless bitch. Joanna said the story worked on her, too. She just didn't even consider that it might not be true. When they arrived at Kim's apartment, she already had an opinion of Kim as being a cruel and selfish person.) Jake also warned Joanna that he might be rude to Kim, that it might be necessary to yell at her or something, to get her to let them use her bed. That was fine with Joanna. The bitch deserved it. When Kim answered her door, she did not appear thrilled to see Jake standing there with his arm around another woman. "What do you want, Jake?" she said. "Hey, girl, I just dropped by to say hello and introduce you to my friend Joanna. There's no need to be rude, is there?" Joanna said she guessed that Kim might still had a thing for Jake. She said Kim was skinny, with short brown hair and freckles. Her eyeglasses gave her a bookish look, but she was pretty, about 30. She was wearing a blue tee-shirt with a picture of Mozart on it, no bra, and cut off jeans. "I guess not," she said, "come on in." Jake began at once to show Joanna around the apartment, leading her by the hand past the kitchen and down the hall to the bedroom, Kim following. He walked Joanna into the bedroom and then turned to Kim and put his arm around Joanna and said "Kim, the honest truth is we were both horny and needed a place to knock off a piece. You don't mind if we use your bed, do you?" "Jesus Christ, Jake. You beat everything." "We need to use your bed." Kim wavered for a few seconds, then shrugged her shoulders. "All right," she said, "go ahead. I'll be in the kitchen." She turned and walked out, slamming the door. Jake and Joanna took off all of their clothes, and Jake spent a moment just looking at Joanna's voluptuous body. "Goddamn, girl, you got a woman's body on you. You're like a she-woman, if there such a thing. Like a he-man, only the female version. Damn. You know what I'd like to do, I'd like to make Kim come in here and look at you, just so she knows what a real woman is supposed to look like. She probably thinks that her skinny ass is the grand ultimate form of womankind. I'd like to teach that stuck-up bitch a lesson about life." Joanna said she finally gave it, and told him to go ahead and do it, mostly because he laid so much flattery on her she could hardly think straight. Then Jake opened the door and called for Kim. "What do you want?" "Come here!" Kim walked into the bedroom, and as soon as she saw the couple standing there naked she spun around as if to leave but Jake yelled at her to get back in the bedroom. He ordered her to stand in front of them, and not to avert her eyes, but to look at them, especially to look at Joanna's body. Joanna was a little surprised that Kim obeyed like a child, when Jake spoke sternly to her. Joanna's body is voluptuous. Not chubby, but just big. Big hips and big tits. Heavy hangers. And her nipples are so long that they look like they've been sucked on for thousands of hours, which they probably have. She shaves her legs but has never trimmed the black hair of her bush, and when she's excited her labia swell and her cunt opens up like a big flower. It also produces paste at an incredible rate. "I want to make sure we have your complete cooperation, here," Jake said. "I don't want to do this if it's a problem for you." "Goddamn, Jake," Kim almost whimpered, "I said it was ok. What do you want from me?" "A demonstration." Jake lifted a pillow from the head of the bed and dropped it on the floor in front of them. "That's for your knees" he said. Kim just stared at him, not comprehending. "Put your knees down on the damn pillow!" Jake said. Kim looked down at the pillow for a few seconds, her head hanging, and then got down on the floor. "I want you to show us that you approve of our being here." "I already told you I don't care if you fuck this bitch on my bed, Jake. What do you want?" Anger flashed through Joanna's mind, but she said nothing. "Oh, I'm the bitch?" she thought. "Kiss my feet, to show me that you're glad I walked in here today. Go on, do it." "For God's sake," Kim said. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Jake just stood there, waiting. Then she kissed his feet, but he made her do it over because he couldn't hear the smacking noise that a proper kiss should have. "Good girl. Now kiss my cock, to show me that you're glad I came here to fuck." Joanna told me that standing there naked in front of this woman under these circumstances was turning her on. She almost hated the skinny woman already and knew that her big tits hanging right there was a humiliation to Kim. Her cunt was opening quickly and she could feel it getting wetter by the second. She knew Kim could smell it, too, and she was glad. Kim didn't seem to mind kissing Jake's half-hard cock. Then Jake told her to kiss Joanna's feet, and she did. She apparently didn't think ahead very far because there was a surprised and dismayed look on her face when Jake told her to kiss Joanna's cunt. Joanna thought "Yes, down-on-your-knees bitch. Kiss another woman's stinky cunt. You