Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Piggy in The Middle

Piggy in The Middle I've always been terribly scared to tell my story, scared enough infact, that denial was the only avenue left open to me. So often I had masterbated myself over pictures of women, but not in the normal frame of mimd. The fantasy that revolved in my head was one of association: I loved the look and feel of a womans' body, but I desired those qualities for myself. I wanted to feel just like a woman, while still retaining my own "Equipment". This realisation came as a shock to me at age 20 when I had a relationship with a bisexual girl. When we first met, she was straight-as-an-arrow, but some careful digging bought forth her desire to try some female/female action. Little did she know that helping her realise her fantasy had brung me to the conclusion that I also wanted to explore my own gender. I didn't have the guts to tell her this, I was afraid that she would react negatively to my desires. Not having a sympathetic partner for my fantasies, forced me to seek fullfilment in rather clandestine ways. I was forced to explore the 'after dark - homosexual underworld'. On dark nights when the urge took me, I would cruise the gay beats in the protection of my car. What I was looking for exactely escaped me, I wasn't fully understanding of my desires yet. Many late hours were spent in my car, rubbing my cock, watching pre-cum form on the head of it, fantasising about doing something dangerous. But uncertentity and a lack of courage stopped me from approaching any of the surprising amount of men who drove slowly by while I wanked and silently screamed for them to stop and help me to experiment. One particular night, a plesantly warm breezey night in January, I sat in my car and slowly stroked my cock. I had once again started to feel down because nobody approcahed me when a car pulled along side of me. The windows were tinted, stopping me from seeing driver. After what seemed like hours, the window wownd down to reveal a man in the drivers' seat and another figure in the passenger seat. The gender of the mysterious passenger was hidden from me by the shadow of the night's shallow moon. The driver, bold as brass, looked over at me still stroking my dick and introduced himself as Darren. I replied with a fake name of Paul. My heart was beating out of control, here I was after weeks of "fishing", somebody had finaly "nibbled" and I didn't know what to say. "You've been coming here a few nights a week for two months now, haven't you Paul?", asked Darren. "Why do you come up here, is it to get laid like everyone else?" I was taken aback but somehow managed to let out a garbled "Yes." "And what sort of action are you looking for Paul, do you like cock or pussy, are you looking for a sly headjob or maybe you're looking for a nice tight arse to fuck?", laughed Darren. "You know, I'm not really sure what I'm here for Darren, but you and your friend are the first people to even talk to me, and I'm so tired of sitting here and jerking myself, I guess I'm looking for the oppturnity to find out what brings me here.", I replied. I felt a bit more confident that he had steered the conversation towards sex so quickly. "So you're a virgin huh?", he smirked. His friend leened over and spoke into his ear, but I still couldn't make out any of this persons' features. Darren spent a few more seconds talking to his companion and then pivoted his head around to me and blurted out, "Wanna come home and fuck about, we've got any number of toys and videos and things. At the very least we could have a few drinks and get ourselves off. Do you like wanking Paul?" That got me, my cock went the hardest it had ever been. "Of course I like to wank Darren, I've never done it infront of anybody else before, but there is always a first time for everything!". Darren flashed a devilish smile that made something inside me snap. For some reason, all I could think of was how much I wanted to try and do something with him. "Follow us Paul, you naughty little boy!" I followed Darren to a very wealthy part of the city, I was surprised to see him turn into a rather large house and linger at the entry gate, ensuring that I followed him into the grounds. The yard was dark and Darren pulled up and got out of the car. Darren's companion also got out but quickly walked of towards the house before I could catch a look at him or her. Darren wordlessly montioned for me to follow him into the house and led me into a dimly lit sitting room with a large sofa and the biggest TV I had ever seem. He sat me down and poured me drink of something that smelt and tasted unknid to the brain. We chatted quietly about the weather, sport