Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".


Sadopsychorama He liked Clyrissa. She was a cock-hungry female if there ever was one. At 5'5", she had platinum blonde dyed hair, big tits, and a tight waist. She was a hot lay. But the best thing about her - the thing that stiffened his cock whenever he saw her was the fact that she was 53 years old. Something about that fact really got him going. After contemplating on it for several hours one night he decided it was that maybe she was supposed to know better, as an older and mature person, that she was supposed to be some kind of moral guide for him but instead...chose to fuck him. Clyrissa was a prostitute. Lon had been seeing her for eight months and still loved it. Though he always paid her a good price and left a tip their relationship had progressed past the normal whore/john stereotypes and had approached something resembling a true friendship. She mothered dinner and cleaning his clothes...and then she'd fuck him. Lon loved was all he wanted during that period of his young life. He trusted Clyrissa and nearly felt he loved her - but in what way he was not sure. --- "Hey Cly...feeling hot?" Lon reached toward her as they paired up and headed toward her secluded flat below street level. He marveled at her rich curves and mature smile savoring the lusty looks passers by threw at them. His hard-on always started just after seeing her and looking into those eyes - those sweet older eyes...slightly wrinkled at the edges, mouth still curving in a sexy twist at the ends. They passed two figures in trench coats eyeing them from the darkness and headed into Cly's apartment. Clyrissa looked back nervously for just a second - like a surfacing periscope....searching for the enemy. Cly pushed her tight, leather skirt slowly off while Lon sat naked on the end of the bed. He stared, transfixed in her eyes as she continued to undress, his cock growing with each pump of his heart. Cly looked nervous tonight. Lon had no idea why - she was usually so calm, so friendly and open. He started to probe with questions while she slowly unrolled her stockings, flicking her tongue quickly out like a snake. Lon panned across the room while he worded his phrases and they rested his eyes on a bowl of apples in the midst of her table. "what's wrong?"...."why so tense.?..." . At first her answers were evasive then, slowly, she opened up. It seemed to be a simple personality crisis of some sort - he must of gotten too close to her and now she was wanting more. She moved closer and began to suck his pole - moving slowly at first shifting her eyes up to his and playing with his balls with her sharp red finger nails. "I'm a prostitute...Lon - you should remember that." Lon awoke slightly from his reverie wondering why she was picking this time to converse. "I go to the highest bidder - if someone offers me money that's where I should never forget that." Lon was slightly stunned wondering what the problem was. No real answers came from his questions but he wasn't actually listening, he was too intent on her naked glory. Cly reached slyly down pulling long thick ropes from beneath the bed and slowly bound his hands tightly to the bars of the elaborate head board at the end of her bed. She continued spouting vaguely depressing expressions about being a "whore" and "always...ALWAYS going to the highest bidder....never giving up good money...." Etc... etc...Lon was getting tired of this but was excited by the ropes which he rarely requested but seriously enjoyed...he didn't like to admit to a woman how much he enjoyed being powerless at the hands of a hot bitch....but, Cly was OK.....she really was. What surprised him was that she put one rope under each of his knees after strapping his arms down. She had never done this he thought....his cock began to re-stiffen and his heart rate picked up slightly. She took the ends and fastened them to something behind the headboard...she looked into his eyes as she pressed the button beside the bed and the whirring sound began. The ropes tightened and his knees slowly began to rise...higher...then down as they approached a proximity somewhere just above each shoulder. His cock lay flat - hard as porcelain against his stomach. His heart raced - what did she have in mind? This is new shit! His excitement was overpowering but one thing bothered him and that was the fact that his asshole...his tight virgin asshole was so exposed - spread and slightly a small mouth sucking in gasps of air. She first said the words as the door knob slowly turned...Lon thought he saw a tear falling but the sounds behind her riveted him and his attention shifted to the opening panel of wood. "I'm sorry..." She moved to the side to reveal one of the most bizarre sights Lon had ever seen; the heads of two women perched on seemingly metallic trenchcoats - one gorgeous and young with the sultry looks of a naughty-girl-blonde....the other woman's face was obscured by something - a shroud-like mask which crushed her features into a nightmare creation....Lon could see it was a tight stocking pressing in on all sides and flattening her nose and spreading the cheeks of her face. She smoked through the nylon pouting out the mist into the room. Lon vaguely heard Cly say "sorry" and he began to realize why she had acted so strangely. In some strange weird exchange she had sold him out - had accepted cash for something THESE people wanted. The smoking woman was obviously older. As they shed the trench coats their gorgeous bodies revealed hot, black and red satin lingerie. The young hot blonde obviously was wearing a strap-on dildo of immense proportions - Lon could see it's veins through the tight panties around her loins. But Lon really glared at the strangely attractive, stocking shrouded, woman on her left - she looked absolutely wicked - she looked capable of anything. As Lon contemplated what "anything" encompassed he felt his own exposed nakedness and strained to contract his butt cheeks. Only succeeding in "winking" his already stretched anus and