deserve to be treated like a dog." "Go on, Kim, give it a kiss. Lips on lips. Then you can go, but I'm going to take care of you, too. I have a nice little treat planned for you." "Don't make me do it, Jake, please." "I said--kiss her cunt!" Finally Kim, tears in her eyes, slowly leaned forward toward the stinking, pasty thing in front of her and kissed it. Joanna said Kim's lips closed right on her clitoris and the kiss was a little longer than she would have expected. She wasn't sure if Kim hadn't sucked a little cunt paste into her mouth, too. After the kiss, Kim rose and hurried out of the room. Joanna said she decided that Kim didn't want to be made to kiss it twice, and so had made sure the first kiss was an acceptable one. Joanna told me that when she felt the woman's lips on her clit she almost came right then, it felt so good. She hadn't expected it to be that pleasurable, but there was something in the way Jake had controlled the woman and made her kiss it, that she found exciting almost beyond words. Jake and Joanna reclined on Kim's bed and had a long, leisurely fuck. While they were doing it, Jake said he wanted to call Kim back into the room and humiliate her some more after they were done. Joanna just nodded. "You should tie that bitch up and whip her until she brings your dog back from the grave," is what she was thinking. When they were done, Jake called Kim back into the room and commanded her to get back on her knees. Kim got down on her knees reluctantly, shaking her head. "Jake, please. I did what you wanted." "Yes, but you haven't earned your treat yet. Now I can't leave here with Joanna's cunt paste all over me. It causes my dick to stick to my pants leg. So get your face on in here and lick me clean." Before Kim could even protest, Jake grabbed her by her hair and said angrily "And I'm getting tired of arguing with you about everything. Now get busy!" He pulled her face into his crotch and did not let go of her hair until he felt her tongue licking around the base of his cock. "Good girl. Isn't that delicious? That's right, lick that paste into your mouth and swallow it down. Lick my balls, too." While she was licking him, he motioned for Joanna to sit on the edge of the bed next to him and open her legs. When he figured he was clean enough, Jake pushed Kim back and then got off the bed and moved around behind her. Grabbing her arm in one hand and her hair in the other, he pulled her over until she was in front of Joanna. "Joanna's problem is," he said, "she can't leave here with her cunt all creamy like that, it soaks her panties. Now you've probably never licked another woman before, and I don't really care if you enjoy it or not. Get in there and lick it clean." Kim managed to get out one word, "No..." before her face was pushed into the wet hairy mess between the other woman's legs. Joanna told me this was the first time she had ever been eaten out after a fucking, and it hooked her on the idea. The battering her cunt takes during a fuck session makes it sensitive, or something, so that a tongue and sucking lips feel absolutely incredible after a fuck. She had never felt a woman's mouth licking and sucking on her before, but this was such a strange situation that she didn't think of it as being a lesbian act. This was just putting a bitch in her place. She laid back, kept her legs open wide, and gave in to the fantastic sensations. After a long time, and after Kim had licked Joanna's thighs and pubic hair as well as her cunt and had swallowed most of Jake's load, he told her that that was enough. Kim collapsed on the floor and lay curled up. Joanna said she couldn't tell if she was crying or not. There was a mirrored vanity in the bedroom, and Jake took Joanna's hand and led her across the room and had her stand in front of the mirror. He had her open her legs and bend forward, resting her hands on the vanity's surface. Then he dropped a pillow on the floor behind her. "Kim!" he said sharply. When she opened her eyed and looked at him, he just pointed to the pillow on the floor and snapped his finger at her. Kim obediently walked over on her hands and knees and planted her knees on the pillow. Jake told her put her hands on Joanna's butt cheeks, and she did. Jake told her to spread the butt cheeks open and look at the butt hole in front of her, and she did. "Now here's your treat, Kim. We can't let Joanna leave here unless she's completely satisfied, now can we? She's not completely satisfied yet. What she needs is a rim job. She needs her asshole to be tongue-fucked, and since your tongue sticks out farther than mine, you get to give her what she needs." Kim was apparently beyond arguing at that point. Joanna told me she had never felt anything like the rimming Jake saw that she got. Jake made Kim start out with long wet kisses on her asshole. He then made her lick the anus for a long time to relax the sphincter muscles so that when it was time to plunge her tongue inside, it would slide smoothly up in there. Jake made Kim do everything that a mouth can