Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

bachelor party creampie - part I

bachelor party creampie - part I Hi there, my name is Tina and I'm writing this episode down at the request of my husband, Rob. You see, I recently had an amazingly hot sexual episode (one of many, actually) and Rob got so turned on by it he wanted me to share the details with the world. So, for what it's worth, here we go! First, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm 32 years old, and I've been married to Rob for 8 years. We enjoy a very hot and active sex life, and we are into swinging with other couples. I'm 5' 8" tall, 120 lbs, with brunette hair. Rob & I both workout, and I also teach an aerobics class. Rob is always telling me how hot my body is, and he gets turned on when my tight ass draws looks in public. Anyway, this particular adventure started with Cindy, a young girl who is in my advanced aerobics class. She's petite, 21 years old and blonde. She's never missed a class, and I have to say that when I'm teaching I find my eyes drawn to her all the time. I think she started to pick up on this, when she sees me checking her out she started giving me shy smiles. I thought it was cute, and I started to think it might be fun to have a three way with her and Rob. One day after class, about 2 weeks ago, she approached me as I was stretching to loosen up after the lesson. Everyone else had left the studio; it was just the two of us. I was seated on the floor working a hamstring muscle and she asked if she could stretch with me, as she was feeling a little tight. "Sure," I replied. She was wearing a pair of cotton shorts and a crop top, and her whole body was covered with a sheen of sweat. I couldn't help wondering how it would taste if I ran my tongue all over her body. I could see that the crotch of her shorts were particularly sweaty, and I had to push the thought of burying my face in there out of my head, otherwise I'd be heading to the showers to rub myself off. She lay down on the mat, and asked "Can you just stretch one leg at a time for me?" I took her leg by the ankle as she lay on her back, and gently pushed it up and back. Looking down I could see her pussy lips outlined through her thin shorts, this girl didn't like wearing panties when she worked out, another plus! I released her leg and took the other one, stretching it the same way. "Oh, that feels so good," she said, "almost as good as sex. Too bad my boyfriend is out of town, he always likes to get some when I come home from aerobics," Hmm, I thought, This is definitely starting to look like an opportunity. I said, "You're really tight, let me just massage your hamstring a little while it's in the stretched position." I held her ankle with one hand and kneaded down the back of her leg with the other, all the way to her ass. Then I "accidentally" brushed her pussy as I continued massaging. She moaned and said "That feels so good, I think I pulled a muscle in my butt, can you please work on that?" I didn't need a second invitation, I let go of her leg and she rolled over. I started at her hips, and gave a vigorous massage, running my hands over the thin shorts and down between her legs. "Spread your legs a little so I can work on your upper thighs," I suggested. She obliged, and as I touched her I could see that her crotch was looking a lot wetter than it did before. I decided to just go for it, and I slipped my hand into her pants and immediately felt hot wet pussy. She groaned louder and raised her hips up off the mat, letting me have easier access to her. That was all I could take, I had to see this girl naked. "Let me get these out of the way," I said as I quickly yanked her shorts down, exposing her fine ass. Her pussy was displayed between her cheeks, and God was it wet. I was really horny at this point, and wasted no time as my tongue quickly delved into her delicious slit. "Ahhhhh, that feels fucking wonderful," she said. "You do that even better than my boyfriend, can you teach me to eat pussy like that?" The girl was incorrigible! "I think I can manage that," I said with a grin. I stood and quickly stripped off my own shorts and g-string, and I took off my top too. Cindy removed her own top, and sat demurely on the mat. "Lie down on your back," I said. "I think the easiest way for you to learn is to actually do it. I'm going to get in a sixty-nine position on top of you and start eating you. I want you to do everything I do as you feel me do it, feel free to ask any questions." With that I climbed on top of her and pressed my moist crotch close to her face. I looked down at the pussy in front of me and admired the fact that it was completely hairless. I could smell the aroma of the workout, which was now combined with free flowing sex juices. Mmmm, just the way I like it. I leaned down and gently flicked her clit with my tongue, and her whole body shivered. Then I felt my own clit being licked. Excellent, she learns fast. I went back to work, and ran my tongue up