and our hobbies and jobs. Darren was an exectuive for some sort of consulting company. "So Paul, we've done the usual idle chit chat, lets get down for what we really came here for. Is there you anything you'd like to talk about or maybe even try?", asked Darren. The alcohol had done something to me, or maybe it was something in the air. "I'd like you to see my body.", I blurted, suprised at the audacity I displayed to say that. This wasn't the usual me. "You know what Paul, I've wanted to see your body ever since I pulled the car up along side yours. Would you show yourself to me?". He started to move his hand down towards his crotch. I got up and moved over to the TV, he had cable so I switched it on the music channel. Then I turned around and began swaying to the rythmic music. It all seemed so natural, me performing for this man. If I'd not been drunk, I would have felt like an idiot. I slowly moved my hips to the music, swaying back and forth, running my hands up and down my body, trying to make some sort of comparison to the table dancers I'd seen in bars on occasion. His head swayed with me, his eyes followed my hands as I ran them over myself, over my arse and back, up to my hair and down to my cock. My cock was so hard it was great to squeeze it through my pants, I felt that I would cum just then. I kept swaying with the music, I turned to take me shirt off. Then turned to drop my pants, slowly. When I faced Darren, he was in a simular state of undress. He wore nothing but a black male G-string and the sight of his cock and balls so firmly encased by the thong was enough to convince me there and then that I wanted this man to show me how to make a man happy. I got down to my favorite silk boxers, my cock straining the buttons. Darren montioned for me to come over to the couch. I stepped out of the now discarded pile of my clothes and walked over to him. He started to run his hands over me, all the time telling me how beautiful my body was. I felt so hot for him, more than I had ever felt for any woman. No woman had ever made me feel so special. I wanted this man to consume me, do anything to me he wanted to. I wanted to please this man. Darren slipped my boxers down, the feel of the silk sliding against the shinny fat helmet of my cock almost made me cum in his lap. There I stood, naked as the day I was born with a fat erection sticking out at right angles, begging for attention. The urge to stroke my cock was tremendous, but I wanted to try and save my load for whatever my new lover Darren had in mind for me. I felt so dirty, like some sort of boy-slut, and I liked the feeling. I wanted Darren to make me feel like a tart, I wanted him to treat me like his little slutty whore. His hand moved over my body and came closer to my cock with every pass. I begged him to touch my cock, "Please hold my cock Darren, its so hard for you!" He smiled, "Thats right Paul, you know how much of a little bitch you are don't you. You've been sitting in your car these last two months, tugging at your dick, begging for some guy to come along and make you into the little whore you are!", he squeezed my cock and a juicy dollop of pre-cum spat out from my knob. I moaned in pleasure, as he picked it up from his chest with his finger and tasted it. "Paul, you little slut, you've been hidding this sweet sead from me, so now I think you should pay the price. You are going to sit down infront of me and suck my cock you slut!" My racing heart skipped several beats, I came to the sudden realisation that I was dying to pull that G-string off and get my first look at another mans' penis. I knelt down and hooked my fingers over the strap of his breifs, then pulled then down slowly. As each inch of his cock was exposed, my heart raced faster. It was so beautiful. Its' head was large and purple, and sat atop a thich shaft which bulged with throbbing veins. It was more than I ever imagined. I pulled his G-string down over his balls and let out a small moan of admoration, they were big, hairless and due to the heat of his passion, they were hanging down between his legs like 2 over ripe fruits. I instantly wondered how much cum this man could produce. He spread his legs and let me look at his beautiful cock and balls in all their grandure. "You like it dont you, you've never seen one as big before have you?" asked Darren. I couldn't take my eyes off it to answer him. I was transfixed by those hot globes and the network of veins mapped on his shaft. And then, spotting the light glinting on his tip, I moved my head closer and extended my tongue to the hole. A thick ooze of pre-cum was glisening, forming a large drop that threatened to fall to the floor. "Thats is baby, have your