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White Guy Second Time

White Guy Second Time Going back to my geometry class I wasn't sure how to act or how Jason would react to me now that he fucked me, I didn't tell anyone and I was hoping he didn't either, I didn't see him until I got to class, glancing over he just sat there staring at me. I only looked him in the eyes a few seconds putting my head down going to my seat, I glanced over again he was still staring with a shit eating grin on his face, I looked away again just as the bell rung, Miss. Tibbetts came in starting class. She was going around firing questions at everyone, getting to Jason she asked him a couple, he got them right she went away from him then went back asking three more, surprising her, she looked at me saying, "well Michelle, I see a little studying with you has done wonders for him, I hope you going to help him again for the test tomorrow". I said "I think he will be ok" but before I could even finish he said "I am struggling with a few things" Miss. Tibbetts looked at me taking a deep breath I said "ok, one more evening" he replied "yes" with a big smile, after class I told him "only studying this time, I mean it" but I will be at his house a couple of hours later, not right after school, I was seeing Steve, we made plans to get together after school. After school I was in front on the steps with my friend Angie waiting on Steve to pick me up when I saw Jason cruising by stopping in front blowing his horn calling me over, walking over I noticed Brian and two others in the car with him, I leaned in, he said "I'll see you about five" I answered "yes" but noticed hanging from the mirror was my panties from yesterday. The guys noticed me looking and they kind of chuckled, I looked at Jason kind of sternly then I heard a horn blowing, looking back it was Steve, I said "Jason we'll talk when I get to your house" I went getting in the car with Steve. He said "hey baby, you ok" I just smiled saying "yes, lets get out of here" he replied no problem driving away, we went parking at the park river over look, shutting the car off I told him I only had a little while I have to tutor Jason, he put his arm around my neck asking if we were still going out to the movies tomorrow night, I told him of course. Now Steve was a senior and a friend of my older sister's boyfriend, we met through her but never went out together, he smiled bringing his lips to mine placing his tongue in my mouth, my first time kissing him, I was nervous after all he was one of the most popular guys in school and he wanted to date a sixteen year old like me, he's been with some of the most popular and hottest girls in school. Wasting no time he slipped his hand in the top of my dress holding my breast squeezing it very hard, I was shaking from his touch, still kissing he took his hand opening all the buttons on my dress pulling my bra above both my tits moving from one to the other. He lowered his lips down taking one of my tits in his mouth, sucking and biting the tip of my nipple pulling it , I moaned holding his head saying "oh Steve", he moved over taking the other in his mouth doing the same thing, I was shaking and panting. I was holding his head tight with both my arms feeling his hand lowering down, when he reached my panties he slipped his hand in the top of my underwear, I opened my legs and he pushed two fingers in me deep holding them at first then he started twisting them, I closed my legs tight on his hand squirming. He let my tit from his mouth saying "open up" I did wide as he pumped them deep and hard in me, I was moaning so loud even more when he added a third finger pushing and stretching me open, I came all over his fingers, they were slippery wet "umm" I kept moaning. He pulled them out putting them in my mouth, I sucked my juice off them, he put them back in me pumped them a few times bringing wet fingers back in my mouth, again. I sucked them, he pulled them out and I watched him open his pants his dick sprung straight out. Now I could see why he was so popular, he was huge "come here baby get on top of me" I said "we can't do that here, its light, people are around and someone will see" he replied "fuck people" leaning over lifting my leg up pulling my panties to the side working his cock in me "oh easy" I moaned. I could feel each inch stretching me open, I closed my eyes moaning biting my lip as slowly he continued going in, it was feeling unbelievable, at that moment I felt my pussy exclude a gusher of fluid like I haven't in a while other than with Jason yesterday. He took his tongue licking my face, it was nasty but something made it feel so erotic, down on top of me he went forcing his entire cock in me, I moaned shivering, shaken in his arms, he began to long stroke me slowly, pulling out to the head then pushing it all back in me, it felt like a big snake inside me, he did this over and over, with each push I could hear squish from the fluid leaking out me. I opened my eyes looking in his, he whispered "tell me how much you love this, tell me", he had me feeling so good I moaned between my breaths "oh Steve, it feels so good" he stopped me saying "do it nasty" I moaned again "oh Steve it feels so fucking good, fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy" he replied "yea, that's it". Grabbing his ass, thrusting my hips to him we were going in rhythm, he turned me sideway and got back on top of me several times, he fucked me for the longest time without even cumming, I was a sweaty wet mess, he pulled out of me sitting up. He turned me bringing my self down backwards guiding his cock back in me, again squish I could hear, both his hands went on my breast squeezing them hard, his dick was so far up in me, just then we heard a tap on the window, he said "what the fuck" stopping, I covered up with my dress as he let down the window, it was a friend of his saying "Steve" he replied "man I'm busy fuck off" just before he rolled up the window that guy looked in saying "hey, that's that Michelle girl". Steve pulled me back down grabbing my breast again saying "move girl" and that's exactly what I did humping and pumping on him for several minutes then he pulled me down holding