and down her slit, savoring the delicious flavor that is Cindy. I expertly darted my tongue in and out of her hole, then sucked on her clit. That was enough for her, she started to shake and moan, and suddenly she wrapped her arms over my hips and pulled my pussy into her face. I reciprocated and shoved my tongue up her cunt and started fucking it with my face as I felt my own orgasm envelope me. I replaced my tongue with 3 fingers and screamed, "That's it! Lick me harder! Shove your tongue into me! Oh FUCK I'M CUMMING ON YOUR FACE!" I came hard as I finger fucked her, her orgasming pussy clenching my fingers and leaking cum down her ass and thighs. I collapsed and rolled off of her, all I could do was smile and sigh. Wait until I tell Rob about this, I thought to myself. Cindy turned around and climbed on top of me, our wet pussies pressing together. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her, tasting my own cum juices on her lips. "That was great, I've never been with a woman before." She said. "I can't believe I came like that and I didn't even have a cock in me. Won't your husband be mad though?" "I'm going to tell him about this when I get home, he likes it when I have a sexy story for him. I think I'll make him masturbate as I tell him about it, that always gets him off hard." "Wow, you sound like you have a great marriage! He really likes to have you watch while he jerks off? I wish my boyfriend would let me watch once in a while, he's always been embarrassed about it though." She was still on top of me, and I was running my fingernails up and down her back and ass. "Try masturbating together, that's how Rob and I started. It can be really erotic; sometimes we use vibrators that can be even more fun. One time I had Rob using one on his balls and I got him to fuck himself in the ass with it, my God did he cum! It was like a fountain, ever since that time he's been more than willing to play with himself whenever I feel like watching." "Wow, maybe you guys could show me sometime? I mean, if you don't mind or anything, it just sounds like you really know how to connect, I kind of like learning new sex tricks." "Well, we'll see, I'd have to talk to Rob about it," I said. What I was thinking was, We are going to lay you like there's no fucking tomorrow you little slut! "Ok, let me know what he says then, I'd better get showered now, I have to do a bachelor party tonight and I can't be late." "A bachelor party?" I asked. "What do you mean? Are you a stripper?" "Well, not really, I've never done it professionally before. I mean, I like to dance for my friends, and one of them asked me if I wanted to get paid for it. He's got a friend who's getting married, and they need a stripper, and I figured what the hell. I'm not fucking them, I just have to strip down to a g-string and do a lap dance on the groom to be, get him a little excited. Get this; he's a virgin too! He's saved himself for marriage, so this is going to be really embarrassing for him!" "The guy sounds like a tool, he's not going to know what to do on his honeymoon. He probably won't get within five feet of his new wife without blowing his load. I feel bad for his fiancé, I hope she's had some experience, otherwise she'll end up thinking it's supposed to be that way." "It'll be ok, I knew her in high school. One time she gave the whole football team blowjobs after they won a big game, she'll whip him into shape in no time." She said with a smile. We got up and took a hot shower together, soaping each other up and doing a bit of exploring. She really has a great body, and at that age her tits were still gravity defying. I had a great time rubbing them when they were all slippery, her nipples stood out like rocks and she squealed when I playfully pinched them, I couldn't wait to bed her again. We walked out to our cars, and I leaned in her door to give her a kiss, and I slid my tongue into her mouth. I told her I'd see her soon and turned to get into my car when I heard her say, "My car won't start! I'm going to be late for the bachelor party!" "Don't worry Cindy, I'll give you a ride. It will give us a chance to talk some more, I'll just call Rob and tell him I'll be a little late." "Thanks so much Tina, I really appreciate it. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here." I quickly called Rob and told him I was going to be out for a while. I told him what was going on, and that I might want to watch her strip and then bring her home afterwards because she wanted to see him masturbate, and he said he couldn't wait. What the hell else was he going to say to a 21-year-old slut being delivered to his bedroom? I drove over to her friend's house where the party was being held. We pulled up on the street and she reached over and took hold of my hand. "Would you mind just coming in with me? I'm a little nervous, I hope that doesn't sound silly." "Not at all honey, I understand. I'd like to see what this virgin looks like anyway, let's go!" We got up to the door and