Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

My first time

My first time When I was a young man of 16 years my favorite uncle took it upon himself to give me some free advice that I have never forgotten. "Andy", he said, "Don't make the same mistake I did. When I was young like you I was too fussy about women, so I didn't get to fuck as often as I would have liked. Don't be ashamed to have sex with uglier women, don't be ashamed if she's a little heavy. As long as she isn't filthy and dirty, then go ahead and fuck her, regardless of what your friends think. I regret being so picky, and now I'm too old to do anything about it!!" Now granted he was pretty full of beer at the time, but I looked up to him and really took what he said to heart. However, like him I was really looking forward to having sex with all the "cool" girls who would have me. Fast forward a couple of years to my senior year in highschool. I was a popular guy, and did okay with the ladies. Our English class was divided into different study groups of four students each, and just my luck, Darlene was in my group. Darlene wasn't very pretty. In fact, she was very plain. Her folks were quite poor so she didn't dress very well, her dirty blonde hair was straight and shaggy. She didn't seem to have much of a personality either, but years of torment and teasing from her fellow classmates probably had alot to do with her sour demeanour. Her only redeeming qualities were that she had a pretty good body, but no guy in my class would ever admit that to another, and she had fantastic lips. Full, red, and pouty. But still....she was just plain Darlene. Plain, ugly Darlene. It happens that we had a project to do, and it was decided we should get together on the weekend to decide what we were gonna do. Darlene offered to have it at her place since it was more or less central to where the rest of us lived. We agreed to meet there on Saturday afternoon. The other guys in my group confided to me that there was no way they were REALLY gonna go to her house, and suggested that I should ditch too...but grades were too important to me, and I really didn't want to hurt her feelings. I pulled into her driveway, a long narrow lane that led to an old house not visible from the main road. It was the first time I'd ever seen it, and it was a good thing it was hidden. It was old looking, beat up with shutters barely hanging on. The paint was peeling window was covered with see thru plastic, another one just with a garbage bag. As I parked my car and got out, I met her mother who was lust leaving. She was very pleasant and seemed happy that her daughter had a friend. She told me Darlene was inside and that she would be away for the afternoon. Just as she was getting into her car she hollered to me jokingly, "Now you kids behave yourselves while I'm gone !!"...I laughed and said not to worry...but inside I was thinking..."yeah..I don't think you have much to worry about !!!" I walked inside and found Darlene at the kitchen table with her books out. The inside of the house was a stark contrast to the outside. While the furnishings weren't expensive or fashionable, they were nice and made the place feel very homey. But it didn't take long for my eyes to divert back to Darlene. She stood up and offered me a Pepsi, which I accepted. As she went to the fridge I could barely take my eyes off her. She was wearing a pair of tight cut-off jean shorts, and a white t-shirt, just as snug. I never realized how large her breasts were, but I sure noticed how they bounced as she strode across the kitchen floor. She opened the fridge and bent over to get the Pepsi from the bottom shelf, and my eyes must have bulged out of my head when I noticed the bottom of her ass cheeks sticking out ever so slightly from her shorts. Suddenly, as if in a dream, my uncles words came flooding back to me. I was getting aroused by this girl !! She asked me to sit down, her voice snapping me out of my trance. God, she was so homely, so plain...but I wanted to fuck her and I couldn't get my mind off of it. But we hit the books, and for a while I managed to concentrate on the task at hand. After a few hours we managed to get alot accomplished so we decided to take a break. She refreshed my Pepsi and invited me onto the back deck. We sat on the bench and talked small talk, and I realized that Darlene was actually a nice girl, noone really ever took the time to get to know her. By now it was about 5pm, but the sun on the back porch was hot. Darlene's skin was glistening in the heat, and her top was sticking to her body. Her full breasts were teasing me, and I began to get aroused again. She was talking away...I could hear her but I wasn't listening. We were sitting sideways on the bench now, facing each other. My eyes darting from her eyes to her breasts, to her crotch, and back again. I couldn't concentrate, and I think she noticed, but she never let on that she did. To this day I can't tell you what we talked about on that bench, but we began to sit closer together, her leg touching mine. I was hard. I was harder than I had ever been in my life. My cock was straining to get out of my shorts, and I knew how visible it was. Darlene placed her hand on my leg and leaned towards me, seemingly unsure of herself. I closed my eyes and kissed her. A slow, soft kiss. She pulled back and looked at me, but didn't say anything. Then she placed her hands behind my head and came to me again, and we kissed hard and passionately. She began