producing a grin on the young girl. Lon lay frozen staring at them -enraptured and horrified all at once. The older woman placed a small speaker on the night stand at the end of the bed and raised a tiny rectangular microphone to her lips. She spoke and a distorted, surreal voice pealed from the speaker. "OK - CLYRISSA! - LETS SEE SOME ASS!" Cly approached the bed while slowly bending over - looking into Lon's eyes and mouthing "I'm sorry" yet again - her face rested perilously close to Lon's rectum. She flicked her snake like tongue out, in an almost rehearsed motion, barely grazing the rectal rim...a prologue of sorts....maybe, Lon thought. Things began to happen fast at that point. The young, unresistingly hot blonde stepped forward close behind Cly's hips and violently ripped away her satin panties, a few shreds lingering, caught in the grip where Cly's thigh and crotch met. The blonde licked her lips and pushed her own panties down to her ankles and stepped forward. A large, rapidly engorging cock flopped into view. Lon blinked as he tried to focus on the plastic shaft. It was with dawning clarity that he noticed the tale-tell signs of a real cock; a hermaphroditic organ swaying in the void above Cly's ass. The older woman handed a naked stick of butter to the young girl who lasciviously began painting her penis...she dropped large globules of saliva down onto the head of her cock and lathered it up. She smiled wickedly, like an enraptured pagan. The trans-gender blonde penetrated Cly quickly amidst cries of "No!...I've changed my mind..." The older woman just snickered while she greased up her own snatch. "You'll do it, you BITCH - you fucking whore BITCH! You'll get the ASSFUCK!" The blonde shemale lapped hungrily in the air as her cock entered and exited Cly's ass in rapid succession...Lon's eyes followed the hot action unable to tear away from it. His cocked stayed hard as he watched the pained expressions on Cly's face...not from pain since he himself had harshly entered her anus but from some kind of humiliation....Lon realized that Cly must have been paid lots of money by these people. He was watching a "force fuck" in which the victim was a paid participant....the straining cock moving quickly in fury. Cly and the blonde faded out of sight - pushed away. The apparition of the older woman eclipsed his view and he found himself staring up, almost ninety degrees, into the strangely crushed face. The lips stretched maniacally at both sides. She was rapidly fixing a strap-on around her waist tightening it securely at the sides while grinning like an evil satyr...the end of the large phallic pole was a hair's breath from Lon's, staring almost at the ceiling...a solitary blind flexing eye. It was clear where things were headed as this crazed, sexual, nightmare-clown-bitch greased her rod. Lon began to plead..."Please don't fuck me..." it was so demeaning - but he had no recourse, Cly had fastened him so securely he could barely raise either hand and his legs were hopelessly pinned back. The woman pressed both palms on the underside of his thighs, applying her weight to push his legs back further and his anus wider...Lon could feel the tip of the plastic breaching his entrance. She paused, seemingly confused for a slight second - Lon thought he could see pity or remorse cross her blurred features...."Please Lady - don't fuck me...not like this....don't fuck my ass with that fucking dildo...Please - IT WILL BE A CRIME FOR GOD'S SAKE - DON'T." This snapped her out of her doldrums, seemingly exciting her more - she snarled one phrase through the microphone before dropping it and plunging down..."You won't go to the cops..." The impact of the first descent practically knocked the air out of both of them - Lon fought for breath his jaw hanging down in concert with his asserting lover....she thrust forward widening his opening and pushing farther inside him, harder. This entire period Lon's erection maintained it's height and even while his anal rape transpired upon that bed he felt the sperm welling deep in his balls - still festering there since Cly was sucking him. He kept protesting yelling for her to "Stop" but this seemed to double her excitement as she pushed her finger nails deeper into his thighs and bared the cock down with greater intensity - flicking her tongue from her mouth, savoring this moment of total domination over the virgin asshole - enjoying the whelps of "no". Lon envisioned the swaying, full breasts above him engorged with milk, heavy with nurturing sustenance....he thought they would surely burst like balloons, milk spilling all over him. An ancient Earth mother - reenacting a ritual from the ancient past...ready to feed him.... Lon's desire to release his juices increased but he fought the impulse to spew....he did not want this crazy bitch to make him cum...a picture of Cly's face arose in his mind at the instant he saw it reared behind the raping bitch...he could feel the crazy hot-hag's orgasm approaching - her knees were clenching on either side of him...the phallic protrusion itself spending longer periods buried to the hilt in his ass...up his asshole. She leaned over panting, tongue lolling in circles criss-cossing the air...she put her lips to his ear. Lon could feel the strange texture of the stocking on his skin and she whispered, no longer with the microphone, voice in clear, whispered, gasping phrases...." be ass - fucked....don't you....." The sound sent a horrifyingly delicious thrill through his body as he felt his balls surge, ready to pump their flow through his cock. The lady was pulled violently away and Lon gasped as the cock exited his rear....Cly was pummeling her, reaching for the plastic cock and grasping at her stockinged head..."You Bitch - you fucking sick BITCH!", Cly screamed slapping at her. Lon turned his head to the ceiling staring into the void counting the squares in Cly's ceiling to block the scene from his mind. He heard their turmoil knocking furniture and slamming into the door but the sound which roused his mind was