first taste of my load, its all for you. I'm going to give you a whole creamy spurt soon though!", said Darren as I touched the tip of me tongue to his cock. The cum came into contact with my mouth and I tasted it, it was so warm. I tooked another lick, it was warm and salty, but beautiful and sweet at the same time. I laped the whole big drop onto my tongue and then, looking into Darren's eyes I retracted my tongue and tasted his cream fully for the first time. I had never tasted something so beautiful in all my life. Even my own cum that I had tried a few times was nothing to compare it to. It tasted so good, I got closer to his crotch and grasped it in both hands. I started stroking in, slowly and then faster...stopping and starting, up and down...around and around. The forskin was so meaty that I wondered if they had taken enough off when he was circumcised. Darren was moaning, telling me what felt good. He reached around behind the back of my head and said, "Time for your next lesson slut!" With that he gently pushed my head towards his cock. I pushed back a little, trying to savor the look of anticipation on his face. I could tell how much he was looking forward to forcing my virgin mouth onto his huge cock. I looked forward to it also, but I couldn't help thinking how much the tide had changed. Only moments ago, he was in I had the power, I could easily foil his joy by turning my head aside or closing my mouth, denying him the pleasure that the back of my throat offered him. But how could I? I opened my mouth wider in anticipation of his cock in my mouth. Then slowly, the head of his cock slid along my tongue, causing him to moan. He pushed his hips forward, forcing yet more of it into my mouth. I LOVED IT, even thought I started to panic that he would suffocate me. "Just relax the back of your throat and breath through your nose when I push it in slut, you're going to take it all you little bitch!, said Darren. This made me relax somehow and true to his word, I somehoe managed to take that big prick all the way, right down to the hilt. He started pushing in and out, I found it easier to handle with each thrust. He was moaning and I was rubbing his balls with my hands. I was dying to stroke my own cock but I was having to pay too much attention to my lovers beautiful tool buried in my throat. With each thrust, I found my mouth and tongue gaining more freedom. My throat opened up even more and tried to take him even further inside. I forced my mouth all the way down on his prick and with as much effort as I could muster, I started to lick his balls. He moaned even louder and flung his head back in pleasure. It must have been too much pleasure for him because he forced me to stop and then started forcing my to suck his cock again. Faster I went until he gripped the sides of my head in his large hands and began to fuck my face with violent thrusts. I felt his cock twitch and spasm in my mouth and then the most beautiful thing happened. I felt thick, hot, powerful creamy jets of his seed, shoot with ferocious force onto the back of my throat. One, two, three and four squirts...was there no end to the volume of sperm this man would shoot inside me? I gulped down every last drop, moaning myslef with the pleasure of giving my new lover so much pleasure. The feeling of satisfaction beemed off Darren, he was happy with himself but I was even more happy. I had finally found out what I wanted all this time, I had discovered the joy of cock! "You can't tell me you haven't done that before Paul, that was the best headjob I've ever had." said Darren with obvious admiration. "You're my first Darren, and hopefully not my last. I want do do that for you every night. Can you teach me anything else to please you? Anything!", I begged. "Yes Paul, there is alot more...but let me ask you this, When you wank, do you ever feel your asshole quivering?. "Of course Darren, its one of the things I love most about playing with myself. Gee, I even had a girlfriend once that would put her little finger up my ass and wank me off at the same time, that was great and I'd always shoot a huge load when she did it.", I replied. "Well, how would you like to try something else? How would you like to try having a nice stiff hard cock up your arse? How would you like me to make you into my little bitch-boy?", asked Darren. His cock was flaccid but I could see it growing already. He was obviously excited by talking to me like a slut, but that was ok, so was I! "Linda," called Darren "take this little slut upstairs and prepare him!". I was shocked to see the door open and a very attracitve woman stepped into the room. She was 6 feet tall, had very short blonde hair and a body to die for. Even