Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

First White Guy

First White Guy I was in my forth period geometry class in Uni, thing were getting tough for some but I was breezing along getting straight 'A' and this new white guy name Jason who had transferred in class was struggling hard, not doing well at all, Miss. Tibbett asked me to tutor him, even though he had barely said two words to me since he has been there. At first I was hesitant but she felt I was the only one who could help him, even though I was only a southmore and he, a junior, so after class we met and make arrangements to meet after school, he had a car telling me he would pick me up in the front of the school, before he walked away he paused staring at me looking me over, his eyes paused at the helm of my short jean skirt. He said "Michelle, I never noticed how pretty you are" he scanned back up to my eyes licking his lips lightly, I replied "remember I'm coming to help you study, that's it" he nodded grinning saying "yes only studying" walking away, now he was cute but there was no way I was going to mess around with a white guy, the black guys in school would have a fit. After being dismissed from school I walked out looking for him, I waited only a few minutes and he pulled up in a shiny mustang with a guy sitting with him, I strolled over asking "what's up" he answered that he was going to drop his friend Brian off then we would go to his house to study. I wasn't so sure about going to his house, I thought we might go to the library, but he kept saying "come on, you'll be safe trust me" that was my worry, I barely knew him and could I, I finally said "ok you better be good" his friend got out holding the seat for me to get in back. I turned climbing in back sitting, as I did Brian said "damn" looking down at my legs, I was pretty sure he saw under my skirt, the seat sat low and my skirt was way up on my legs, I put my hand between my legs holding my skirt down, he drove a couple miles dropping Brian off, as I was getting out the back seat Brian again held the seat up. Stepping out I couldn't help it my legs opened and again he got a good look up my skirt "my, my pink, my favorite color and sheer too" he said, I just smiled climbing in front then he sped away a few blocks and we were at his house, it was big and very nice. When we parked in his driveway I quickly got out trying not to make the mistake letting him get a peek and give him the wrong idea about what I was here for. We walked up going in the front door seeing his older brother Don, he introduced us telling him we were going in the basement to study, I began to go down the stairs but I turned saying "it was nice to meet you" to his brother only to see his head tilted sideways starring at my rear. Down the stairs we went with him shutting the door, his basement was nice with games, a big TV, couch, table and other things down there, we sat at the table putting our book down going over things, at first he was playful not wanting to get serious but he did button down and we went over things for a couple hours, when he started getting it answering every question correct he asked for a hug and they became several, getting longer and longer. The last one he stopped holding me looking me in my eyes putting his hand under my chin he brought his lips to mine, surprising me kissing me, at first I hesitated but when he slipped his tongue in my mouth I began kissing him back, putting my arm around him. I felt him reach up holding and squeezing one of my breast, I just kissed him that much harder, he reached inside the top of my shirt and bra feeling my bare tit pinching my nipple with his fingers, I slowly pulled my lips from his reaching up taking hold of his hand stopping him, putting my tit back in my bra "I better go" I said. He told me I didn't have too but I stood up insisting saying "that kiss shouldn't have happen" he kinda smiled saying "ok, just act like it never happened but give me one last hug before you go" I saw nothing wrong with that so in his arms I went putting mine around his neck. He held me around my waist tight, my breast pressed tight on his chest, again he brought his lips towards mine I said "no don't" but when our lips touched I opened my mouth excepting his tongue getting so into kissing him running my hand through his blonde hair. I was so nervous feeling him lowering his hand down rubbing it all over my butt with one hand then both lifting up my skirt feeling my panty clad bottom, I kept thinking I should stop before this goes too far but I couldn't, he leaned me against the wall we began to grind together, I was thrusting my hips to him, he pulled his lips from mine saying "I have got to have you". I shook my head saying "no I can't", he brought his lips back to mine kissing me hard again rubbing my ass more, I felt him reach up lowering my bikini panties feeling them reach my knees first, then