knocked. It was opened immediately by all seven of them. My God, how un-cool! I'll bet they had been fighting for the peephole in the door to watch us come up to the house. Probably more than one virgin in this crowd, I thought. Looking around I saw a lot of empty beer cans, and they had a porno movie running on the VCR. One of them saw me look and he quickly shut it off and blushed. The groom, I presumed. Cindy introduced me and told them how I helped her out with a ride over after her car died. They thanked me and introduced themselves, each one shaking my hand. The oldest one couldn't have been 25; together they looked like a bible study class. I couldn't wait to see how they'd react to Cindy gyrating around in a g-string. One of them asked me if I wanted something to drink, and I grabbed a beer and sat down on the couch to watch the festivities. They had the groom sit in a chair in the middle of the room, and then they let Cindy take over. She put on some appropriate stripping music that she bought with her, and started a slow strip tease for him. The guys quickly got into it and were clapping and laughing at their soon to married friends discomfort. Cindy got down to her bra and panties, and I could see that the groom was now starting to get quite a hard-on through his pants. She pulled off her bra and draped it over his head, and then sat down on his lap to a chorus of catcalls, one of them coming from me. She gently ground her pert little ass against his crotch, and he groaned and tried to push her off. "What's the matter, can't take a little lap dance before your wedding?" I called out. He turned bright red and his friends cracked up. He was trying to push Cindy off and she kept trying to put his hands on her crotch, laughing and enjoying the whole thing. Cindy giggled and said, "Tina, how about giving me a hand here, this one doesn't seem to like girls." That really killed them; they were literally rolling on the floor with laughter. I leaped up and said, "Let's show him what he's been missing." I went to the center of the room and started my own strip tease. God, I was getting really turned on, I knew I was about to give them all a night they would never forget. I got down to my panties when I crooked my finger at Cindy, motioning her to join me. We met with a deep wet kiss, and started dirty dancing together. I rubbed her tits and then felt her hands run down my back and grab my ass. She rubbed her crotch against my leg and I felt she was wet. The guys had all fallen silent, watching us with their mouths open. I pulled Cindy to the floor, where we started to really get into it. We were making out and grabbing at each other like total nymphos. I was on top, and I sat up and spun around so I was sitting on her chest, her panty clad crotch in front of me. I spread her knees apart and looked at the groom. "Would you like to see what Cindy looks like under her panties?" I asked. He was just staring and barely managed a nod. I could see that his zipper was under a great deal of strain. "Ok, but your going to have to show us yours too," I said. "Don't be shy, anyone who wants to see Cindy is going to show some cock." The guys looked at each other nervously, trying to decide if they wanted their hard-ons out in the open. I know I sure wanted to see them. "Anyone going to leave?" I asked. No one got up, and one adventurous party boy unzipped his pants with a shy smile. "Show me Cindy first," he said. I smiled and reached down to her panties. Cindy raised her hips up off the floor a little, and I rolled them over her bottom and thighs, exposing her delicious looking slit. She giggled and let her legs part even more, displaying her shaved cunt for the room. It was practically dripping, and I reached down and spread her pussy lips wide, letting everyone have a good look. I looked back to zipper boy and said "Your turn, let's see what you've got." He took a deep breath and stood up. He walked over to me and undid the top button of his pants and slowly lowered them. He was wearing white briefs, and I could see the tip of his cock right through them because he'd already let out quite a bit of pre-cum. Good boy, I thought. I rolled off of Cindy so that she could sit up, and we both kneeled in front of him, his back to his friends. "Come on," I said, "too late to be shy, I can already tell your loving this." He blushed and Cindy decided to take things into her own hands. She reached up and hooked two fingers over his waistband, and then slowly pulled them over the top of his cock. He groaned as she unhurriedly dragged them down the length of his shaft, more pre-cum leaking from the tip as she did. I reached out with one finger and slid it up and down, covering it with his wetness. He watched as I licked my lips and then slipped my finger into my mouth, sucking it like it was a dick. "It looks like he's close to Cumming, just from that." Said Cindy. "Wouldn't take much to make him explode, not much at all." He groaned again, and I reached out and ran just