do to an asshole. He made Kim fuck the hole with her tongue, pushing it in as far as she could, sliding it out most of the way, and then pushing it back in, over and over. He made Kim push her tongue into Joanna's rectum and hold it inside, licking around the backside of the anus with the tip of her tongue. Kim had a long tongue, Joanna told me. He made Kim put her lips around the asshole and suck on it. He even made the experience more humiliating for Kim by pausing from time to time to smell the tip of her tongue to see if it smelled like shit. Finally, her mouth exhausted, Kim was allowed to stop. She laid on the floor, curled up again, while Jake and Joanna got dressed. "Get up and see us to the door," Jake told Kim. When they reached the apartment door, Jake stopped and looked Kim up and down. She looked haggard. "Drop those jeans." Kim hung her head. She didn't even look at him. Her hands went to the waist button of the jeans and then stopped, as if she'd changed her mind. Then she started to unfasten the button and then stopped again. But finally she went ahead and undid the button and pulled, unzipping the jeans. She let them fall to her ankles. Jake stepped behind her, and put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her neck. She stood motionless, facing Joanna, with Jake behind her. Jake's hand slid down to her side, stroked around to her lower abdomen and to the top of her panties. "Open your legs a little, Kim" Jake whispered in her ear, and she did, stepping one foot out of the jeans at her ankles and kicking them aside with her other foot. His hand then slid down to her crotch, which he began to squeeze gently through her panties. She closed her eyes and moaned as he continued to massage her crotch and cup her cunt in his hand. "Would you like me to finger you?" he asked. Kim nodded. Her mouth was open and she was beginning to breathe heavily. Joanna watched Jake's hand slip inside the band of Kim's panties and travel down to her pubic hair, and then stop. "Kim, lift up your shirt and show Joanna your tits." Kim just whimpered and didn't move. Neither did Jake's hand. After a long moment, she grabbed the bottom of her tee-shirt and lifted the front of it up over her smallish breasts, exposing them. Joanna said Kim had freckles on her chest and that her nipples were brown, with almost no surrounding areola, and were very hard. The brown color surprised her a little, she said, because a woman's nipples tend to stay pink unless she's had children-it's the pregnancy that turns them brown, she said-but there was no evidence of a child at her apartment. In any case, Joanna could sense that Kim was humiliated to be exposing her breasts to another woman who had breasts three times that size. "That's good, now just hold your shirt like that." Jake's fingers reached Kim's wet cunt lips and he began lightly stroking up and down her slit. She moaned with every breath. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back but Jake told her to keep her eyes open and to look at Joanna, who was looking at the other woman's chest, as she figured Jake wanted her to do. For long moments Jake continued his gentle stroking of Kim's cunt while she stood there holding up her shirt. Then he said "Are you ready for a more vigorous massage?" Kim nodded. She was nearly panting, her mouth open. "Why don't you tell Joanna that you're glad she came over today?" Jake continued his feathery touching for a full minute before Kim made herself say "I'm glad you came over, Joanna." Jake's fingers then began a firm massage of Kim's clitoris, causing her to cry out and swoon, almost falling backwards. Joanna told me that Jake's fingers seemed to know what they were doing, and in only a minute brought Kim to a hard orgasm. Her hips bucked involuntarily when she came, thrusting her cunt forward in quick spasms, dislodging the fingers and instantly soaking the panties. Jake waited only a few seconds for the spasm to subside, then his fingers went back to work. When her arms got tired from holding up her shirt, Kim pulled it off and let it fall to the floor. After that, her arms just hung limp at her sides. Joanna then did something on her own. She stepped closer to Kim and reached up and took the hard nipples in her fingers. She kneaded and pinched them gently as she held them, but didn't pull on them or twist them. Mostly she just stood there, holding the other woman's nipples firmly between her thumbs and first fingers, lifting them to point the small breasts skyward. Kim looked down and watched, but made no effort to stop her. Jake continued to masturbate the woman, and continued to insist that she stand still and keep her eyes open, looking at Joanna. His fingers brought her to one orgasm after another. The three of them stood there, locked in this activity, for a long time. Joanna's arms got tired after a while and she let go of Kim's nipples. But she was curious about all the activity going on inside the panties, so she pulled a kitchen chair over and sat down in front of Kim. She then reached