Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Would You?

Would You? On your drive over to my house, you have some small miscellaneous thoughts about the band practice you just left. About how you almost have that new song down pat and how much everyone is going to love hearing, but the most prominent thought on your mind, all you keep thinking about is how much you can't wait until I suck your dick. You can picture so many graphic snippets, all these graphic poses in order, out of order, any order. My lips on your cock, you jerking off all over my face, ramming my mouth as you grip my jaw, my tongue swirling around your head, me licking up your come. Your hands over my ears - moving my head to pleasure you faster. My hands sliding up and down your shaft as my lips suck on your head....You are almost here.....Hurry Up. You park in the driveway and walk up to my door, you hear loud heavy music coming from inside, you get up to my apartment and see the door is open and waiting for you to walk through it. You say hello rather loudly, but it doesn't matter, no one is going to hear you, the radio is just to loud. Shut the door, walk through my apartment and look for me. You don't see me in my den, I am not in the bathroom. I can't answer you. You find me in the Living Room. But you didn't see me at first. No one on the couch or loveseat, TV is not on. All you are really aware of is how loud that radio behind you is and that you can't seem to find me. Until you looked down. I am wearing just a regular silky nightshirt, but I am all tied up. I have a blindfold around my eyes, my mouth is stuffed and gagged. My hands are behind me in handcuffs, there is rope around my ankles and right above my knees. Your first instinct is to see if I am even alive, much less ok. As you go to remove the blind off my eyes, you notice for the first time how heavy I am breathing and as you look me over you realize how aware of you I am and how excited and turned on I am, you see how wet I am for you. I am completely in your control. I am helpless. You stop yourself from removing my blindfold. I have been lying here forever. I can not see, I can not speak, I can not get up. All I can do is sit here and wait in anticipation for you to arrive. My senses are so heightened and aware of the surroundings. I hear cars go by and wonder when you will be here. I hear a car pull in the driveway and shut off it's engine. I hear footsteps on the stairs, and I hear you call out hello over the sound of the radio. You just stepped in the Dining Room right where the boards creak a little when stepped on. I hear you walking towards the living room. I can smell you, your shaving cream, your cologne, just all you. My heartbeat is racing at the thought of you coming over to me and... You set me up so I am kneeling on my knees. My back is straight up because of the handcuffs. My head is moving, as if I was trying to look at your directly. You realize how in control you are, I can't stop you from doing anything, and that is what brings out the dominance in you. You look at me, and you truly recognize me for what I need to be. I need to be controlled, broken, maybe even humiliated. You are here to discipline, use me, to praise me, to want me, to beat me. I am your whore, your slut, your slave to do with as you wish. You treat me as I am. I am here to do what you make me do. You have never been in this position before, have never been truly in control like this before but the animal instinct in you knows what to do. You loosen the scarf that has been tied around my mouth and remove the gag that was in it. You walk to the Kitchen and get an ice cube out of the freezer. I hear the freezer door shut and hear you approach me. You tell me to open my mouth, and as I do, you place the ice cube in there. Thank you, that feels so good after the gag had been in there. I need to have you take the ice cube out, my mouth is very cold. You now stand up in front of me. As I am kneeling there, I hear your zipper go down, now your pants are coming off. You tossed them in the corner. You grip my chin with your hand and force me to open my mouth. You place your cock in it. My breathing is increasing faster and faster and I tongue your cock. I swirl my tongue all around you. I am licking your balls, running my tongue up your shaft, I have your cock in my mouth as I go back and forth on it. Your rocking your hips, fucking my mouth. All you can hear is my mouth as it sucks you. You place your hands on the sides of my head, you are controlling my movements, you are controlling me...but you want more, you want to possess me, own me. You push me away so I land on my back. You look down on me and see that even though I might be tied up and helpless, you have not broken my self-control. There is still that feel of authority and self-assuredness about me that you want gone. You will break my will. You will make me beg for you, plead you to give me the release I need. You will decide if I get from you what I need. You remove the rope from my knees and ankles and use it to tie my right leg to the couch and my left leg to the chair. As you look me over, you see my legs spread out for you, my back is arched off the floor because of my handcuffs and I still am blindfold. You kneel between my legs and place you hands under my ass. As you lift it further off the floor you plunge your cock into me and can't believe how wet and hot my pussy is. As you rock back and forth, you realize that I am on the verge of a climax already and you pound harder and harder into me. I am so ready to come, I can feel it, my breathing is so fast, I am starting to cry out I am coming so hard, you remove your hand from my ass and clamp it hard over my mouth, this only turns me on more I can't stop climaxing, you are pounding into me. You stopped and pulled out. You need to know I have to answer. It doesn't matter how loud you are, no one will hear, the radio is loud enough to cover you. "Who controls you?" you remove you hand, but I won't let you win. You start fucking me again, as I get ready to climax, you stop. "Who is in control", and I tell you I am. You start fucking me again and bring to the point of orgasm and stop, I am begging you not to stop. "Who controls you?" Please fuck me Chris, Please. "Who owns you?". Chris you do, you own me, please I beg please, let me have this one. You start to pound into me and my mouth is covered by your hand I am having multiples, you are fucking me so hard and fast, I can't see, I can't yell out, I can only sit there and enjoy the ride. I finished but you are still pounding when all of a sudden you stop and pull out. You straddle my shoulders and grab my chin. You force me to have my face directly under your cock. You keep a hold of my chin and start jerking off. I pick my head up to lick you, suck you, you come all over my face as I lick your cock clean. After you get back from cleaning yourself up, you unlock my handcuffs. As you walk out the door and down the stairs, you also now realize, this can only happen again, and it just might if you want it to.