me tight, I felt the walls of that big thing in me pump shooting several large and continual shots of cum in me. It just kept going and going, I though it would never stop, no one had ever shot that much cum in me, I exploded cumming with him too, I squeezed the walls of my pussy pulling it all in me, I sat on top of him smiling, looking at him "Steve that was so wonderful, when you fill a girl up, you really fill her up" I said softly giving him a few peeks on the lips. He reached up pulling my bra down and buttoning my dress back up with his semi-soft dick still in me until it surped out, I just giggled moving over sitting down, he reached in back getting a towel saying "you'll need this" he was so right as I wiped it just kept coming soaking half the towel. "That's just the start of what's going to happen tomorrow night and I want to see you in your shortest and sexiest dress" I smiled saying "ok and I can't wait" he smiled saying he better take me home, I gave him a kiss saying "I'll be ready tomorrow" going in, I was late I need to change cloths before going to Jason's to tutor him. I took a quick shower putting on a t-shirt, white bikini panties and a tan short skirt, I had called Jason and he got there just as I put on my gym shoes, I went rushing out getting in the car with him, he was smiling saying "can you go back in and come out again, I like that jiggle thing you had going at top. Not wearing a bra my tits apparently were bouncing, I just half smiled saying "lets get out of here" he pulled off going towards his house, he reached over grabbing hold of one of my breast saying "I see you came prepared for me" I pulled his hand away saying "none of that only studying and give me theses back" reaching for my panties still hanging from the mirror. He grabbed my hand telling me those were his forever, as we drove I told him I knew he told his friends about what we did, he swore he didn't but they suspected we did something, I could tell he was lying but it wasn't worth the effort, we chatted only a little until we arrived at his house. Going in my legs were wobbly and my pussy still leaking from my time with Steve, down the stairs we went with him shutting the door behind us, just as I reached the bottom of the stairs turning he was in my face pulling me in his arms kissing me, pushing his tongue in my mouth, I kissed him only a little turning my head saying "stop" he asked why saying we had so much fun yesterday, I told him it was a mistake. "Well we need to make another one then" he said putting his lips to mine holding me tight groping my butt, I was trying to resist him but I was losing the battle, I was still hot and horny from Steve, relaxing I gave in kissing him back, breaking our kiss for a moment he said softly "that's it baby and I like how your panties are up in your cheeks. Bringing his lips back to mine I opened my mouth excepting his tongue moving and sucking on it, both his hands went under my skirt and down my panties went to my ankles again, around his hand went and fingers right in me "whoa, your pussy is so wet, what you been doing" he said between kisses. He went to fingering me hard, making me moan and cum, I was panting grinding so hard to his hand, he stopped kissing and fingering me pulling his fingers out, he reached lifting my t-shirt off, then unbuttoned my skirt dropping it on the floor by my panties, I stepped out of both. Standing in front of him now naked, he put his hands on my shoulders nudging me down, on my knees I went, looking up at him I started undoing his pants pulling them down, his dick was hard sticking straight out "see it already for you" I grabbed it in my hand stroking, pumping it up and down "put it in your mouth like you did yesterday". Looking up at him not taking my eyes from his I opened up wide taking half in my mouth sucking it hard, pulling back to the head going back on half several time "you look so good with that white dick between your lips, take me deep again" he moaned. Down I went nibbling with my lips working it down until my lips were pressed on his blonde pubic hair, I just held it deep circling it with my tongue "umm, you do that so well" he moaned, back I went with half in my mouth going back down sucking and banging his balls on my chin. He moaned "baby I'm going to cum, hold it deep let me cum in the back of your throat" he pulled my head forward putting his entire cock in my mouth grinding his hips in a circle, holding my head still he began shooting cum in the back of my throat, I swallowed gulping it all down not missing a beat. When I was sure I ate it all I started sucking him again, he soften up some but got hard again quick in my mouth "stop" he moaned pulling it from my lips, still on my knees I watched as he undressed taking all his cloths off, then laid me on the floor. I opened my legs wide rubbing my pussy, especially my clit, getting myself to cum, he got between my legs looking saying "never seen a pussy leaking like that" he climbed on top of me coming down going right in me with very little resistance, I wrapped my legs around him, holding him tight with my arms, he proceed to pound my pussy hard, I was panting and moaning with each thrust. "Damn baby you have some good black pussy" he moaned, he turned pulling me on top, now I was in control, maintaining how much dick was going in me and I wanted it all, I sat up on him with his entire cock in me, I rocked back and forth not letting an inch come out of me for several minutes as he pulled and stretched my tits, twisting my nipples. I now began to go in circles still not letting an inch out "oh Michelle, oh Michelle" he yelled loud, his hips buckled I went down stopping in anticipating and receiving a large load of warm cum, it felt so good, down I came kissing him putting my tongue in his mouth ending with a few pecks. I rolled off him laying on my back feeling the cum running between my butt cheeks, I had some afternoon getting fucked twice good "well I better go, I guess no studying tonight" he chuckled saying "I got the best lesson ever" I smiled gave him a kiss gathered my cloths and dressed, out to the car we went stopping in front of my house, I looked around seeing no one I gave him a quick peck on the lips.