though I had just had my first wonderful experiance with a powerful man, I couldn't deny the fact that women still stirred my cock and balls. Linda approached Darren, bent down and reverently kissed his knob. She then took my hand and led me out of the room towards the stairs. She didn't speak a word until we had ascended the stairs and entered a room at the end of the landing. "Hi, did you know I was at the door?", she asked. "No I didn't, and if I had known, I'm not so sure I would have let Darren do that to me. I'm not used to an audience.", I replied. "Well don't worry about it, I know you enjoyed it. All the boys that we bring back here like it. For some reason Darren seems to be able to pick the right ones. I just wish that sometimes he would let me pick one, but he never will.", Linda sounded a bit downcast at this. I wondered what the arrangement was between these two. "Are you guys married or something?", I asked. "No, we just met one day on the street and he was so gorgeous and I wanted him straight away. He fucked me once that very night but hasn't touched me since. That was 2 years ago, and now he just keeps me around like a piece of furniture except for when he wants me to help him pick up another nice little peice of ass. I must say, he's been talking about seducing you for a few weeks now.", she remarked. I felt flattered I guess. "What does he mean by; prepare him?", I asked nervously. She turned amd smiled at me, then pulled up the short skirt she was wearing to expose the tops of the blacks stockings and suspenders she had on. "Darren likes the hole he is going to fuck to be nicley framed, so I going to remake you into a little bitch boy." Linda opened the door and pulled me inside. "First of all, we have to get rid of all that pubic hair. Then we will dress you up and you'll be ready. But I guess we should do something about that thing." She gripped my dick and started wanking it furiously. Her hand tugged my cock like she was turbo charged. Normaly, getting a hand job was a thing I enjoyed, but Linda looked bored. "If it helps, you can touch me. We just cant have you going into Darren with that popping out from your panties now can we?" she asked. Rightaway, I thought that the one thing that girls have and guys dont, that I love so much is tits. I've always had a thing for tits and Linda allowed me to pull her satin shirt off to expose her tits. They were firm and warm, the sort of thing you want to lay your head between and become lost in, just before you stick your cock between them and spray their owner with a wad of hot sticky cum. Linda started telling me what Darren wanted me to do. "First of all, he'll call you Jennifer. I don't know why, its just this thing he has. He likes his new partners to pretend to be college girls and he the headmaster. You go in and confess to something or other and he will give you his particular brand of punishment. He likes to stay in control and he wants you to stay in character. Just do whatever he says and keep acting like a young teenage girl and he'll enjoy himself. You do want to please him dont you Paul?" I nodded slightly while she continued wanking me. My breathing had become faster, and I was getting dizzy with the pre-orgasm rush. Linda sensed that I was closer and dropped to her knees. She engulfed my cock in her breasts and tit fucked me to a shattering orgasm. Somehow she managed to keep my dick between her breasts and she reached around and buried 2 fingers up my ass. I screamed in ecstasy at the anal surprise she had given me and my anus pulsated in rythm with the small but constant gushes of cum from my cock. Linda kept pushing her fingers in and out of my enterance, spreading her fingers also, to winden my passage for the big cock that would soon be exploring me. My orgasm over, Linda stood up and said, "Look what you've done, I'm covered in your spilt cum and I don't have any tissues handy. Ah well, put your tongue to work darling and clean me up!." She pulled my head towards her boobs and I was so dizzy with spent lust that I unquestionably licked up my own seed from between her tits. It was beautiful. Linda lay me on a bed and let me rest for a few moments. I began to collect my thoughts when my face was suddendly enveloped in her pussy. She sat on my face and I heard her say, "Lick my cunt you slut, lick me from my clit to my asshole...yes, stick your tongue into my ass...yes thats it!" I clutched at her hips and strained my neck in an effort to fullfil her demands, I had always licked licking pussy but had never before lick somebodies asshole. I licked and sucked both her holes while Linda encouraged me on, "Thats right slut, lick my cunt...yes finger fuck my ass...oh