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bachelor party creampie - part II

bachelor party creampie - part II I looked into Cindy's eyes and saw pure lust, my favorite look. "You want some candy little girl?" I asked. "Yes please. What flavors do you have?" She had absolutely no shame! I got her down on the floor and kneeled over her face, my cummy cunt positioned over her mouth. I had two loads in me, and she didn't waste any time cleaning me up. She shoved her tongue into me, and then started sucking me out. I knew that it was really nasty doing this in front of strangers, but I totally didn't care at this point. Her tongue caressed my pussy lips, sliding up and down over my clit. The guys were watching us and rubbing their cocks, fascinated by our display. I felt another orgasm begin, and I started caressing my nipples, rubbing and pinching them gently. I moaned deep in my throat and closed my eyes, waves of ecstasy rolling through my body. Cindy pulled me down so I was sitting on her face, and as I came I ground my cunt against her mouth as she sucked out the cum which was now heavily mixed with my own orgasmic juices. "Oh God, suck my cunt you fucking whore!" I screamed out as my legs shook and my pussy throbbed. "Eat me, lick me out! Suck that cunt you bitch," I cried as wiped myself up and down her face. I rolled off of her and she lay on the floor and licked her lips. The guys went wild, applauding and shouting out their appreciation. Cindy smiled and got on all fours and said, "Can someone fuck me please? I really would like some cock for dessert." The guys quickly helped her out, one fucking her from behind, another having her lick him until he got his turn at her pussy. I looked around and saw the groom sitting by himself, and straining his pants with a giant hard-on. I decided to see if he really was a virgin. I sashayed over to him, a devilish smile played on my lips. "How's it going big boy, is that a banana in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?" He blushed and said, "Uh, I'm getting married tomorrow, I don't think I really should be here with what's going on. I think I should get going." "But won't you be uncomfortable driving home with your cock all hard like that? I'll bet your underwear is soaked through. Maybe we should get you out of those wet underpants, what do you say?" I asked innocently. "Uh, no, I'm fine. Really. I should get going." "Well, I'll just give you a kiss for good luck, and we'll send you on your way." He didn't know what to say to that and I leaned forward, my tits swaying in front of him, and planted my lips on his. His mouth parted and I slid my tongue in, and as I did I reached down and caressed his cock through his pants. That was more than enough, I ran my tongue around the inside of his mouth and quickly rubbed his crotch as he moaned and tried to pull away. I felt his cock twitching and jerking through his pants and I reached lower and rubbed his balls. "Uh oh, looks like someone just had a little accident," I said with a surprised look on my face. Yep, he definitely was a virgin. "Let me help you clean that up honey." "No! No, I mean, I'm fine. Please. Thank you, just uh, please leave me alone. I, I have to go," he stammered. With that he leaped up, a wet stain soaking through to the outside of his pants. He headed for the door and was out of there like the roadrunner with the coyote after him. I laughed and turned to see Cindy taking another load in her well-used slot. She cried out "Yes! That's it fuck me harder! God I'm Cumming again! Yes, fuck me like a slut! OH OH OH OH!!" Her whole body quivered with raw lust and sexuality, and I was all ready for another cock. Cindy wanted to get fucked one more time too, because she screamed "Someone fuck my sopping hole again!" There were still two hard cocks, and we each got one. I had my guy on the floor and I rode him like a stallion. Cindy imitated me, and we rode together right next to each other. The guys came at the same time, and I clenched his shaft in me with all the strength of my pussy (aerobics aren't the only exercise I do). The guys were all exhausted, and I got up and pulled on my underwear over my still filled pussy. I grabbed Cindy by the hand and said, "Let's go, fast." "But I'm full of cum, I need to clean up," she said. "Trust me, just put on your panties and let's go!" I said as I helped her into them. I practically dragged her out the door, her hand pressed against her crotch to try to contain the mess. I got her into my car and almost broke the sound barrier getting back to my house. We pulled into my garage and I pulled her into my house and gave her a quick kiss. "Now you can meet Rob," I said. "I can't wait to show him what we've been up to." "He won't mind? I mean, we really acted like sluts, and, well, look at us!" "He'll love it," I said as I pulled her upstairs to the bedroom, where I knew Rob would be waiting. "Hi Honey, we're home!" I announced as we burst into the bedroom. Rob lay on the bed, gently rubbing his hard cock. "This is Cindy, and have we got a story for you." Rob said, "Hi Cindy, it's nice to meet you." Cindy giggled and replied, "It's really nice to see you, I mean, all of you. God that's a big cock you have there." "What's that running down your leg Cindy?" Rob asked. "That's part of the story," I said. "It seems Cindy got her pussy all filled with cum and she needs to have it cleaned up. How about you help her out while I tell you about our night?" Cindy squealed with delight as I helped her out of her soaked panties and got her onto the bed with Rob. I positioned her over his face and eased her down to Rob's waiting tongue. She moaned loudly as he gently started to lick her spattered lips, and I began to tell Rob about our horny adventures. I removed my own clothes, watching Cindy start to slowly gyrate, and I continued the tale. I could see Rob's cock had grown even longer and harder as more of the story came out, and he started to eat Cindy with total abandon. I climbed onto the bed too, and slid his cock into my own dripping snatch. Cindy was starting to buck and grind on Rob's face, and I was relaying how the groom ran from the house. Just as I told him how we rode the last two cocks, Cindy cried, "God Tina, I'm going to cum in your husband's face, God, I'm going to cum RIGHT NOW! Oh yes, shove that tongue in me, fuck me with your tongue! She came hard, rubbing her pussy letting out a torrential flood of cum all over him. I started bouncing up and down on his manhood, feeling it release yet another load into my already drenched cunt. Rob let out a muffled cry as Cindy pressed down harder, riding her orgasm for all she was worth. She let out a final sob and rolled off his face, exhausted and content. She looked up at me, and said with a grin, "What time does class get out tomorrow? I'm thinking of doing another bachelor party, and I might need a ride…"