one fingernail all along the seam of his scrotum. It turned out to be more than enough as his cock began to spasm and he clenched his eyes shut. I quickly popped the tip of his dick into my mouth, and gave his balls a nice squeeze. I was rewarded with a huge spray of cum; it felt like a fire-hose shooting it out, right in my mouth. He pulled away, his face bright with shame. "Don't worry, I won't tell your mommy," I said to him. His friends cracked up, lightening the mood dramatically. I stood and pulled off my own panties, which were now quite wet. I walked over to the groom and gently rubbed the crotch across his face. "You like how these smell? You do, don't you? You'd like to eat me wouldn't you?" His friends were egging him on, telling him to taste the panties first. I laughed and danced back over to Cindy, enjoying my naked show. "Who's next?" I asked. "Let's see some more cocks! Cindy, let's get their pants off!" With that Cindy and I each grabbed a guy and started tearing off their clothes. Everyone quickly was completely naked, except for the groom, who looked like he wanted to get out. "The groom is going to need another lap dance, but I guess he can just watch us for now." I looked around at all the cocks and could hardly decide where to start, they all looked like they were aching to cum. I got down on all fours in front of the closest one, and spread myself wide. I wanted to get fucked, and I wanted it nasty. "Help yourself," I said. "Let's see if you can hold out longer than your friend. Anyone have a cock for my mouth?" One of them positioned himself in front of me, presenting a hard, wet cock for me to taste. I received a pleasant surprise from behind when rather than a cock; I felt a tongue on my twat. It seems the guy who was going to fuck me was already pretty close to Cumming and decided to calm down a little, but still keep himself busy. I groaned and pressed my cunt into his face, and gave the dick in front of me a long slippery lick. Cindy had decided she wanted to fuck them one after another. She lay on her back, three guys in front of her. "Ok, you each get one minute to fuck me, then you go to the back of the line. First one to cum in me gets a spanking from me and Tina." With that the first guy knelt between her legs and quickly entered her sopping hairless slit. He started fucking her, his two friends timing him so that he didn't intrude on their turns. I was licking the balls of the guy in front of me, when the pussy licker behind me decided he couldn't wait any longer to fuck. I felt the tip of his cock being wiped up and down my pussy, and he thoughtfully paused at my clit for a gentle rub. It felt really really hot, sending shockwaves through my clit up to my stomach. I sobbed as my first orgasm engulfed me, and I begged him to fuck me hard right now. "God, shove your fucking cock up my cunt! Do it now, God it fucking feels so good! FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME!" I shouted as my pussy clenched his cock and milked his seed from his balls. The guy in front of me tried to back away as I came, but I grabbed him by the cock and pulled him to my mouth. He was doing everything he could not to cum; he really wanted to fuck me next, which was fine with me. I took it easy on him and just flicked the tip of his dick with my tongue as my orgasm started to subside. Man, I sure was happy with the way things were working out. The guy behind me pulled his deflating manhood from my pussy, I could feel his cum starting to leak out. I turned around so his friend who just exited my mouth could try me from the back. I really love getting fucked on all fours; it allows the cock in deep and I cum very easily. He wasn't shy about sloppy seconds, I felt his dick slip right in to the hilt and start banging away in the mess. That thought made me even hornier, I motioned the first guy I had blown over to me so I could get him nice and hard again, after all, why shouldn't he get to fuck too? I was vigorously licking his balls and shaft when I heard one of the guys fucking Cindy groan loudly and say, "God, I can't hold it, I'm think I'm going to cum in you!" "That's it honey, fucking cum for me! Cum in my pussy, fill me up with your spunk! Yes, that's it, cum hard for me so you can get your spanking!" That was Cindy urging him on. God, this girl was definitely special. Just as the guy started to spurt into her, I felt the cock in my pussy release it's own load, adding quite a bit of cum to what was already in me. I knew by the time I got home my cunt was going to be a completely cum sopped mess, just the way Rob likes me. Cindy hopped into a chair, and had the guy who came lay across her lap. "Come on Tina, help me give this naughty boy his punishment!" I joined her, cum running down the inside of my thighs, and we alternated slapping his ass and stroking and kneading his balls. He kept squirming, which only earned him extra smacks. His friends were laughing, but before we were done he was halfway to being stiff again.