yes...oh...oh...I'm coming honey....I'm coming!" Her whole body shuddered on my face. She rammed her pussy down on my face so hard that it hurt. Then I got my second surprise. A sweet liquid started gushing down all over my face, and I lapped it up. Her ass started to quiver tightly around my finger like mine had on hers'. With her twitching and writhing over, she flopped down onto the bed beside me and rested. After a while she said, "Well, thats never happened before. I think I had two orgasms, one in my pussy and one right up my asshole. I can still feel my asshole twitching." We rested for quite a while, and eventually when we had our energy back, Linda pulled me up led me into the bathroom. She proceeded to wash and dry me then gave me the most devine experiance of removing all the pubic hair from my cock, balls and ass with a razor and some warm water. Every now and then she would arouse me by kissing a newly shaved area or inserting a warm moist finger into my asshole. After I had been washed and shaved she gave me smile and said, "Now its time to get you dressed up for the boys." I was taken aback, "What do you mean 'for the boys', I thought you were getting me ready for Darren?" "Oh, didn't Darren tell you? He's having the Club over tonight and your the entertainment, you lucky boy. All those wealthy men and women are coming to see you taken by Darren, he's been ringing people for the last 20 minutes to come over and get ready for the show. Don't worry darling, Darren will look after you.", she reasurred me. Despite Linda's kind words, I had started to worry. What was this 'Club' Linda had mentioned? What 'wealthy men and women' did she mean? Linda hushed my questions and led me into a large walk in wardrobe. She sat me down in a chair and wasked me what my favorite colours were. I answered "Black and Gold". She disappeared among the racks and reappeared minute later with some garments the coulour I had stated. "Stand up darling," she said, "Lets see, you have such a beautiful body of ligerie. Have you ever worn it before?" I told her that I hadn't, but I had sometimes thought that I wanted to try. Infact, when I had seen pictures of women dressed up in lingerie, I had admired them more for the thought of what I would look in them than the actual models wearing them. Linda started by slipping some beautiful long black stockings onto my smooth shaven legs. I started to feel hot again but Linda was able to make me cool down by pressing her finger into a part of my scrotum. Then she clipped a beautiful metallic gold and black silky suspender belt around my waist. I felt her hot breath against my cock as she bent down to clip the suspender belt to my stockings. Her breathing was getting faster and heavier, maybe she got off by playing dress ups with a man. Next she pulled a small black satin bra around my chest and filled them with 2 silicon inserts to give me a bit of shape. Over my stockings and suspender belt went a fantastic pair of balck-gold panties. The thong strap rubbing against my still quivering asshole and the front only just contained my dick. I fully expected my member to spring through the flimsy material. Linda then helped me step into a pair if shiny black leather high heels. Then she opened a cupboard and let me see myself in a mirror. I don't mind saying that I was beautiful. The sheen of the black stockings was beautifully matched by the luster of my gold panties and the samll patch of pre-cum that oozed out of my cock and soaked into my panty crotch. I was going to give Darren a good show! I felt so femenine. I felt wonderful and alive. I knew why men desired women so much in lingerie. Linda gave me a light brush of make up and led me out of the room and back down stairs. Under the stairs was a door which she opened and montioned me to enter. She gave me a quick kiss, squeezed my cock through my panties and said, "Be a good girl Jennifer and I'll see you in bed tonight." I walked through the door and heard the door close. There was no light to see by once the door closed. All of a sudden, a spotlight lanced out from the darkness and stayed on me. There I was, squinting into the light, dressed in my lovley new outfit. I felt so sexy, but I also felt a little scared because I didn't know what was going on. Then I heard Darren's voice "Yes Jennifer, what is it you wanted to talk about? Have you been neglecting your studies again?" Darren stood before me wearing the attire of a headmaster. My eyes were adjusting to the dim light. It seemed that we were standing on a small stage, with a desk and a couch. Peering out from the stage I discovered that we had an audience. I could make out about 30 people, men and women all wearing masks and