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In Trouble

In Trouble My boyfriend drives me crazy. And not always in a good way. Take just last week, for instance. All in the space of one week, he got me hot and bothered on the phone at much so that I never heard my boss coming up behind me. Now that was fun, let me tell you...I really had to talk my way out of that one. Then he decided to toss me down over the kitchen table just minutes before my son was due home. (Okay, I admit the fear of getting caught only added to the whole thing...but I'm not about to admit that to him. Same thing just the other day, when hïe had to go out but left me with some very, very bad thoughts. Unfortunately, I have a very informal household and never heard my brother, of all people, plus two of his friends, entering my house, until a rap on my bedroom door made me nearly jump out of my skin, take my hands away from my pants and run to the door mumbling some excuse about a nap. That was totally the last straw! I'm normally a very sweet girl. I swear...I'm not some dominatrix, at least most of the time. But you have to admit, David had it coming to him. I just had to teach him a lesson of his own...I don't know how long he thought he was going to get away with all this. But desperate times call for desperate measures. So I went shopping yesterday on the way home from work... I walked in the door, having just had a little talking-to from my boss that afternoon. My boss was fairly cool about was more like just a gentle little warning about how if it had been anyone but him who had caught me, I might be in big trouble. He was trying to be stern, but I could also tell it had had something of an effect on him...and he was kind of smirking. I'm getting a reputation here! So when I walked in the door that evening, I was pretty much steaming. Of course, David was cheerful and sweet, as always. He thinks that because he's so cute and has such killer blue eyes, he can get away with anything. So he was turning on the charm, big-time. That "cute" act has gotten that boy out of trouble a million times, with his mom, his sisters, friends, co-workers and probably with other girlfriends. Well, not with me! Naturally, he came right up to me and gave me a big deep kiss, then tried to hug me. I pushed him away, hard. "Don't try to be all sweet with me! Do you know what happened at work today? I got a talking to. Do you know how humiliating that was?" "Oh honey, I'm sorry," he said, trying to hide a little smirk. Well, that was it. I hauled back and delivered a stinging smack to his cheek. He stared at me in shock...well, sort of. You see, there isn't much David and I haven' done so far. And of course, he knows that no matter what the situation, he can end up with me helpless and him having his way. I can never resist. Which PISSED ME OFF EVEN MORE right about now. "Don' pull that sweet crap with me," I yelled at him. "Oh, but honey...I mean I'm really..." he started. "Sorry? Maybe," I said, "but not sorry enough. You will be, though. You're going to pay for this, here and now." I could tell he was getting hot. Sometimes, David likes me to tell him what to do. But this time I had some surprises in store for him, and he really would be sorry, in the end. So to speak.... "Look," he pleaded, "I'll make it up to you. You can do whatever you want...okay? I know I behaved badly." "Got that right," I growled. David is much taller than I am, but I had the element of surprise on my side, so I put my hand on his shoulder and shoved down, hard. He fell down on his knees right there in front of me. He stared up at me with his baby-blues but I hardened my resolve and put a stern look on my face. No mercy tonight. This was getting good. I was surprising even myself. And he was too surprised to, I could tell he was getting curious. And hot. I know, deep down, that David loves me and would do anything for me. Anything at all. Or at least I thought so. I was about to put that to the test "I'm frustrated now," I said in a carefully controlled voice, "and the first thing you're going to do is relieve me." I lifted up my skirt. I was wearing panties but only thigh-high garters. "Pull my panties down," I ordered. He started to yank at them. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled his head back with one hand. "Too fast," I said, then slapped him hard with my other hand. "Do it slowly. Respectfully." "Yes baby," he whispered, starting to pull at them more slowly. "That's 'yes Mistress," I corrected. "I'm not your baby right now. Not after the way you've acted." I could tell he was thinking, Is she kidding? I didn't like that disrespect and besides, I had NO patience right now. So I smacked him again. "I said, my name is Mistress." "Yes, Mistress," he gasped just before I shoved his face right into my shaved pussy. He couldn't say any more after that point because I had his mouth covered with my dripping-wet pussy and was shoving his tongue hard against my clit. "Lick it," I ordered. He did so, panting hard into my bare cunt. I wondered if he could breath this way but I couldn't stop myself. I ground myself hard against his tonuge. "Stick your tongue in my pussy," I ordered. He shoved his tongue deep inside my cunt while I gasped from the pleasure. My David sure knows how to eat pussy. I was cumming in no time, dripping my juices all over his face. "Now stop," I ordered, yanking his head back. I walked away and he started to get up and follow me. "Get the fuck down," I shouted. He fell back down to his knees and sat there obediently. I went to get the new toys I had bought. One of the toys was a studded collar and a leash. David opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. I don't think he was about to question me at that point. Besides, I knew he was getting off on it. We can never hide much from one another. I stood in front of him, my skirt still jacked up and my panties dripping wet, right in front of his face so he could see and smell me, but not touch m e. "Now hold still while I put this on you," I ordered, securing the collar around his neck. It wasn't choking him, but it was close around his neck. I hooked the leash onto the collar. "Tonight," I said, "I am going to make you my bitch. And then you'll know the meaning of respect." He looked up at me. He looked so cute and bitch-like in his studded collar. "I'm sorry," he said. "I promise never to disrespect you again, Mistress." "That's right," I answered, "you won't. Are you going to be my good little bitch now?" He reached for me. "Yes," he gasped. I slapped his hands away. "Yes what?" David was shaking hard now, and I could see the bulge in his shorts. He doesn't wear any underwear, and he packs some pretty huge meat, so it was pretty apparent. "Yes, Mistress." "Oh...that's a good puppy," I mocked. He shook harder. "Are you my good puppy?" I asked as I shoved him down onto his face on the floor and began pulling off his pants. "Yes," he mumbled into the kitchen floor. "I promise to be good for you now..." "Good," I said. I got a little dish of water. This was getting to be quite a bit of fun. He really would do anything for me! I wondered if he would do this, too. I had read about it and was curious...I grabbed his leash and yanked on it so that he was up on all fours. Then I lead him on all fours over to the dish. I grabbed his leash and yanked on it, leading him that way over to the dish. I gave the leash another good yank and said, "If you're such a good puppy, then drink from your dish for me." He started to put his head down toward the dish. Not fast enough for me. I was crazed by this point. I took the heel of my boot, put it on his head and pushed down so that he got a face full of water. "I said drink!" I yelled. He lapped at the water, glancing up at me once in a while. "That's very good," I smiled. "What a good, good puppy you are." Then I reached for my next toy. We had done a few things along these lines, but this would be harder, bigger and deeper than anything my poor puppy had ever experienced before. I put on the strap-on I had picked up, and fitted a 7" dildo into it. It was almost as big as he is. David is long and thick, and sometimes it hurts me a little. Not that that doesn't turn me on, too...but now he was going to see how it felt. I'd make sure of it. David lifted his face from the bowl. "What are you doing, hon...Mistress?" he corrected himself quickly. "Did I tell you to stop?" I shouted. I took my hand and shoved his head back, facing the bowl, so he couldn't see what I was doing. But he had caught sight of that huge thing and was trembling again. Not just out of fear, though...I was sure of that. He was turned on. This only gave me free license to really push the limits. "Keep drinking," I said. As he was drinking from the dish with long puppy-laps, I leaned down close to his ear. I had a fingerful of lubricant and I reached down to rub the outside of his asshole with it. Just as I started pushing my finger in, I said right into his ear, "Are you really sorry?" "Yes," he gasped. I shoved my finger in harder. "Very, very sorry?" "Yes...yes..." "Hmmm," I said. "Not sorry enough. But you're going to make it up to me now, aren't you, bitch?" "God...yes...I'll do whatever my Mistress wants...just please don't hurt me...." "Oh, so now you're asking me for mercy? I didn't see much mercy when you were trying to drive me crazy all week.," I said sharply. I pulled him right up by his hair so that he was kneeling. "Now put your hands behind your back." He put them there. I got out a pair of wrist restraints. David has pretty big wrists-he's definitely no wimp--but I was going