rubbing my aching cock through my shorts, and I moaned in response. I slid my arm underneath the back of her t-shirt and rubbed her back. She lifted off my shirt, and kissed my chest, sucking on my nipples before returning to my mouth. I moved my hand around to the front of her shirt and felt her huge breasts through her bra. Then I went lower, massaging her crotch. She felt so hot between her legs, and even through her tight jean shorts I swear I could feel her wetness. Suddenly she got down on her knees on the deck floor as I sat on the bench. She undid my shorts and slid them down to my ankles, my cock springing out and almost hitting her in the face. She took it in her hands and stroked it as she buried her face into my balls, tonguing me, licking me...then she slowly dragged her tongue up my shaft, looking into my eyes as she did. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I could tell I was about to get the best blowjob of my life, and Darlene never looked better than she did right now with my cock in her warm hands. She let some spit drop from her gaping mouth onto my throbbing tool, and used it to moisten my shaft. She continued stroking me, working it in, and then she poised her lips at the top of my cock, teasing the head. She plunged down slowly and I savoured every second. Inch by inch she took me into her mouth, and I watched as nearly my entire seven inches disappeared. Then she pressed her lips even tighter around me as she slid back up my shaft, her hand firmly gripped around the base. She stroked me and told me how beautiful my cock was...she looked into my eyes as she sucked me like that some more. She slapped my meat against her cheeks, and then devoured me again. She licked my shaft and massaged my balls, telling me she wanted me to cum. I was getting pretty close to that point, but I desperately wanted this to last. Darlene really knew how to suck a cock...who knew? She stopped for a second and took her shirt off. She had the biggest tits I had ever seen except for in dirty movies and such. She unsnapped her bra and they spilled out. Her nipples were big and hard. Her aureola were a deep pink color, the size of quarters. I sat up so I could touch them. I squeezed them together, played with her erect nipples, and begged for her to let me kiss them. But she told me to sit back again and I was in no mood to argue. I laid back and she brought her heavy breasts to my cock. She picked them up with her hands and pulled them apart, placing my rigid cock between them, and then squeezing them together. My dick was still wet from her sucking, and so I began to move my hips, fucking her tits. Then she released my cock from her breast's pillowy grip and continued sucking me. She only put about two inches into her mouth, sucking the head very hard, and used her hand to jerk me off. I began to moan as I could feel my balls tighten. She moved her mouth to my balls, sucking them into her mouth as she stroked me quickly, then suddenly she began probing my ass with her tongue. It sent me over the edge. I announced I was going to explode....She immediately returned to my cock, slamming her face into me harder than ever, her hand wrapped around the base making circular jerking motions. I yelled again that I was going to cum, but she didn't relent. I exploded with a vengeance, it felt like the largest load I had ever released, but she kept sucking me, jerking me. Wave after wave of cum I spewed into her mouth, and finally I could see a thick gob of it running out of her mouth down my shaft. It was too much for her to swallow, but God love her, she tried. As my orgasm subsided she took her mouth off my cock. I could see the stringy goo gathered in her mouth, sticking to her teeth. She licked my tool clean, making sure to get the stuff she didn't take in the first time. I felt as if I was in a daze...I was sweating terribly even though I barely moved from the bench. She kissed my cock and stroked it softly. She asked me if I enjoyed that and I said I did...and I thanked my uncle to myself. Darlene sat on the bench again beside me and we kissed. I could taste my own salty cum mixed with her saliva. I stood up and in front of her, my half hard cock swinging. She looked at me and smiled, and said she wanted more of that. This time I knelt down on the patio, and unbuttoned her tight shorts. She helped me lower them off her wide hips, and I slid them completely off revealing a soaking wet pair of white panties that did little to hide the fat hairy pussy underneath. I rubbed my hand over her mound, and she moaned softly. I leaned forward and kissed her wet panties, she was so wet, I could taste her sweet juices. I pushed her panties to the side and slid a finger deep inside her. She gasped. I began tonguing her clit, which was bigger than I expected. As I alternated quick, light flicks of my tongue with slow, firm, dragging movements I inserted another finger into her hot damp snatch. She was moaning wildly, her hands placed firmly around my head holding it in place. I looked up at her, and Darlene began to look beautiful to me. I was seeing her in a totally different light. Sure she was not very pretty, but having my face buried into her hot cunt seemed to have a positive effect on her looks. I pulled back slightly and removed her panties. She was so sopping wet that her thick pubes were matted in her own juices. I sucked each little tuft of pussy-soaked pubic hair into my mouth. Her pussy was fat. She had the fullest outer lips