seated on large plush chairs. "Hurry up Jennifer, you know I haven't got all day!", demanded Darren's voice. I remembered Linda's instructions. My name was Jennifer and I had to come in and admit something very naughty. ", I have to tell you that I've been a very bad girl this time. I've done a few things. Last night I was in bed touching myself and I know thats bad. And this morning I was at the gym and I snuck into the showers to look at the boys' dangling things. I keep thinking about them and how good they look. I know I've been bad Sir but I just want to know what they are for. I'm so sorry Sir, please don't punish me Sir, I promise I wont touch myself in bed anymore Sir. Its just that it makes me feel so good!", my voice was shaky at first but as I spoke I fell more into the role of the slutty little virgin teen. "Oh Jennifer, I have you told you about this sort of thing haven't I. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to punish you, quite harshly this time. But I will also let you know what those 'things' are for. Come over here and lift my robe up.", commanded Darren. I walked the few meters to Darren and slowly pulled his robe up to expose his beautiful cock. It was only flaccid, but was still the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. Darren said, "Its called a 'penis' Jennifer. All boys have one and girls, as you know, have a hole in the same spot. Would you like to touch it Jennifer?" I nodded my head and reached my hand out and ran it over the head of his dick. Then I reached my other hand out and cupped his balls. His cock started to grow before my eyes. "Oh Sir, its getting bigger. How does it do that?", I begged. "You're doing that Jennifer, your hand feels nice on my penis but your mouth would feel better. Why you don't you put it into your mouth? It won't hurt you and it would make me happy. Maybe I won't punish you too much if you make me happy enough.", said Darren. His voice was so convincing, it made me feel like a real teenage girl getting seduced by the headmaster. "I want to make you happy Sir, I'll do anything if you don't punish me, anything." I cried. "Well then Jennifer, put my penis in your mouth and see how much you can fit in, that would make me really happy.", said Darren. I bent down and licked him from the base of his balls and all the way up his rock hard cock. Then, for the second time that night, I eased his beautiful cock to the back of my throat. He started fucking my face again with powerful thrusts. I decided to change the proceedings a bit by pretending to gag on his cock. "Oh Sir, its wonderful but your hurting me. I want to make you happy but it hurts. Is there something else you can do to me?" I begged. Darren smiled at me, pleased that I had spiced the act up. I think he was as desperate to feel the squeeze of my anus around his hard cock as I was. Even now I could feel my tight little button hole quivering in anctcipation of that huge knob penetrating me virgin sphincter muscle. Darren retracted his penis from my face and stood me back up. "You look so beautiful Jennifer, I always wondered what you hide under those frilly knickers you flash at me in calss all day.", said Darren as he pulled my panties off. My panties dropped to the floor and exposed my cock to the audience. "Well well Jennifer, what do we have here. A pretty little girl like you with suck a nice cock. Look everyone, what do you think?", exclaimed Darren. This was the first time that he had addressed the audience. He forced me to bend over the side of the desk and and spread my stockinged legs, rubbing my cock and ball sack and poking a finger into my puckered asshole. A few comments of, "Fuck that little slut!", and "Teach the whore how to be a real woman!". They made me feel like such a cheap slut, nothing but a common throw away whore: I loved every degrading word! "Its look like she hasn't got a pussy everyone, how can I fuck her if she hasn't got a pussy?", called Darren. "You could use my ass Sir, your finger feel so good in there. I want to feel your penis in there." I cried. Darren spanked me hard on the ass and told me to shut up. "You'll be quiet or I'll let the whole audience have you slut!" My bum stung from the slap but its felt so good. "Rape her asshole Darren!" "Fuck that little slut like she really needs it." "Fuck her ass, fuck her ass, fuck her ass!" The crowd was getting wild now, I caught sights of wanking and oral sex between couples out of the corner of my eye. Darren gripped my waist and said, " you asked for it slut, now you're going to get it. I'm going to ass fuck you you cheap little whore. I going to make it hurt!" "Yes...yes...fuck me Sir, I've been a dirty little slut and I need