to make him my bitch now. Luckily, the restraints fit around his wrists. Because he's a big boy, normally, nobody would mess with him, but here was little me, all of 5'1", totally cowing him. God did the thought of that ever get me off. I was getting hotter and hotter and my juices were flowing down my thighs. The way I had the strap-on situated, it rubbed a little against my clit. Oooooooooh. I knew I could get off pretty fast with what I was about to do. But not before my job was done. I slathered the dildo with lube while my puppy knelt straight up in front of me, his hands restrained behind his back, breathing like a freight train. He was enjoying this a little too much. "You're going to bet it now," I warned. My breath was coming fast now. My nipples were hard as rocks and my pussy dripped juice until I was practically swimming in it. "You are going to take it like a good little bitch. Sit back on my cock. You are going to take every inch of this fucker, and you are going to like it." "Please..." I knew he was putting it off just for the effect, and to see just how pissed off I could get. So I slapped his ass cheek hard with my hand. He gasped and moaned loudly. "Shut the fuck up," I shouted, delivering another hard slap on his other ass cheek. Both cheeks were getting pink now. The effect was so hot that I did it again, and again. "Lean over," I commanded, and he leaned forward, his face pressed into the linoleum, hands behind his back, while I beat mercilessly at his ass and his thighs. "Please, please," he begged. "I'll be good now..." I gave him a few last stinging slaps, then stopped abruptly and yanked him back up by his leash. Then I said very slowly and very calmly, "I believe I told you to LEAN BACK ON THIS FUCKER and TAKE IT UP YOUR ASS. Didn't I?" "Yes, yes," he said quickly. I pointed the wet, lubed tip of the dildo at the entrance to his ass and said, "Sit down on it, then." Hesitantly, he slowly began to lower himself ontto the huge intruder. He moaned out loud, both from pain and pleasure, as the tip slid into his ass. "It's big," he protested, barely able to get the words out. "Tough shit," I said in a mocking sing-song voice. Then I grabbed his hips. "More," I demanded. He forced himself to sit down a little harder. "More!" I shouted. I was power-tripping like crazy. I could hear my poor puppy groaning from the strain as two inches penetrated him, then three, then four. "Oh God," he gasped. "What a good puppy," I taunted as every inch of the dildo disappeared deep up his ass. "What a little bitch you are. Just look at you take that thing. You've been such a good little fuck, I think I'll give you a little reward." I still had tons of lube on my hand. "If you ride me and prove to me what a loyal bitch you are, I'll stroke you off," I said. He hesitantly began to move up and down on the huge dildo. "Harder," I shouted. He did as I asked, riding it hard. I reached around and took his cock firmly in his hand. It was hard to the bursting point by now. "Harder!" I yelled out, rocking my hips now as my bitch let the dildo penetrate him as deep as it could go. I shoved my hand harder and harder up and down his beautiful cock. Soon enough, I felt him spurt ribbons of hot cream all over my hand, his thighs and the linoleum floor. He moaned again and again as he came. I pulled out suddenly, and he collapsed again onto the floor, panting helplessly... "Look at the mess you made," I announced, then turned him over. I straddled his chest and put the strap-on up to his lips. "Suck me off," I commanded. He lapped hard at the cock, and I stuck the tip in his mouth and shoved it in and out. "Now you are going to clean up that fucking mess you made," I growled. I ripped off the strap-on and scooped a good fingerful of cum off David's thighs. He moaned as I shoved my cum-coated finger into his mouth. "Clean it up, you dirty little pig," I said. He licked and sucked hard. "Now it's my turn," I announced, and straddled his handsome face. I ground hard onto him. "Eat me, you dirty pig," I screamed out, feeling myself start to cum. I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my own mouth. I ground my entire body weight onto his flushed face. "Harder! God damn it, I said LICK me, you dirty little bitch!" He gave it his all, licking and sucking at my pussy, just the way I like it. Finally, I came, and collapsed down beside him. Strangely enough, all I wanted to do now was cuddle up next to him. I felt warm and happy. My frustrations were all gone and my good boy had done everything I wanted. When he caught his breath, David whispered, "Okay, take these handcuffs off me now, baby." "Why?" I mumbled into his chest. I fumbled with one lazy hand behind him to undo the restraints. He whipped me over onto my back and smiled down at me. "Because now it's my turn."