they dropped to my ankles, his hand moved around and I opened my legs and his finger went right inside. I was moaning loud as he finger fucked me fast and hard, I was moving in a circle to his hand, in with another finger he went doing me with two now, I came twice quickly, he pulled his lips from mine whispering in my ear "you are so fucking wet and tight" he just rested his head on my shoulder continuing fingering me. He dropped down to his knees grabbing my panties at my ankles, I stepped out of them, he stood up, taking me by the hand bringing me over to the couch, still standing I watched as he opened all the buttons on my blouse taking it off then my bra, leaving me in only my jean skirt and sandals. Looking me over he said "Michelle you are some sight to see" he took me laying me on the couch pushing my legs open looking between them "you have a pretty black pussy" he said. He got between my legs burying his face between them shoving his tongue in and out my slit, he was driving me wild, it was feeling so good, pushing my legs up wider his tongue went deep in me, I screamed with pleasure. He knew he had me licking up the whole shaft but paying extra attention to my clit, my hips shook, one last lick, he brought his lips to mine kissing me again, I could taste the flavor of my pussy juice on his lips, I reached down opening his pants pulling his hard cock out, I just stroked it, going up the entire shaft then guided it in my soaking wet pussy, he had me so ready. I was surprised for a white guy he was pretty long and thick, taking my time I worked it in me then put my arms on his hips, down he came putting the rest in me, I cringed feeling him inside me, I felt him starting to move, I rotated my hips to him, looking him in the eyes I brought my lips to him kissing him. It was feeling so good I thrust my tongue in his mouth playing tongue tag with his, faster I moved in long and short circles, I was so wet but my pussy lips held him tight, he pulled his lips from mine whispering "slow down, you are too tight, you are going to make me cum" I didn't want to but I slowed down almost stopping. He pulled back his cock popped out of me and I moaned loud in his ear, he climbed up on top of me bringing his wet cock to my face, I opened my mouth taking it inside, attacking and sucking it, he was pumping his cock in and out my mouth "Michelle, my dick looks good between your lips" he said softly. I was really working at it getting most in my mouth, I sucked and twisted my head on it hard almost gagging but tasting his pre-cum looking up at him, slowly he pulled back taking it from my lips, I gave the head a final lick, down he went saying "let me get you out this skirt". He grabbed the bottom pulling, wiggling it down off my butt taking it off me then just stared at me laying there naked, he then removed his shirt and pants telling me to turn over, I turned on my stomach looking back at him, he reach down holding and rubbing my buns, seeming to like them saying "white girls don't have an ass like this". Grabbing me around my hips he pulled me up on my hands and knees, getting behind me he guided his cock right in me, not stopping until he was all inside, glancing back he was staring at my ass with his dick sticking in me, he began to move pumping back and forth in me, moving with him I could feel my butt cheeks bounce. We were really at it now, both going hard and fast, I was panting and moaning loud, I heard him grunt, his hips buckling then he pulled out of me shooting cum all over my butt and going up my back, spraying quite a bit, I moaned with my hips moving, he guided his cock back in me pumping me hard banging my ass good then he started cumming only this time in me, I screamed loud with pleasure saying "oh Jason, oh Jason". His cum felt so good in me, I looked back at him moaning and smiling, I thought this white dick was better than I thought it could be, he pulled out of me with a slurp and a light smack of my juicy cunt lips. He stood up coming pulling me up so I was sitting on the couch, he was holding his cock by the base bringing it to my face, it was covered in juice with a little cum dripping from the tip, putting his hand behind my head he pulled it towards it, I opened my mouth taking it inside sucking hard, we looked each other in the eyes as it soften up, I gave a few more pulls, stretching it, letting it drop from my lips. He looked down at me smiling "baby that was nice" he said, I just gave a half smile gathering my cloths, we both got dressed, just as I was about to put on my panties he grabbed them saying he was keeping them to remember this day, I said "ok". We went up the stairs and there stood his brother, I forgot he was up there, I was wondering if he knew what we did, I was pretty sure when he said 'well I could hear you two got lots of studying down" grinning and winking at us. I quickly went out the door and he drove me home.