you to teach me a lesson. I need you to penetrate me. Whore me...fuck me...I want to be your bitch...oh please fuck me Sir!", I screamed and begged! Darren held my gartered waist and rubbed my ass cheeks and back. He was savoring the sight of my ass before ass raping me infront of his friends. Atlast he couldn't help himself any longer. He took his cock in his hand and spat on the end. He positioned his feet closer too me to allow deeper penetration and held the knob of his dick to my bunghole, and then started to push it in ever so slowly. God it hurt, but the pleasure for us both was emense! He pushed it in a little bit more and moaned with passion as his knob finally entered my assm My eyes had started to water because it was such an emotional moment for me as Darren penetrated my pussy-ass. This was what I had been looking for all my life. Something as simple as a thick cock up my ass to make me feel like the dirty whore I wish I was. But I could never give up my dick or girls. Darren was pushing harder now, I cried out in pleasure. Faster now, my ass was able to accept more of his lengthy shaft into its tight virgin confines until, with a sigh, Darren ahd sunk the whole shaft into my rectum. It felt like it was pushing up against my throat, and I wanted more isnside me, oh how I wanted more! The crowd was going overboard with passion. People of both genders were sucking, reeming, licking, fisting, fucking and moaning in throws of bliss. If there was a hole, you put somehting in it! I was so enthralled that I didn't notice Linda standing infront of me, rubbing her clit. I smiled at her, drunk with passion from the ass reeming I was recieving from Darren. I screamed out, "Fuck me Sir, I'm your dirty little slut...fuck me!" Linda walked over and sat up onto the desk. She manouvered her pussy infront of my face long enough for me to lick her clit, then spread her legs wide and slid herself under my prostrate form. My dick was somehow aimed exactly at the right spot because I slid into her silk-like cunt with no trouble. Once there I was able to suck her tits and kiss her while she somehow contracted and released her cunt muscles. She was milking my cock in rythm to Darren's violent penetrating thrusts up my tight anus. I felt so beautiful and feminine, but I also felt like a dirty little whore. There I was, with my cock thrust inside a beautiful woman and a beautiful man fucking my ass like some teenage virgin. I wanted this to last forever! That it couldn't though, I felt an incredible tingle in my hole was spasmimg and I cried out that I was coming in my ass. Darren cried out."Yes you slut, I'm coming up your ass too. I'm filling you with my seed!". And true, he was, I could somehow feel the jets of hot sperm shoothing, hitting the inside walls of my virgin anus and rectum. Then the head of my cock shuddered. Linda's milking action had bought me to the point of blowing and the continued thrusting from Darren sent me over the edge! I had the greatest orgasm of my life inside Linda. This was my sexual plateau. My cry of ecstasy was heard around the room and answered by appaluse from the audience. Darren continued slowly pushing his prick up my still quivering ass. When I thought I would faint witht the pleasure of his manhood penetrating me, he withdrew from me and pulled me up off Linda. Lights came on around the room, illuminating the crowd that had witnessed my deflowering. Darren stood at the front of the stage and took a bow, then montioned for me and told me to bow also. "Ladies and gentlemen, Jennifer will be available for sex next week. Thankyou for attending this presentation of 'The Club' and we will see you next time, goodnight.", announced Darren. He took my hand and led me out the concealed door to the back room. "Well Paul, did you enjoy that, I know I did!", I was only able to give an embarrased nod in reply. My head span with the post orgasm rush of mind blowing ejaculation. "Is that what you were hoping for tonight, you've always wanted to be piggy in the middle, haven't you?" "Well, I guess so, and please call me Jennifer.", I said, "What happens now?" I was worried that I would be cast out back to cruising the beats again. "If you would like Jennifer, you could move in here with Linda and myself. You could become a member of 'The Club', I know a few of the guys are just bursting to fuck your pretty little ass. Do you think you would like to whore yourself some more Jennifer?", Darren had a huge smile on his face, he knew that I could say nothing but a resounding "yes!" Later, after showering together and fucking in a mind blowering threesome, Darren, Linda and myself curled up in bed together and slept. I was in the middle of course!