I have ever seen, even to this day. Her clit protruded proudly, begging almost to be sucked. Her inner lips peeked out from her pussy, visible even through the thick brown bush that covered them. I used two fingers to open her twat, and slowly licked inside, all around her labia, sucking each one into my mouth before licking some more. I brought my other hand to my mouth and licked it, and used it to rub her swollen clit. Darlene's grip around my head tightened, "Eat my pussy !!", she hollered and pulled my face into her hot crotch. I buried myself into her, soaking my face with her juices. I stuck my tongue deep into her hole, probing around inside her as my fingers continued playing with her clit. Then I used my fingers to fuck her pussy as I dragged my tongue all around her clit, occasionally sucking it into my mouth. She began to buck her hips a little so I increased my intensity. I could feel her pussy tightening on my fingers...I lapped on her pussy mercilessly, paying special attention to her clit. She began to scream. I buried my face into her hot snatch again, eager to taste her juices. I continued rubbing her clit with my fingers, and she placed her hand on top of mine to help. "I'm cumming !!, I'm fucking cumming !!", she screamed, and I could tell. Her pussy tasted so good right now, and I lapped it like a dog. I stood up with my cock in my hand. Without saying a word she laid down on the bench, so I got on top of her and slid my thick tool into her easily. I fucked her slowly, looking into her eyes. She wrapped her legs around me and stuck her nails into my ass, pulling me into her. I began to fuck her harder, and she met each thrust with one of her own, almost lifting herself off of the bench. It wasn't the most comfortable place to fuck, but I wasn't complaining. She was so hot, so wet, I could feel her juices splash onto my balls as I began thrusting all of my cock into her. Her eyes widened..."God you are so big !!", she moaned. I got up onto my knees, placing one foot on the patio, and taking her legs in my hands. I rolled her ass up slightly, and placed her legs on my shoulders. Now we could watch as my cock slid into her hairy pussy. I took my tool out of her snatch and rubbed it on her clit, then slid it back into her. I got a good rhythm going now, fucking her slow and sure, gradually getting harder and faster, my sagging balls swaying back and forth occasionally banging against her soft ass. Darlene began to rub her clit now, and it really turned me on to see a girl touching herself. I could feel myself getting ready to cum again. I placed my hand on top of hers and helped her rub her own pussy. She threw her head back, biting her lower lip. She looked so good right now. She began playing with her floppy breasts with her free hand, while furiously massaging her pussy with the other. Her soft moans turned to screams as she began to come again, and it sent me over the edge...I fucked her hard and fast, and at the last second withdrew my cock from her wetness, just in time to let the first stream of my hot cum shoot across her belly. She grabbed my cock and jerked me off, my cum flying all over the place. She milked every ounce of salty goo out of me and then rubbed the head of my cock into her pubes. I sat back exhausted and watched as she gathered my cum with her fingers on her stomach. She played with it, and even brought some to her mouth to taste it. It wasn't until now that we heard a car door slam on the other side of the house. Faster than I ever thought possible I had my shorts and shirt back on. Darlene was having a harder time. She found her shorts but not her panties. She quickly jumped into her shorts, and then threw on her t-shirt. But some of my sticky cum was still on her belly and the wet spots were visible under her t-shirt. At almost the last second I kicked her bra underneath the bench. Suddenly her mom came around the corner of the house carrying a bag of charcoal. "Well, it looks like you kids got alot of work done today." she said smiling. Darlene was frozen staring at her panties which were on the other side of the bench. "We decided to take a break, to get our heads clear." I responded, trying to divert her mother's attention. "Well you might as well stay for guys get the BBQ started while I go have a shower.", she said as she went back into the house. Darlene immediately dove for the panties and tucked them into her pocket. The whole front of her shirt was stained with my cum. "I think I should go get cleaned up a little too", she said with a sly smile of relief. "yeah...I think I'll just take off. But I'll get the BBQ going for your mom" We embraced each other and kissed softly, and then she ran into the house. I got the BBQ going and was ready to leave when I remembered something. I reached underneath the bench and got her bra. 36D. Gee, I thought they would have been bigger. But it was still a nice memento I thought to myself. And I went home. Darlene and I went out for the rest of our senior year, and I didn't care what anyone thought. Somehow having someone care about her made her more beautiful, and she cared more about her appearance. We had some wild sex, but I'll never forget the first time we did it on that bench. I still have her bra tucked away in a shoebox hidden by some hockey cards. This year is our ten year highschool reunion, and though we are both married to different people now I'm looking forward to seeing her. And I think it's time I gave her her bra back. Do you?.