the creeping footsteps slowly approaching the base of the bed. Lon slowly looked down dreading the sight of the all too real throbbing organ situated below the gorgeous belly of the blonde. She walked slowly, unconsciously mimicking his helpless gestures - his bottom jaw flapping uncontrollably. Her eyes screwed up in a sympathetic gesture as she closed in and the edge of her cock brushed the outside of his rectum. Lon shivered as he contemplated the proffered act. The struggle beyond the bed reached a crescendo and Lon saw Cly get the upper hand - inwardly cheering for a second he almost laughed as she forced her head up and wrenched at the stocking shroud pulling it hard and off...the trans-gender organ applying more pressure to his puckering orifice. Poised and ready! Lon swallowed slowly...heart pounding in his chest his breathing laboring....his mind went dizzy and his eyes danced from one face to another not quite comprehending but understanding it all...his mind swam and he felt his seed return to his pole propelled up from his balls and working its way up and out. Cly fell away her task seemingly accomplished and the hermaphrodite blonde turned back and looked questioningly at the now exposed woman, sweat coursing over her breasts and down to her moist cunt. Lon envisioned the sweat dripping through the mane of hair in her crotch and tightly coating her inner folds of flesh...her prepuce and labia.... Clitoris and the membrane on the outside of her anus. Lon's Mother looked squarely into his eyes and almost panted the words - he couldn't even see her lips move he was so transfixed - "Go ahead - fuck him - FUCK HIS ASS..." The lusty transsexual shaft slipped in violently parting Lon's aperture for the second time that night....he grunted a whine as his Mother walked slowly toward him like an aging Italian Film Actress - sultry and aged - wise and decadent.... Debauched and bold - exposed.....his eyes trailed down her brown hair and tight waist to her moist snatch - wiry dense hair covered her partially exposed protruding cunt lips - which appeared overlarge and obscene. A thousand fantasies coursed through his brain in a matter of seconds as his mother stopped inches from his knees...bending down slowly to place her head and face in close proximity to the furious action near his sphincter. He lost sight of her, his head unable to bend past the curve of his chest...but he did feel a comforting hand running down the inside of his thigh and felt the welcoming salve of newly added saliva - coated onto his anus by one soothing finger as the invading cock continued to pound.... The woman tired of the action spectacle in his crotch and turned to the young man stretched out beneath her - her wanton desires coursed through her and she mounted his face thrusting her willing cuntal flesh deep into his mouth - pulling back and throwing forward. She grabbed his head with one hand the other stretched, supporting, behind her....she arched her back and pushed onward gyrating ever quicker...the climax approaching...she leaned forward to accept the pleasure and the bulging breasts clung low easily boxing his head. Lon thought of pure white milk emanating from one bulging breast and clear fluid spewing from the other meeting before his face and coursing onto his lips... The blonde shemale jerked greedily on Lon's cock with a bony hand - she reached forward stealing the his Mother's vaginal fluid and applied it on his throbbing member...soon Lon's semen was poised to spew and the blonde lurched savagely until she felt her own orgasm building - at the moment of climax she withdrew her cock from Lon's sucking ass mating it fiercely with his penis - holding both surging organs in one hand and forcefully thrusting up and down the hot juice fired out and landed in glistening globules on the woman's back....Lon knew the moment it occurred because he saw her face enlighten in rapture. Moaning demurely she pulled her pussy from his mouth and lowered herself to kiss him - their tongues entwining, she rubbed her crotch on his lower chest - her clitoris erecting a staff of pleasure which Lon could distinctly feel pressing around his navel....the woman arched her buttocks backwards until Lon's shaft rested, still twitching, between her flexing orbs. Semen continued to seep from his tiny penis hole dribbling down her crack and onto her anus. Lon imagined it entering her tight dirty hole and entering her body through the cavity of her rectum. - Epilogue - Cly looked guiltily at the floor refusing to meet Lon's gaze...he dressed slowly in a trance while putting on his jockey shorts wondering if his anal passage would ever operate properly again. He eyed Cly as she bent over grabbing for the now slack rope strewn on the floor...her cheeks toward him - tight white fabric stretched across the globes of her ass. He reached for this first and ripped it away - she turned with an expression of torment...but "she had it coming" he thought..."she really did"....her breasts surging up and down breathing sucked through clenched teeth. Lon entered her anus after minimally lubing his raging cock...he saw her face tense in an expression of passionate disbelief in the wall mirror opposite only took about ten violent jerks - the cheeks parting softly, pliantly, like warm clay....she raised on her toes to give him better access while still whimpering...sobbing.... Lon came deep in her ass - Clyrissa could feel the hot spunk in her soul as if it penetrated the mucous lining of her internal organs and entered her bloodstream....Lon envisioned cows in a pasture....and busty, raging incestual breasts full of milk hovering over his face....expelling fluid which dripped down his mouth and chest. He stood motionless. Cly moved her ass back and forth on his shaft, clenching her rectal muscles with force...sucking his sperm from the pole as if her anus were a tiny mouth opening and closing....phosphene images exploded in fractal patterns within his closed eyelids and his motor neurons fired continually...dopamine flooding his senses...