up and carefully pulled down the front of Kim's panties to get a clear view of Jake's fingers in action. What she saw surprised her. Kim had the longest and fattest clit she had ever seen, and it was clear that Jack knew exactly how to milk it. Joanna described it as being just like a little cock, with a cockhead and everything. Jake would push two fingers up into her cunt as far as they would go for a new seconds, then he would pull them out and then start jacking off the little cock. As Joanna was watching, Kim came again, and juices spurted from her cunt in a surprising quantity. A stream of hot, watery liquid shot forward and hit Joanna in the thigh. She was momentarily angry and having part of her pants soaked like that, but didn't do anything except pull the panties back up to keep these juices in their place. Joanna guessed that this whole episode lasted fifteen to twenty minutes. During that time Jake made Kim say many things. He'd tell her what to say and then if she hesitated, do something in her panties that was painful until Kim said what Jake wanted to hear. Joanna figured he was pushing his fingernail into one of her lips. Joanna laughed, telling me about this. Kim ended up saying whatever Jake wanted to hear, and Jake wanted to hear some repulsive things. He wanted to hear things that Kim did not want to say. "She told me I had a beautiful cunt. And you could tell she hated the word 'cunt' and didn't want to say it, but Jake insisted. She told me that she loved the smell and taste of my cunt, and thanked me for letting her kiss and lick it. She said she would be honored to lick it again sometime, and my asshole too. She asked that I not bathe for a few days before I visited the next time so my cunt would be extra stinky. She told me if I wanted, I could bring a friend or two over and she would lick their cunts and assholes too. Jake also made her say 'I love to eat cunt' dozens of times as he masturbated her." After the first few major orgasms, Kim began to beg Jake to stop, but he kept on, saying "Come on, baby, you can come some more if you try." Eventually, Kim's cunt juices had run down both legs and over her bare feet to the floor, and she was shaking and appeared ready to pass out from exhaustion. Joanna said that Kim's two cats had been perched next to them on the floor, watching them with interest the whole time. One of them walked over and began to lap up cunt juice off the floor. Jake understood that she couldn't take any more, so he pulled his hand out of Kim's panties and allowed her to slump backwards, lowering her to the floor. We left her like that, Joanna said, laying on the floor, her mouth open, hair matted with sweat, drool running out a corner of her mouth, glasses fogged, both cats lapping at the pool of juice on the floor. Back in the car, Joanna said "I can't believe she actually did those things. You just walk in out of the blue and make her lick another woman's crotch and asshole? It's too weird." "I didn't make her do anything," Jake replied. "She could have refused. I didn't threaten her. But I asked her once if she'd ever done it with another woman, and she said she hadn't but that she might try it someday. She was curious about it. So, really, she wanted to do those things, at least to try them. But she would never have done them on her own. This way, she doesn't have to feel responsible for the decision to lick another woman's asshole, she can blame me. Do you see how much easier that makes it? "And you know what? Standing by the door there, I bet that was the hardest Kim has ever come. She'll look back on our visit as being the most erotic experience of her life. "I'll tell you something else, if we went back there for a second visit, we could do damn near anything we wanted with her. I'm serious, she'd do anything we told her to do." Joanna thought about this. The experience had been exciting for her, too, and had given her new experiences. For one thing, she hadn't known it was even possible to get that much pleasure from her asshole. The eating out after the fuck had been incredible. And there was also something exciting about the way Jake pushed Kim around and controlled her. She had some sympathy for what Kim had been through, but she had more contempt than anything else. Imagine licking another woman's asshole. Didn't the woman have any self-respect? Thinking about it made Joanne feel powerful, which had a separate thrill to it aside from everything else. In fact, making that silly bitch do things she didn't want to do was fun. Really fun. Yes, she decided, let's visit good old Kim again, and her through the ringer next time. "I want to visit her again, Jake." "So do I. But we need to let her recover from this visit for a while. Tell you what, why don't you stop bathing about Tuesday, and wear the same underwear everyday after that. About Thursday morning, wash all the deodorant off your underarms and don't put any more on. We'll go see Kim again next Friday night. By then I want your crotch and your armpits to stink to high heaven."